看图写作39:A Class Basketball Game

A Class Basketball Game
by Johnson
The grade helda class basketball match last week. The boys in each class are very excited andare actively preparing for the competition.
Now the basketball teams of Class 1 and Class 2 are playing on the court. Player No. 2 in black breaks through the heavy line to turn around and gives a jump shot. The ball is in. 2 points! The students present cheer up for the final ball.
The game which needs team work spirits makes the students united in to one firm team.

在高中英语新课标(2020)中,教学活动除了传统的听、说、读、写外,增加了“看”,即 Viewing 这一提法。这促使师生进一步改进教与学的策略,把原来的文本阅读,拓展到非连续文本和可视化范围。