【泡泡一分钟】超越光度一致性: 基于梯度差异改进视觉里程计和立体匹配
标题:Beyond Photometric Consistency: Gradient-based Dissimilarity for Improving Visual Odometry and Stereo Matching
作者:Jan Quenzel,Radu Alexandru Rosu,Thomas Labe,Cyrill Stachniss,Sven Behnke
来源:2020 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)
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图1 第一列图为原始图片,第二列图为增加少量曝光变化和渐晕效应图片,右侧则展示对两张图片进行匹配,采用不同方法计算误差,可以看到光度误差极大的受到干扰,而文中提出的方法(最后一列)则对干扰有较强的鲁棒性。

图2 基于简单实例的梯度度量的误差比较 eugf 倾向于相同方向且对比更强的点,emag没有考虑梯度方向,因此有两个极值,文中提出的esgf则在两种情况下给出了正确的最小值。

图3 由于eugf的错误匹配带来的误差

表1 在2014年Middlebury双目数据集上评估结果

表2 在2015年KITTI双目数据集上的评估结果

表3 在EuRoC数据集上对不同算法进行评估的误差均值

图6 在EuRoC数据集V1_01序列上进行评估,上图为原始DSO得到的轨迹和地图,下图为使用esgf得到的轨迹和地图,可以明显看到地图中墙的重影得到了明显的减少。

图5 对原始算法和两个最好的度量在双目数据集上计算深度图进行差异对比

Pose estimation and map building are central ingredients of autonomous robots and typically rely on the registration of sensor data. In this paper, we investigate a new metric for registering images that builds upon on the idea of the photometric error. Our approach combines a gradient orientation-based metric with a magnitude-dependent scaling term. We integrate both into stereo estimation as well as visual odometry systems and show clear benefifits for typical disparity and direct image registration tasks when using our proposed metric. Our experimental evaluation indicats that our metric leads to more robust and more accurate estimates of the scene depth as well as camera trajectory. Thus, the metric improves camera pose estimation and in turn the mapping capabilities of mobile robots. We believe that a series of existing visual odometry and visual SLAM systems can benefifit from the fifindings reported in this paper.