
透明平板玻璃1.IS 2835 : 1987Flat Transparent Sheet Glass.透明平板玻璃安全玻璃2.IS 2553 (Part 1):2018Safety Glass -Specification Part 1 Architectural, Building and General uses.安全玻璃.规范.第1部分:建筑,建筑和一般用途。3.IS 2553 (Part 2):2019Safety Glass -Specification Part 2 For Road Transport .安全玻璃。道路运输规范第2部分。液化石油气家用燃气灶1.IS 4246: 2002液化石油气家用燃气灶Domestic Gas Stoves for use with Liquefied Petroleum Gases透明浮法玻璃2.IS 14900: 2018Transparent Float Glass透明浮法玻璃家用压力锅3.IS 2347:2017Domestic Pressure Cooker家用压力锅电缆4.IS 1554(Part 1) : 1988聚氯乙烯绝缘(重型)电缆规范.工作电压1100V及以下的第1部分Specification for PVC Insulated (Heavy Duty) Electric Cables Part 1 For Working Voltages up to and Including 1100 V5.IS 1554(Part 2) : 1988聚氯乙烯绝缘(重型)电缆规范第2部分工作电压3.3kv至11kv及以下Specification for PVC Insulated (Heavy Duty) Electric Cables Part 2 For Working Voltages from 3.3 kV up to and Including 11 kV6.IS 7098 (Part 1) : 1988工作电压1100V及以下交联聚乙烯绝缘聚氯乙烯护套电缆规范第1部分Specification for Crosslinked Polyethylene Insulated PVC Sheathed Cables Part 1 for working voltages up to and including 1100 V7.IS 7098 (Part 2) : 2011交联聚乙烯绝缘热塑性塑料护套电缆规范第2部分3.3kv至33kv及以下工作电压Crosslinked polyethylene insulated Thermoplastics sheathed cables – Specification Part 2 for working voltages from 3.3 kV up to and including 33 kV8.IS 7098 (Part 3) : 1993交联聚乙烯绝缘热塑性护套电缆第3部分工作电压66kv及以下220kvCross-Linked Polyethylene Insulated Thermoplastics Sheathed Cables Part 3 For Working Voltages from 66 kV Up to and Including 220 kV9.IS 14255 : 1995工作电压1100伏及以下架空成束电缆规范Aerial Bunched Cables – For Working Voltages Up to and Including 1100 Volts – Specification10.IS 9968 (Part 2) : 2002弹性体绝缘电缆规范第2部分3.3kv及33kv以下工作电压Specification for Elastomer Insulated Cables Part 2 For Working Voltages form 3.3 kV Up to and Including 33 kV11.IS 8784 : 1987热电偶补偿电缆规范Specification for Thermocouple Compensating Cables12.IS 9857 : 1990焊接电缆规范Welding Cables – Specification13.IS 14494 : 2019矿山用弹性体绝缘软电缆规范Elastomer Insulated Flexible Cables for Use in Mines – Specification14.IS 2593 : 1984矿灯用软电缆规范Specification for Flexible Cables for Miner’s Cap-Lamps15.IS 5950 : 1984射击电缆规范(除井用外)Specification for Shot Firing Cables (for use other than in shafts)16.IS 17048 : 20181100V及以下工作电压用无卤阻燃(HFFR)电缆规范Halogen Free Flame Retardant (HFFR) Cables for Working Voltages Up to and Including 1100 V – Specification

