6.3什么是文明? 《忽然》连载
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6.3 界定文明与中国文明
6.3 Defining Civilization and Chinese Civilization
每个人对于“文明”的解释可能都不同,但也大同小异。 我的文明定义没有特殊之处,跟老百姓的话语一样,我也马马虎虎经常按照 约定俗成就说起“文明” 。但我们也可以谈谈学术上的“文明”。
People often talk about civilization, but if you ask them for a definition, most will find it hard to come up with something precise. However anthropologists have their own definition.
人类学中狭义的“文明”是个特殊概念,特指人类从原始时期进入到一个相对 高级而复杂社会的新阶段。进入“文明”社会的标准也有许多,一般学者公认的 有这几项,同时符合了就属于文明社会,不符合就不属于“文明社会”,它们是:文 字,国家、金属冶炼、农业、城市等许多项目。很明显早一点进入文明阶段的就 叫“先进文明”,晚进入的就是“落后文明”了。 (据说中国学者正在制定“自己的文明标准”,我们为什么一定要听西方的?假如是这样的话,估计未来“中国的文明”就可以与西部文明一样悠久辉煌了)
“Civilization” is a special concept, referring to a relatively advanced and complex society that primitive human entered. Standards for entry into a civilized society are many and scholars generally recognize them with writing, nation, metal smelting, agriculture, cities, etc. Obviously, a society that entered civilization earlier was “advanced” while the one civilized later was “backward".
不同国家进入“文明”时间是不同的,甚至有的至今都不能算“文明”,比 如澳洲土著文化。美洲是否有“文明”也备受争议。
但公认的世界最早文明,是西亚文明,时间是从 5500 年前算起,连安纳托 里亚人类活动都不能算严格意义上的“文明”,因为当时尚没有文字。
The earliest civilization in a narrow sense appeared in ancient Mesopotamia in 3500 BC.
( 商朝甲骨文 / Oracle bones of Shang Dynasty )
严格地说,中国的文明时间按照目前的全球标准,是以甲骨文出现的时间划界,即 3250 年前的 商武丁时期,为取齐我一般使用 3300 年前。
Technically, Chinese civilization started in 1250 BC with the invention of oracles when King Wuding was in power (?-1192 BC) during the Shang Dynasty. Therefore, we should analyze Chinese civilization from the time when the Shang Dynasty was established.