
武术,自然发力,专注,将能量集中于一点,瞬间发力,脑力思维归纳收敛,演绎发散掌握体力刚柔快慢掌握主动,下刀之前的动作,伐交,主体,兴趣爱好,杀人,抢银行,坐牢,尊道,客观存在,新事物取缔旧事物,遵循自然原则,取势,二进制,两面性,有利,扩大,不利,则将损失降到最低,抱法,因敌变化而变化,本体为空,上兵伐谋,行军用兵之道,由武术兵家,到学术,亲手手韧此贼,将意识诉诸语言,左手写字符号,说文解字,转化到右手写字,道之为用,错题集,人体思维能力呈现,语法逻辑修辞,八股文,概念定义假设理论,文献研究,汉语言文学,思想不能被束缚,无序混沌状态自发自组织形成有序状态,不稳定形成倍周期混沌状态,巧妙的越过去,放空枪,红军长征,西部军阀,朝天开枪,考试,试验,自由探索,试错进取,专转本,全民学习力试验测试,市场开发,新意识,新事物,新需求,新利润,精锐教育,没事尽量歇着。性文化在政治,军事,商业,教育文化,工业农业的影响,西夏李元昊,唐玄宗李隆基,文成公主入藏,与我妈,我爸,我二舅,我小二舅妈,我爷,我奶,性教育启蒙,听,执行,滚,小学一年级,初中一年级,高中一年级,大学一年级,宋晓越,药企,生物技术公司,电器厂,电子厂,集成电路板,工业建筑,厂房,机器设备,试剂,华中北京师范大学,同性恋文化,宗教文化之技术科学哲学,影视娱乐文化,中国传统封建文化,服务器外包公司,走为上策,反客为主,调动对方,缓兵之计,避实就虚,诱敌深入,寻隙歼敌,安全感,掌控感,选择权,决策权,主动权,进退得失,说,写,读,思维运动,下刀之后的动作,吃的,穿的,住的,行的,考试文化,钱粮,物资的获取,世界观的构建,集成区域经济文化发展概要,企业文化,芽苗菜项目3万,后边,教育培训公司,市场开发工作,政府事业单位农业局,一步一步摸爬跪打出来的,双方你方唱来我我登场,相互斗争中不断螺旋式向前发展。Martial arts, natural force, focus, concentration of energy, instant force, mental thinking convergence, deduction, divergence, master physical strength, speed, speed, initiative, actions before the knife, cutting, subject, hobbies, killing, grabbing Banks, go to prison, respect the way, exist objectively, new things outlaw old things, follow the principles of nature, take advantage, binary, duality, advantage, expansion, disadvantage, and minimize losses, hold the law, change due to changes in the enemy, ontology The way of being empty, going to war, and marching and using soldiers, from martial arts strategists to academics, personally resist the thief, and appeal to the language, handwritten characters on the left, explain the words, and convert to the right hand writing, the Tao is used , Collection of wrong questions, presentation of human thinking ability, grammatical logic rhetoric, eight-part essay, concept definition hypothesis theory, literature research, Chinese language and literature, thought cannot be restrained, disorder and chaotic state spontaneously self-organize to form an orderly state, instability forms a double Cycle of chaos, cleverly passing, emptying guns, Red Army Long March, Western warlords, shooting in the sky, examinations, trials, free exploration, trial and error enterprising, special conversion, national learning ability test, market development, new consciousness, new Things, new demands, new profits, elite education, rest as much as possible. The influence of sex culture on politics, military, commerce, education and culture, industrial agriculture, Xixia Li Yuanhao, Tang Xuanzong Li Longji, Princess Wencheng entered Tibet, with my mother, my father, my second uncle, my younger aunt, my father, and me Milk, sex education, enlightenment, listening, execution, rolling, first grade of elementary school, first grade of junior high school, first grade of high school, first year of university, Song Xiaoyue, pharmaceutical companies, biotechnology companies, electrical appliances factories, electronics factories, integrated circuit boards, industrial buildings, Plants, machinery and equipment, reagents, and server outsourcing companies are the best strategy, opposing customers, mobilizing the other party, slowing down, avoiding the reality, luring the enemy deep, seeking gaps and destroying the enemy, a sense of security, control, choice, decision-making power, initiative, Advance and retreat gains and losses, speaking, writing, reading, thinking movement, actions after the knife, food, clothing, housing, transportation, money and food, acquisition of materials, construction of the world view, integrated regional economic and cultural development summary, sprouts The project is 30,000. Behind, education and training companies, market development work, government agencies and agricultural bureaus, step by step, step by step, you can sing me and I will appear on the stage, and continue to spiral forward in mutual struggle.



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