













Ode to Huangshan City

Tr. Wu Haohao

Facing northward to the palaces old,

Mount Huangshan stands by Southern Lake gold.

Peaks erect, clouds floating here and there,

Moon Lake blue with ripples gleaming somewhere.

Cypresses green at the memorial gate,

Grass is sighing at the premier’s fate.

Tao’s thoughts carried by people nationwide,

Education is one’s best lifelong guide.

Interpretation from the Poet:

Mount Huang (alias Mount Huangshan, the Yellow Mountain, etc.) looks over ancient palaces afar. The sun shines on Southern Lake and casts a mist over it. Peaks of Mount Huang, i.e. Lotus Peak, Solar Peak, Celestial Peak all seem to scrape the sky. Clouds float around them, creating an mystical air. Tourists can see reflections of surrounding Anhui architectures in Moon Lake. Ripples are glistening and waters are flowing. What a delightful scene! Pines and cypresses around the Archway for minister Bao Xiangxian(1496-1568) are green and tall. The Archway was built in 1622 (renovated in 1795) to mark Bao’s contribution to safeguarding border regions of the Ming Dynasty. The ancestral home of Premier Wang Daxie(1859-1929)is located in Zhenqitang area. Wang was the foreign minister and acting premier during the reign of Li Yuanhong, the second president of the Republic of China (1912-1949). Chongyi School is where the well-known educationist-Tao Xingzhi had spent his early school days. The school was rebuilt in 1984 and open to the public, serving as Tao Xingzhi Memorial Hall. The chrysanthemum that blooms in autumn around the Hall tings the city with fragrance.

图一:黄山(Photo 1: Mount Huang)

图二:南湖(Photo 2: Southern Lake)

图三:月沼(Photo 3: Moon Lake)

图四:鲍象贤尚书坊(Photo 4: Archway for Minister Bao Xiangxian)

图五:汪大燮故居(Photo 5: Ancestral Home of Premier Wang Daxie)

图六:陶行知纪念馆(Photo 6: Tao Xingzhi Memorial Hall)


图七:宏村(Photo 7: Hong Village)

图八:西递村(Photo 8:  Xidi Village)

图九:塔川村(Photo 9: Tachuan Village)



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