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These fractures should be treated as a matter of urgency, and certainly within 24 hours of injury. Initially the hip is supported or splinted while investigations are carried out. Early aspiration of the intracapsular haematoma is advocated by some authors as a means of reducing the risk of epiphyseal ischaemia; however, the benefits are uncertain and the matter is controversial.
Undisplaced fractures may be treated by immobilization in a plaster spica for 6–8 weeks. However, fracture position is not always maintained and there is a considerable risk of late displacement and malunion or non-union.
Displaced type IV fractures also can be treated nonoperatively: closed reduction, traction and spica immobilization. Careful follow-up is essential; if position is lost, operative fixation will be needed.
Type I, II and III fractures are treated by closed reduction and then internal fixation with smooth pins or cannulated screws. ‘Closed reduction’ means one gentle manipulation; if this fails, open reduction is performed. In small children, operative fixation is supplemented by a spica cast for 6–12 weeks.

---from 《Apley’s System of Orthopaedics and Fractures》
aspiration /ˌæspəˈreɪʃn/n. 渴望;抱负;送气;吸气;吸引术
haematoma /,hi:mə'təumə, ,hem-/n. [病理] 血肿
epiphyseal/,epi'fiziəl/adj. 骺的;脑上体的
ischaemia/is'ki:miə/n. 局部贫血
the matter is controversial这个问题有争议
spica/ˈspaɪkə/n. 穗状花序;人字形绷带;
supplemented /ˈsʌplɪmentɪd/v. 增补,补充