


all animals need recovery.

the key is focus on both work as well as recovery.

what makes some individuals succeed despite living in a modern world or living with ambition and success? well these individuals know how to focus when they work, when they play. to use a cliche,  they work hard and play hard. what does that mean specifically? first of all, in recovery. they understand that quantity affects quality.

we have activities; we have so many wonderful things in our lives, but we have too many of them.

and we often feel frustrated. it’s perfectly natural, just like you will not be able to enjoy the two pieces of music played together even though individually they are your two most favorite pieces of music. too much of a good thing. quantity does affect quality.

as soon as i cut the activities, happiness levels went back up again.

so if we have lunch and we use lunch as recovery, and at the same time we are on the phone and doing email, that’s not recovery; that’s simply more stress. but if we have just lunch and focus on our eating and enjoy it, or just spend time with people we love, that’s recovery. the key is focus.

doing less- and when you do less, you get so much more done. 比如不看邮件,不看手机,(吃饭的时候玩手机,电脑登陆微信)creativity goes up. productivity goes up. work satisfaction goes up, because when we were distracted, there can’t be too much of a good thing.

when we are saying no to some opportunities, when we are saying no to some offers, we are saying yes to ourselves. and how do we choose what do we say no to and what do we say yes to?-by simply asking what do I really, really, really want to do. simplifying- doing less, rather than more.

Henry David Thoreau:” Simplicity, simplicity, simplicity! I say let your affairs be as two or three, and not a hundred or a thousand; instead of a million count half a dozen…In the midst of this chopping sea of civilized life, such are the clouds and storms and quick sands and the thousand-and-one items to be allowed for, and he must be a great calculator indeed who succeeds. Simplify. simplify.”

results for overcoming procrastination:

first, most important one, simple, easy to implement and it works. it’s what they call ”the 5 minutes take-off”.


we first need to start acting, behavior, that will then affect our attitude. because very often once we start, we are on a roll.

and very often that 5 minutes start as upward spiral. not through the mind, not through the heart. through action.

  1. Just do it.

  1. go public

  1. do with other people

  2. write it done, goals, plans, lists

  3. give yourself permission to be human, to recovery, to re-create

perfectionism is not about giving up ambition. i’m as ambitious, or possibly more ambitious than I was at age of 16 or 23. it’s about having a different approach toward the journey of our life, toward each step of the way- specifically, toward failure.

draw a circle

how to walk

the joy of learning. where is it? where is it? where does it go? well it goes away because we come to a certain age, when we begin to understand other people are watching us, and then the image kicks in. “I’m not going to try, because what if I fall?” or “I’m not going to ask her out, because what if she says no?” “oh no no no. i’m not going to try for this play, because hardly anyone gets that.”…

learn to fail or fail to learn


there is danger of failing. and wherever there is a crisis, there is also an opportunity to learn and grow.


George Eliot had this to say: “ The important work of moving the world forward does not wait to be done by perfect men.”

Middle March or Daniel Deronda (Tal’s favorite book.)

Just do it, just act, be prepared to fail.

Meachal Jordan

organizations with their psychological safety with their employees don’t or are not afraid of whistle blowing or not afraid of falling down of making mistakes. these organizations are significantly more successful. these are learning organizations with the employees constantly learn and grow. or you learn from your mistakes and then the next time you are able to do better. very significant research, whether it’s for leaders, whether it’s for parents. would you have this psychological safety for your kids, while they feel comfortable talking to you about things that they did not do well, about failures. because if they do feel comfortable, they are much less likely to enter into this perfectionistic fear of failure. and they are much more likely to be happier as well as successful.


Thomas Watson:” If you want to increase your success rate, double your failure rate."



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