8月1日至10月1日,为期两个月的集装箱装载和系固的集中检查(Focused inspection campaign)。
检查的参考文件是SOLAS第VI章第5条, marine notice 42号,以及AMSA marine notice 03/2018。有兴趣的朋友,可以找这几个文件来看一看,内容都差不多。文中强调PSCO经常发现下面6种情况的缺陷:
1.loaded containers were carried in slots only intended for empty units.
2.the weight of some loaded containers exceeded the maximum weight for containers permitted to be stowed in that slot, and
3.fixed and portable securing equipment were not maintained appropriately.
4.the weight distribution and stack weights are not in compliance with the approved cargo stowage arrangements; or
5.the securing arrangements are not in accordance with the approved Cargo Securing Manual; or
6.the Cargo Securing Manual does not adequately cover the cargo being carried;

为了便于检查和船舶迎检,AMSA做了一个check list,只要按照这个表对照检查,足够了。
1.Does the vessel have an approved cargo securing manual (CSM) onboard, which is endorsed to the current IMO guidelines for the preparation of the CSM(系固手册是否根据IMO导则制定并被批准)?
2.Are the officers familiar with the contents of the approved CSM, particularly stack weight limitations for the tank top, hatch covers and deck loading?(驾驶员是否熟悉CSM以及甲板、舱盖等位置的最大堆载负荷)
3.Has the master been provided with Verified Gross Mass (VGM) of containers in accordance with Regulation 2 of Chapter VI of SOLAS(船长能否提供SOLAS第VI章第2条要求的集装箱运输单证中已载明验证的总重量)?
4 .a. Has the vessel exceeded maximum permissible container stack weights during the current or previous voyages(本航次和上一航次集装箱的堆载是否超过了最大允许堆载负荷)?
b. Has the vessel complied with weight distribution within stacks during the current or previous voyages(本航次和上一次集装箱的积载分布是否恰当)?
5.Is the cargo secured or being secured in accordance with the approved CSM(货物是否按照CSM的要求进行绑扎系固)?
6.Have the officers verified that the containers are lashed correctly as required by the approved lashing plan detailed in the approved CSM(驾驶员是否核实集装箱已经按照绑扎计划进行绑扎)?
7.Are there sufficient portable cargo securing devices on board, as required by the approved CSM(船上是否按照CSM的要求配备了足够的备用便携式系固装置)?
8.Are the portable cargo securing devices in good condition and compatible with the vessel(船上的备用便携式系固装置是否完好)?
9.Are the fixed cargo securing arrangements in good condition(固定是便携装置是否完好)?
10.Are twist locks and base locks correctly positioned (e.g. twist locks not being used for base locks and vice versa)(扭锁和底锁的使用是否恰当,二者是否互换使用)?
11.Has the cargo been secured appropriately throughout the voyage to prevent the loss of cargo overboard(货物是否进行恰当的绑扎和系固以防掉进海里)?
12.Are crew familiar with cargo securing instructions (noting instructions are required in a working language or languages understood by the crew)(船员是否熟悉系固手册,需要注意的是系固手册应该使用工作语言或者船员懂得语言编写).
13.Are the Master and Officers familiar with the safety management system requirements for heavy weather navigation and are appropriate checklists available(船长和船员是否熟悉SMS要求的恶劣天气的航行程序并能提供相应的检查清单)?
14.a. Was a PSC inspection carried out as a result of the FIC (本次集中检查是否开展了PSC检查)?
b. If so, provide details on the clear grounds that resulted in the PSC (PSC检查中是否发现了明显依据)?
15.Were deficiencies recorded in relation to the FIC(本次集中检查中是否记录了缺陷)?
16.Was the vessel detained because of deficiencies found during the subsequent PSC inspection(船舶是否在接下来的PSC检查中被滞留)?

5月24日,APL England(9218650)因为天气原因在澳大利亚水域掉了50个箱子,直到现在还没有处理利索。潜在损失22500000美金!

APL England靠泊布里斯班后,PSCO出手,13个缺陷,妥妥的被按住!
AMSA滞留APL England的这个案例,从缺陷写法上,为PSCO提供了一个标准答案,可以对PSCO做到双重保护,下面我们来分析AMSA的PSCO遇到这种情况怎么处理,从而有效保护自己的。
APL England滞留缺陷三项:
SOLAS公约第VI章的第5.4条的具体内容是:4 Appropriate precautions shall be taken during loading and transport of cargo units and cargo transport units on board ro-ro ships, especially with regard to the securing arrangements on board such ships and on the cargo units and cargo transport units and with regard to the strength of the securing points and lashings.
above deficiencies shows that the ship has not been maintained in accordance with SOLAS chapter I regulation 11.
SOLAS 第一章的11条内容是:检验后状况的维持,大意是船舶经检验后要保持原有状态,不能私下改动,要维持其功能状态,确保船舶不发生危险。用这一条,没问题。

6月28日,阿德莱德PSCO滞留NAVIOS UNITE(9302619),33项缺陷,也是应用的这种方式,大量缺陷递推出15类和99102状态维持缺陷;

06109 |
Loading instrument |
Draft gauges in ship`s office not working properly. |
06101 |
Cargo Securing Manual |
Cargo Securing Manual not available to the crew. |
06104 |
Lashing material |
Oval eye plates (main deck) are heavy corroded. |
06104 |
Lashing material |
Partly raised socket single and raised socket double on BAY 06, 30 and 40 rusty seriously. |
06101 |
Cargo Securing Manual |
Cargo securing manual maintenance record never up-date. (ISM) |
06101 |
Cargo Securing Manual |
Lashing material for intended voyage (steel product) not available. (ISM) |
06101 |
Cargo Securing Manual |
Portable securing device, cargo securing manual never recorded. |
06101 |
Cargo Securing Manual |
Cargo securing device/portable cargo securing device for cargo, certificate not available. (ISM) |
06101 |
Cargo Securing Manual |
Cargo securing manual maintenance record not available. (ISM) |
06109 |
Loading instrument |
Vessel`s IGC certificate has 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3 (different options pertaining to how the ship shall be loaded) line out. |