🌍地理7⃣️ G2新学期第七课的课堂材料 🗺️ Tuesday Review on Energy & Map Skills

©️ Hermione MIAO

Captured near the Embankment

( 5:30pm 27th March 2015)


(0460/13 Tue. 1h45min 8:45am)

⏳Before the first exam, G2 has 63 days to go.



(0460/23 Wed. 1h30min 8:30am)

⏳Before the exam, G2 Paper2 has 71 days to go.




而且还进行了及时的fun quiz

The first period starts with a fantastic quiz on toursim which most students got high scores, then the class moves to 3.5 on renewable energy and non-renewable energy with examples, such as how dinosaurs becomes fossil fuels that we can use.

We also talked about various kinds of energy consumption with funny pictures.

Then we have a second period with geographical skills. After a review on scale, grid and square references, directions, relief and gradient, we had a quiz to figure out if everyone is catching up.


我们一起再过一遍,类似于我们学过的经纬度,先读东西经度,再读南北纬度,经线以本初子午线为0度经线自西向东变化,纬线沿着赤道向南北两极逐渐变大。同样的,自西向东变化的(在地图上体现为竖着的线)即为自西向东变化的,是首先要读的(first read),在读自南向北变化的(在地图上体现为横着变化的线(second read)。

There are some exam style questions.

What is E's four figure?

E is located at 9447.

So it is your turn to find out where is F located at (in four figure)?

Then there is also a possibel exam question for you when printed out, can you work out the gradient along E and F. If the examiner wants to be tricky, it will say, along the road E and F. In geography, we tend to use the percentage, so you can get an inspiration from this maths figures:



【提示:b^2=(c^2)-(a^2),b=Distance, a=Height】

Gradient=( H/D)*100%


