









1.  安全:校园安全、网络安全(个人信息、网购、快递、数据)、乘车&驾驶安全、旅游安全、飞行安全、生产安全、食品安全、

Campus Safety

Campus security is always a frequent topic of discussion with the presence of school violence. To make ourselves and our property safe on campus, these following practical campus safety tips will help eliminate potential on-campus safety threats.

1. The No.1 campus safety tip for college students like us is to always lock up doors and windows when we are away.

2. Don't let the electronics steal our attention to our surroundings. Most college students, perhaps including myself, are often immersed in our smart phones while walking in the campus, not knowing what is going on around.

3. Be familiar with the campus environment. We should spend some time with our friends walking around the campus to get familiar with campus landmarks and locate the emergency system areas.

4. One important campus safety tip for college students is to avoid walking alone at night. We can go with a friend late at night.

5. Carry defense items with us. Having the defense items at hand is one of the most practical personal safety tips for us.The pepper spray and a whistle are both useful campus security suppliers we can put in our bags when we are out.

6. Don't accept any substance from casual acquaintances or strangers, otherwise we may end up in addiction before we evenrealize it.

7. Protect our privacy on social media. While the social media are convenient tools to share our updates with friends and family, they also allow strangers to have easy access to our profiles and know our whereabouts and plans. Remember to disable location services and keep our posts concerning our personal information private in avoidance that they fall into the wrong hands.

8. Tell our friends our whereabouts. Before we go to some place on our own, tell our friends or family where we are going and the expected returning time. If we don't appear by a certain time, they can try all methods to reach us. And when we feel uncomfortable in certain place, leave right away and go to an area with lights and people. Don't hesitate to call the police for help if something seems really abnormal.


Online Education VS Traditional Education

There are several problems with the traditional system of education. First of all, you need to pay thousands of dollars perterm to attend a prestigious school. With all those budget cuts, busy classrooms, and course shortages, you won’t always get the chance to study exactly what you want. Online learning has to be the greatest revolution incontemporary education. It made a huge change in the system and opened great opportunities for everyone who wants to learn something.  Although online education has its limitations, there are several advantages of online learning that explain why it may be the greatest revolution in today’s education. Here are 5 of them.

1. You can learn whatever you want! You can pickthe course of your dreams in traditional education, too. But that would involve traveling away from home, living in a completely unknown city, and struggling in an extremely competitive learning environment.

2. Comfort. Forget about attending classes for hours, sitting in an uncomfortable chair, and suffering from back pain by the end of the day. You will not be bound to physical class session when you opt for online education. All lectures and needed materials are provided via online platforms, so you’ll easily access them from the comfort of your home. You will not take public transport to get to school. You won’t have to get up early to get dressed for class… the list of conveniences goes on and on.

3. Online courses look great on a resume. An online course will always look good on your resume. It will show potential employers that you’re committed to learning and you’re eager to obtain more knowledge and new skills. You will certainly become a better candidate for a job promotion, and your resume will look much better when you apply for new positions.

4. Self-paced learning. You can start completing the targets at any time, and you can arrange a learning schedule that meets your individual needs. That’s an advantage the traditional educational system cannot beat.

5. Lower costs. The fact that online courses are cheaper when compared to the ones held in a traditional school. And many online courses are even completely free of charge.


How to Stay Healthy

1. Think positive and focus on gratitude. Research shows a healthy positive attitude helps build a healthier immune system and boosts overall health. Your body believes what you think, so focus on the positive.

2. Eat vegetables. Shoot for five servings of vegetables a day — raw, steamed, or stir-fried. A diet high in vegetables is associated with a reduced risk of developing cancers.

3. Exercise daily. If you want to live well and live longer, you must exercise! Studies show that even ten minutes of exercise makes a difference.

4. Get a good night's sleep. If you have trouble sleeping, try relaxation techniques such as meditation and yoga. Darken your room more and turn your clock away from you. Write down worries or stressful thoughts to get them out of your head and onto the page.

5. Drink alcohol only in moderation. Moderate drinking is good for the heart, as many people already know, but it can also increase the risk of cancer.

6. Protect yourself from the sun. While the warm sun is certainly inviting, too much exposure to it can lead to skin cancer.

7. Get screening tests. There are a number of important screening tests that can help protect against cancer. Some of these tests find cancer early when they are most treatable, while others can actually help keep cancer from developing in the first place.

4. 工作(跟学习话题也能挨边):工作表现、工作效率、压力、工作量、前景、兴趣、工作环境、个人能力。

How to Improve Work (Academic) Performance?

1. Avoid distractions. Avoid putting yourself insituations that could be distracting, like going on Weibo or WeChat. Put the phone out-of-sight and out-of-mind.

2. Stop multitasking. Just because you’re doing a lot of things at once doesn’t mean you’re doing them well. In fact, it’s probably exactly the opposite, because multitasking is proven to decrease your efficiency.

3. Read a lot. It doesn’t matter what kind of reading you partake in, so long as it is intentional. According to experts, reading books actually make you smarter, richer, and healthier-those qualities being related to improved work performance.

4. Set milestones. You can’t improve if you don’t have any goals to strive towards. Sit down and really think about what you’d like to achieve at work within 1, 2, 5, or even 10 years. Give yourself reasons to congratulate yourself and stay the course. When you complete a goal, no matter how small, your confidence and performance level can grow.

5. Know your limits. If you burn yourself out with too much work, nobody wins. Do everyone a favor and know when it’s the right time to say “no” to things. Sometimes, the best answer is “not right now.”

6.Take time off. Some expert says taking avacation is the best thing you can do for your career, and I tend to agree. When you are able to truly disconnect from work for a short while, when you come back, you will feel refreshed and excited to start work again.

7. Ask questions. You’ll never know the answer if you don’t ask, so swallow your shyness and just ask the question. It’s best to get the answer now rather than spending too long trying to figure it out on your own—that wastes everyone’s time.

8. Be punctual. You can’t get your work done if you’re not there. Being chronically late every day is a bad way to start the day. Try working on making it on time to places, and see how your day changes.

9. Use digital organization tools. There’s a ton of technology out there—before you get overwhelmed, do some research to see which schedule, calendar, communication, and organization apps there are out there. Some, you might find, are perfect for you.


Ways to Decrease Stress from Studying (Working)

Stress occurs naturally in college students, who are overwhelmed balancing multiple classes with work schedules and extra activities. Studying proves another monster conducive to stress, and some students choose to turn to unhealthy ways of coping: alcohol, drugs, overeating. However, there exist many healthier and cheaper ways to beatstress. Instead of reaching for a snack to relax, relieve your tensions from studying in some of the following ways.

1. One of the greatest ways to relieve stress isthrough physical activity. Whether this is through a vigorous workout or by participating in sports, you will find that getting your body moving helps you to literally sweat off tension.

2. Get out of the house. Leave the place where you are studying in order to feel refreshed. Go for a walk and spend time in nature for a little while to relax your mind. Spend some time thinking about something other than your study materials. Meet a friend for a quick cup of coffee to chat for half an hour about something other than your big exam or paper that is due, or go see a movie together.

3. Write. Writing when you are stressed out can help you figure out the things that are bothering you. While it may seem obvious that the act of studying itself is stressful, take a few minutes to write down a list of what aspects of your situation are causing you the most grief. You could also take some time away from studying and do some creative writing.

4. Do something you enjoy. Hobbies can help yourelax. Put aside the books and take a few minutes or up to an hour to put your stress towards an activity you enjoy. Watch half an hour of your favorite showor just listen to a few of your favorite songs; breaking up your study sessions with activities or hobbies you enjoy will help relieve some test tension and studying monotony.

5. Relax your mind and muscles. Do some yoga orTai Chi. Give yourself a massage. Take a shower. Imagine yourself elsewhere for ten minutes.

6. Just breathe. Take a deep breath in and hold it for five seconds. Now let it out. Tell yourself that everything will work out in the end. Take a second to focus on the present and just chill out.

Stress is rough, but using any of these methods will help you to relax and to endure intense study sessions.


The Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Shopping

The internet can be a great resource for shoppers looking to expand their purchasing options, as well as a great way to save money. Online stores are highly competitive.

Advantages of Online Shopping

1.  The stores are almost never closed.

2.  Shoppers can shop in their pajamas.

3.  Online shoppers save on gas.

4.  There are no parking hassles.

5.  Online shoppers rarely have to deal with aggressive sales people.

6.  There are no annoying crowds.

7.  Online shoppers do not have to wait in long lines to check out.

8.  Many online retailers allow shoppers to post reviews about the products that they purchased.

9.  Many online stores sell products at really low prices because of the lack of money spent on overhead. Local stores have operating costs like rent, staffing, water, heat,and air.

Disadvantages of Shopping Online

1.  Communicating dissatisfaction can be difficult online and often takes enormous patience.

2.  Online shoppers do not have the ability to physically inspect or try on the items being considered for purchase.

3.  Online shoppers sometimes lose the power to negotiate the price and payment terms that may exist in local stores.

4.  Items ordered online are sometimes back-ordered, but shoppers may not find out until weeks later. This is particularly problematic when buying gifts.


Ways to Help Protect the Environment

Most of us appreciate nature, the forest, animals, and rivers, but if you are not protecting the environment, you are harming it. We may not all been vironmentalists, but there are simple steps which we can jointly take to reduce consumption of resources to avoid depletion. Also, we can limit the waste we generate. The following are some amazing ways to help protect the environment.

1. Plant trees. The most significant method to preserve the environment is to plant trees. Trees provide shade and eliminate the need for air conditioning. Trees are used in the paper industry. So, you can save the trees by maximizing the use of your paper. For example, you can print or write on both sides.

2. Conserve water. Water is life. Water conservation is vital since we cannot survive without water. You can minimize water wastage through reducing the time you take to take a bath. The more time you take, the more water you are likely to use. As you brush your teeth or as you shave, turn off the tap.

3. Limit car use. People can substitute your car and opt for alternative methods such as biking, walking and public transport. It is a significant measure to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases.

4. Minimize food wastage. Adopt a habit of eating leftovers. Some of us don’t eat the same meal twice. Conversely, throwing away food because you don’t want to eat it isn’t constructive to the environment.

5. Change your daily habit by switching off anything that is not in use.Turn off a computer, television and even lights which are not in use.

6. Reduce food packaging. You can help by carrying your cups and purchasing things in bulk.

7. Limit meat consumption. You can set days which you will not consumemeat products. Besides, whenever an animal is slaughtered, there are greenhouse emissions.

8. Go second hand. You can protect the environment by choosing second-hand products. For example, trees are used to make furniture. To prevent felling of trees, consider buying a second-hand chair.

9.  Minimize air conditioning. If you have to use the air conditioner, set it at a temperature that is slightly lower than the environmental temperature. The lower the setting, the higher the energy the conditioner uses.

We depend on the environment for survival, and so does the environment rely on us for survival. It is the simple things we do that go a long way to conserve the environment. You can make a difference by changing your means of transport, decreasing energy consumption of electronics around your home, changing your eating habits.

8、文化与艺术:歌曲、电影、节目、电视剧、广告、舞蹈、展览、文学、文娱生活、传统文化艺术 VS 现代文化艺术、中外文化与艺术、历史遗迹、历史文化、传统节日、书写的重要性、

Why the Arts Are Important in Our Lives?

I have always heard sayings like 'Why study art? Why not Engineering, Science or Commerce?', 'Art is useless,' 'You won't get a proper job' etc. I have also heard of situations of the school planning to cut arts in schools, thinking that students won't do well in their education. Well you know what, they all are wrong! Arts makes a huge impact inour lives! Here are the reasons why art is important.

1. Arts improves your creativity skills. Whether it is cooking, painting or music, we do art as if it’s our own.

2. Arts gives you joy. I smile whenever I sing my favorite song. Any kind of art can give you so much happiness.

3. Arts relieves stress. Don't you go to another world when you just sing or listen to a favorite tune?

4. Arts gives you the opportunity to showcase your talent. Even words don't give that much opportunity like art does. By showing our talent, we show that there is something special about us.

5. Arts gives you confidence. When I sing or perform, I feel so good about myself. I feel there are no worries, hence I perform confidently.

6. Arts helps you do well academically. Trust me, just a few hours of art will help you relieve stress and give you happiness. With that your mind will be clear, and that would help you focus on your studies, and that would help you get good grades. If you don't do art for few hours, your mind would be stressed and you wouldn't be able to focus and do well.

7. Arts helps you to communicate with other people. I connect with people through music. I have met most of my friends because of music.

8. Arts helps you to express your emotions I use singing to showcase my emotions, whether I am happy, sad or angry.

9. Art is a different language. Art says things that even words cannot say. You don't need a language to understand art. Just a small painting, or a food item, or improvising a tune or a step, can express a lot of things without words.

Arts have helped me a lot! If there was something I could do well, it was music. Music has changed my life. Now I want to use music as a way of connecting with people. If it helped me, it could help a lot of other people who went through difficulties.

Arts is not a waste of time. It is not useless. Arts are very essential to our lives.



1. well

2. you know

3. actually

4. I mean

5. personally

6. to be honest

7. on the other hand

8. frankly

1. In other words, I am…

2. And that means…

3. Let me put it another way,

4. What I’m suggesting is…

5. All I’m trying to say is…

6. What I’m getting at is…

7. If I can rephrase that…

8. Perhaps I should make that clearer by saying…

9. Perhaps it would be more accurate to say…

10. The point I’m making is that…

11. That’s difficult to answer, but (maybe)…

12. I’m sorry, but I don’t know much about…but perhaps…

13. Maybe I can answer your question by telling you about a personal experience I had.

14. That’s an interesting question…let me see.Well, I suppose that…

15. Yes, that’s a big issue.

16. In my opinion, there are three way of looking at it. First of all...

17. What I reckon is…

18. I can come up with three reasons for the...

19. I’d like to point out that...

20. I will never forget the time when I first when to school...

21. Once, when I was a middle student, I...

22. ...play an important role in our lives.

23. It seems to me (that)…







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