
A bulk carrier built in 2011 was inspected. The following deficiency was recorded with action code 17:


08103 Fire alarm - Fire alarm not distinct from engine alarms (audio and visual) 

08103 火警 – 火警与轮机报警在听觉和视觉上没有区分。

The RO disagreed with this deficiency and made appeal to the port State Authority, with the views as follows:


1. Visual fire alarm would not be required for engine room of the vessel in question in accordance with SOLAS requirements and audible fire alarm devices were in compliance with the SOLAS requirements;

1. 依据SOLAS要求,对于文中的船舶,视觉火警对机舱不要求;听觉火警设备已经符合SOLAS的要求。

2. Audible and visual fire alarm referred to in SOLAS II-2/R.7.4.2 is required for navigating bridge and accommodation areas of vessels with unmanned machinery space (UMS); and

2. 符合SOLAS第II-2章第7.4.2条要求的听觉和视觉火警仅要求安装在配备无人机舱的船舶的驾驶台和生活区域。“A fixed fire detection and fire alarm system shall be installed in periodically unattended machinery spaces”固定式火警探测和报警系统应当安装在周期性无人机舱区域。

3. Requirements contained in the Code on Alerts and Indicators, 2009 (Res. A.1021(26)) are not considered mandatory.

3. 2009年报警与指示器规则(A.1021(26)决议)包含的要求应理解为非强制性的。

Port Authority was of opinion that: 


1. The audible and visual fire alarm in the engine room was found not distinct from other alarms (e.g. 15ppm alarm, fuel oil leaking alarm, bilge alarm, etc.);


2. In accordance with SOLAS II-2/R.7, FSS Code (Chapter 9) and the Resolution A.1021(26), the deficiency was justified.

2.依据SOLAS第II-2章第7条,FSS规则第9章以及A.1021(26)决议的要求,此缺陷成立。“The detection system shall initiate audible and visual alarms distinct in both respectsfrom the alarms of any other system not indicating fire, in sufficient places to ensurethat the alarms are heard and observed on the navigating bridge and by aresponsible engineer officer.”探火系统应发出声光报警信号,且这两种信号应不同于非火警报警系统的信号,并且这些报警信号的设置地点要足够,以保证驾驶室和负责的轮机员听到和看到该报警信号。


 In accordance with SOLAS CII-2/R7.4, FSS Code and Res.A.1021 (26),this deficiency is considered justified. It is logical and reasonable tounderstand that fire alarms from fire detection system in engine room shouldbe distinct from other alarms.


Points for attention关注点

 Interpretations of SOLAS CII-2/R7.4 between the RO and PSCO are different.


 This deficiency is relating to arrangement of fire safety system, which is theresponsibility of the flag State Administration or the RO on its behalf.Therefore it would be prudent to consult with/get involvement of the flagand/or RO as appropriate.


 Taking into consideration that major ROs (i.e. IACS members) may have thesame interpretation on the matter based on IACS UI SC129, would it benecessary to have some common understanding with IACS?



What is your opinion about this deficiency? 关于此缺陷您的观点?

