
God does not much mind bad grammar, but He does not take any particular pleasure in it.--Erasmus
1.1 快速亮出主语——Show the Subject ASAP
S1.1. It is interesting to note that X is larger than Y.
S1.2. As a consequence of the preceding observations, Xis larger than Y
S1.1'. Interestingly, X is larger than Y./// Note that X is larger than Y.
S1.2'. Consequently, Xis larger than Y.// Xis thus larger than Y.
Principle 1. Delete or reduce the part before the subject
Shift the linking expression to the later in the sentence
1.2 主语、谓语尽可能地接近--Keep the
subject and verb as close as possible (ACAP)
S2.1. The researchers last week sent for the second time to the journal their manuscript
Correction: last week 隔断了主语 researchers 和谓语 sent,语言的流畅感立即下降了。如果我们这样修改:
✓S2.1': Last week the researchers send their manuscript to the journal the second time.
S2.2. People with a high rate of intelligence, an unusual ability to resolve the problems, a passion for computers, along with good communication skills are generally employed by such companies.
✓S2.2': Such companies generally employ people with a high rate of intelligence, an unusual ability to resolve the problems, a passion for computers, along with good communication skills.
核心句变成了'Such companies generally employ people (......)'
S2.3. These steps, owing to the difficulties in measuring the weight, require some simplifications.
Correction:插入语'owing to the difficulties... the weight'割裂了主谓结构,steps requires,为何不将插入语提前呢?
✓S2.3'These steps require some simplifications, owing to the difficulties in measuring the weight.或者 Owing to the difficulties in measuring the weight, these steps require some simplifications.说完这个
例子就可以提出我们逐步完善的' Principle of Basic word order'
(parenthesis)+Subject + Verb +Object +indirect Object +(parenthesis)
The usual construction:
associate A with B//apply A to B//give A to B//send A to B//introduce A to B//attribute A to B/consign A to B
1.3 谓语和宾语尽可能地接近--Keep the verb to its direct object ACAP
S3.1. We can separate, with this tool, X and Y.
✓S3.1'. We can separate X and Y with this tool.
S3.2. We can associate a high cost, higher overheads, a significant increase in man-hours and several other problems with these values.
✓S3.2'. We can associate a high cost with these values, along with higher overheads, a significant increase in man-hours and several other problems.
///we can associate several factors with these values: a high cost, a significant increase in man-hours and several other problems./// the following can be associated with these values: a high cost, higher overheads, a significant increase in man hours.
修改原则依旧是我们的 Principle of Basic word order
(parenthesis)+Subject + Verb + Object + indirectObject +(parenthesis)
English tends to express negative ideas with a negation
Locate Negations them as close as possible to the beginning of a sentence.
1.4 正确放置否定词—-Locate Negations
1.4.1在句子最前面—-At the beginning
S4.1.1. Data regarding the thyroid function and the thyroid antibodies before the beginning of the therapy were not available.
✓S4.1.1'. No data was available regarding thethyroid function and the thyroid antibodies before the beginning of the therapy.///Before the beginning of the therapy, no data was available regarding the thyroid function and the thyroid
S4.1.2. All of the spectra of the volatiles° did not show absorptions in the range....
✓S4.1.2'. None of the spectra of the volatiles show absorptions in the range....
1.4.2 在主要动词之前、助动词/情态动词之后——Before the main verb but after auxiliary and modal verbs
S4.2.1. Patients seem not to be affected by intestinal disorders
✓S4.2.1'. Patients do not seem to be affected by intestinal disorders.
S4.2.2. Such patients should be not treated with warfarin.
✓S4.2.2'. Such patients should not be treated with warfarin.
1.5 正确放置一个副词--Locate an adverb
1.5.1在主要的动词之前--Immediately before the main verb
S5.1 Dying neurons do usually not exhibit these biochemical changes.
✓S5.1'. Dying neurons do not usually exhibit these biochemical changes.
1.5.2 夹在两助动词之间--Immediately before the second auxiliary when there are two auxiliaries
S5.2 Language would have never arisen as a set of bare arbitrary terms if ....
✓S5.2' Language would never have arisen as a set of bare arbitrary terms if ....
1.5.3 在过去和现在式'to be'之后--After the present and past tenses of to be'
S5.3 The answer of the machine thus/therefore is correct
✓S5.3' The answer of the machine is
thus/therefore correct.
1.6.避免用一连串名词来形容词--Avoid creating strings of nouns to describe other nouns
1.6.1 Mass destruction weapons?
Mass destruction是修饰weapons的,转换成noun+of 的结构,of后接名词性形容词。
✓6.1' Weapons of mass destruction
这篇文章其实就说了一个主要的点—— Basic word order
(parenthesis)+Subject + Verb + Object + indirect Object (parenthesis)