


ATO. TEAM, covers an area of 140 ㎡ private house, white metope color word spelling a floor, give a person the sense of simplicity, natural and comfortable, with quiet and secure the forces of nature.


Installed on the wall of porch with a golden mirror, with a retro, looks more elegant lasting appeal.


The sofa of the sitting room light gray, the color of tea table, TV setting wall used to compare the line of contracted design, space is large area of white space, color harmony, integral space presents a casual and comfortable, warm self-healing visual effect.


Choose bright and pure and fresh white, constitute the whole space tonal color. Log lubricious rectangular table and black chair, all show the moist of real wood texture, elegant and feminine, creates the bedroom of sweet chic aesthetic feeling.


Just the right atmosphere, reveal the life sense of ritual.


The kitchen USES the ambry of log color and black collocation, with simple grey stone to balance among space aesthetic feeling, visual impact, create a comfortable warm atmosphere of cooking.


Aisle to administrative levels feeling and dimensional feeling foil of acme, is unique and do not break a simple but elegant.


Toilet, clean and transparent, beautiful design, the space in a minimalist elegant a loose life taste.


Advocate lie contracted gesso line setting wall, fusion of classical and natural, with light grey bed is tasted, restoring ancient ways to build elegant, natural cozy little space.


Cut flowers, exquisite furnishing articles and mirror restoring ancient ways, with a hint of retro elegant.


Advocate lie to enter type cloakroom, white contracted tone, receive all kinds of complete function.


Children room tonal on fresh and clean, soft outfit of tie-in whole seem to be feeling comfortable, the feeling of a child's play.


The pale pink daughter room, full of sweet, gentle and pure, have the feeling of warm nature, not feel oppressed, there will be no visual impact feeling, fully meet the innocence of children personality and beautiful fantasy.

内容策划 / 米兰设计之旅



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