[第12次听写] 变形金刚(五) 甩掉字幕看电影

我是Wind, 以前是字幕组组长, 好久不练听力了, 感觉有些生锈. 我打算每天早上做1分钟听写, 看看自己能坚持多久, 把你听写的文本粘贴到评论中和我一起坚持吧~


The scale of a Transformers movie is meant to be seen on the big screen.
With great Dolby Atmos sound and brightly lid(lit) 3D screens.
Michael’s always on the cutting edge of technology for the audience, to have them have a more visceral experience.
His filmmaking is a very 3-dimensional style.
Transformers has been a giant part of our brand.
It helped build IMAX.
Michael is the very first filmmaker to take two of these cameras and configure them on a 3D rig and shoot in 3D in real time and that’s not trivial.
The resolution, the detail, the clarity.
It really is mind boggling.
It was a lot of fun to shoot.
I keep saying this is my last one and I’m going out with a bang.
This is a big scale movie.


1 Dolby Atmos我一开始以为意思是”很刺激的环境中的声音”, 根据听到的音去大致得到一个拼写然后去google发现原来是技术术语.
2 visceral我一开始听到的是vicerous, 但我知道它的意思是”震撼人心”一类的意思, 根据声音得到的拼写去google发现visceral, 然后查字典发现这个单词是符合语境的.
3 lit听成了lid, 失误.


听写的时候要善用google, 很多时候听到大致的声音, 根据声音得到大致的拼写, 然后根据上下文语境猜测出大致的意思, 然后借助google就能定位到准确答案, 你平时使用google吗?

