环球融创滇池南湾未来城·五渔邨小镇 / WTD 纬图设计机构 

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Thanks WTD for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool. Text description provided by WTD.


WTD:  From today on, be a happy person.I have a house facing the sea with spring flowers,From today on, be a happy person,Give every river and every mountain a warm name.


In recent years, with the continuous development along the Dianchi Lake, a wealth of tourism formats including holiday communities, parks, and theme businesses have been formed along the coast. As another comprehensive cultural and tourism project on the south bank of Dianchi Lake, the town of Cinque Terre covers an area of 2.59 million square meters. The plan will form a modern art and culture with the central part as the core of the town, the coastal area for cultural tourism and vacation, and the south side with the theme of health and wellness. A tourist town, creating a comprehensive lakeside resort integrating culture, leisure and vacation.

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Cultural tourism towns are usually large in size, with long development and sales cycles, and the opening time of the exhibition area is short, from several years to permanent. Therefore, its exhibition area carries a more important role than the urban residential demonstration area, and it often needs to be a scenic spot to continue to attract people. In the design of the 140,000-square-meter display area of the project, we have a clear goal to break through the pattern of conventional display areas, remove the formal definition of the landscape frame and nodes, make the content of the landscape greater than the form, and turn the space into one You can enjoy the slow life on the edge of Dianchi Lake. Fortunately, when we surveyed the site for the first time, we got a lot of inspiration.


The project is located on the top of the highest mountain in the South Bay of Dianchi Lake. The cliff faces the sea and is surrounded by land on three sides. When I came to the scene for the first time, I saw stones of different sizes scattered on the ground. The front of the sales department was flat, and the area near the cliff had a large elevation difference and a wide view of the landscape. We record the impression and inspiration given to the design by the environment-the rough veins of the earth, the deep texture of the stone, the looming villages, the clouds floating in the sky, the wind blowing by our ears, the fragrance of flowers in the air, and then we try to combine these The temperament and scene that originally belonged to the venue are restored.

项目鸟瞰图  Aerial view of the project


The design respects the original context and texture of the site, and respects everything that nature presents here. By digging deep into the residential culture of Yunnan, using natural elements such as clouds, stones, flowers, and light on the ground, it gives people a perfect natural wild experience. Use the power of nature and the locality of culture to create an immersive sojourn.

项目原始地貌  Original landscape of the project


The entrance is introduced by the overlapping water of a stone tile roof. The design is inspired by the traditional dwellings of Da Nuohe Village, Shilin, Yunnan, which are built with layers of stone houses on the mountain. These simple and vicissitudes of bluestone record the traces of the years and the changes in people’s lives. We introduced such local culture to create layers of villages like a ridgeline.



From the entrance to the core area of the mountain, it takes a 1km lead-in section to reach it. In order to allow people to have a more comfortable and relaxing experience when walking, the design uses this kilometer as a forest of trees, sea-like flowers, and winding trains to create a “mountain and sea journey”.

The small train is a means of transportation and as a landscape element. It solves the distance between the top and the next kilometer and the height difference of nearly 100 meters, and also adds to the unique memory of the place. The train passes through the flower tunnel and through the sea of verbena flowers. A retro carriage space is set in the car, and people enjoy the scenery and rest on the train, as if entering a fairy tale world. Unknowingly, he reached the top of the mountain.


After the train arrives at the station, it is the beginning of entering the core area. Here, we want to express it with a sense of local ritual. The stones on the ground and the white clouds above the head are the deepest memories of the designer when he first entered the site. Therefore, we enlarged the scale of the stone, reduced the scale of the human, and transformed the “cloud” into a solid body and pressed it on the boulder, forming the spectacle of “the cloud on the top of the boulder”, visually forming an abnormal proportion of space, breaking the convention Human scale creates a kind of surrealism.

设计手稿  Design of the manuscript

施工现场  The construction site


People pay tribute to nature with a humble attitude, walk into this space with curiosity and desire to explore, touch the texture of the stone, and experience the power of time and nature.


The combination of rough rocks and light corridors forms a long white cloud hovering on the boulder, extending to the roof of the building, and the landscape and nature are connected in one go. People slowly searched upwards through the gallery, and finally reached the roof and looked at the vast Dianchi Lake.


A wooden platform adjacent to the building provides a space for people to gather, rest, and communicate. Dozens of Dianpus surround a courtyard under the forest. If the top of the courtyard is in the shape of a leaf, it looks like a leaf floating in the forest. People can freely and comfortably move in the forest.

设计手稿  Design of the manuscript


In the process of reaching the shore, the design uses the method of space limitation to collect the sunlight in a tunnel leading to Dianchi Lake. The top of the tunnel passes through different sizes of squares to cut the sunlight to form a beam of light and walk in the tunnel, like Chasing the footsteps of the beam, towards the open sea of flowers and Dianchi Lake outside the tunnel.


As a common element in Yunnan’s traditional residential buildings, stone is one of the most important elements in our entire design. In the model area, the landscape takes the theme of “flower town”, combining the colorful flowers of Yunnan with the rough rocks to express the spatial temperament in a simpler way.


Different courtyards and leisure areas have been formed in the flower town due to the height difference. We covered the corridors with stones, and built the stone bases into stone arches and flower stands in the form of houses built by people in the past, showing the texture of the material. Climbing up the stairs, surrounded by flowers, the perfect scale makes people feel like walking in a medieval European town, nostalgic and romantic, making people truly feel the small town space that is separate from the city.


We also used stones to create an outdoor dining area attached to the small town restaurant. The rough stones are intertwined with delicate flowers to form a rich and scattered space texture. Looking at the Dianchi Lake in the distance through the landscape of the stone and the flower tree, the natural ecology also has local memories.


In addition to mountains, rocks, clouds, and flowers, light and shadow are also gifts from nature. The design uses the height difference of the building to open up a cave space. We let light be the protagonist of this space, and open the picture horizontally, allowing people to observe the flow of light and shadow in the shadow. The small transparent round window at the top brings in sunlight, showing the change of aperture during the day.

设计手稿  Design of the manuscript


Stepping on the small train, we embarked on a journey of mountains and seas, passing through the colorful sea of flowers, walking through the paths of strange rocks, and strolling the pure promenade. With the swaying of trees, the shelter of clouds, and the company of wind, we finally ushered in a broad “sea”. At this moment, both the inner freedom and the abundance of spirits flow in this happy town, and they are in harmony with this mountain and sea-this is the story of Dianchi Nanwan.


The experience of a space often comes from the temperament of the venue itself. In Dianchi Nanwan Future City, we want to create a “no design” landscape scene. Walking in it, the space is natural and smooth, as if he originally existed here. We use the landscape to give people a certain emotional and sensory experience, and use nature and local culture and materials to tell the story of the space, creating a stronger immersive experience, bringing in stronger emotions of the characters, and digging deeper into the landscape Definition.


After the completion of the exhibition area, people come to visit and check in every day. Some people come here to choose a house facing the “sea” for themselves, while others come to feel the scenery on the south bank of Dianchi Lake. In any case, this semi-open lakeside space has become a new tourist business card of Dianchi Lake, attracting people to come, and facing everyone passing by it with a warm and welcoming attitude.

越来越多的人前来参观打卡  More and more people come to see clocking in


Our lead designer Yang looked at this beautiful scene and couldn’t help composing a poem in his non-standard Mandarin:
From today on, be a happy person.The vastness of the sea,Look at the tall and tall mountains,Feel the misty clouds,Smell the fragrance of flowers,Feel the ruggedness of the stone.From today, look for the beginning of happiness.

项目总平图  Total project plan

设计团队:李卉 杨灿 李婉婷 吴春 戴甘霖 李文翔 蔡雪莲 张华盛 简梦婕 王园园 张书桢 韦维 兰明姝 宋照兵 姚淞骅 胡小梅 刘洁
业主方设计管理团队:黄茜 刘璐 满栎 张奕 李思思 陈衍 童川 杨洪冲 黄洪智

Project Name: Global Sunac Dianchi Nanwan Future City·Cinque Terre Town
Owner: Global Sunac
Landscape area: 138059㎡
Project address: Jinning District, Kunming
Landscape Design: WTD
Design team: Li Hui,Yang Can,Li Wanting,Wu Chun,Dai Ganlin,Li Wenxiang,Cai Xuelian,Zhang Huasheng,Jian Mengjie,Wang Yuanyuan, Zhang Shuzhen,Wei Wei,Lan Mingshu,Song Zhaobing,Yao Songhua,Hu Xiaomei,Liu Jie.
The owner’s design management team: Huang Qian, Liu Luman, Li Zhang Yi, Li Sisi, Chen Yantongchuan, Yang Hongchong, Huang Hongzhi
Architectural design: GAD
Landscape construction: Herun landscape (core area), Sichuan high standard (main entrance and introduction section)
Completion time: 2020
Photography: Holi landscape photography (except for special instructions)

更多read more about:  WTD 纬图设计机构



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