LAC 课程笔记 | 自然·生态·人居——爱丁堡东南楔形绿地景观设计
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Landscape Architecture

第一个学年的课程中每个学期都会有Landscape Construction和基础课;另外还包括4个protfolio,每半个学期1个。
毕业设计(protfolio 4)每个人可以自己选择课题,没有限制。
项目题目选定之后会根据不同的项目进行分组,每个人都有一个固定的指导教师。做Detail的时候也会根据项目分到不同的专业设计导师,同时还有一个protfolio 4总导师审评。
| 项目理念 |


South East Wedge Edinburgh位于爱丁堡东南部,距离市中心5公里。 South east wedge是爱丁堡市中心和Lothian之间的连接点。荷里路德公园,克雷格米勒城堡,爱丁堡东南部和达尔基斯乡村公园都在一个视觉轴线上。由于此地的特殊地理位置和气候变化问题的加剧,设计师决定将重点放在生态学上,其中包括生态走廊的连接,栖息地网络的连接。同时大型绿地也需要满足市民,患者和城市的需求。因此设计师希望将该场地设计为具有强大生态网络系统的开放式城市公园。此外,这个大型绿地可以作为爱丁堡生态系统的生态走廊。根据爱丁堡城市建设的策略。将在此地周围建造更多的房屋和公寓。而目前,社区农场的等候名单已近7 - 9年。因此该场地的一部分旨在设计为社区农场。社区农场必将受到市民的欢迎。


设计场地可分为几个部分。它们是社区花园和农场,草地,开阔水域,湿地,湿木林,公园,林地和纪念碑保护区。公园区域可分为医院花园,花海,娱乐林地和儿童游乐区。空着步道连接着整个场地和爱丁堡皇家医院。公园区旨在为家庭和上班族提供安静而自然的休息娱乐环境。在娱乐林地中也设计了一些游戏供孩子们玩耍,如平衡木。另外,根据不同的用户,设计了不同的步行路线。总之,South East Wedge Edinburgh拥有强大的生态网络体系。它不仅是一个连接生态系统的地方,而且还增加了医院和住宅区之间的联系。它为哺乳动物和植物提供生活和成长的场所。同时它也是一个让市民享受生活,让病人康复休息的地方。
Programme: Master of Architecture (ARB/RIBA part 2)
Awards: MArch
School: Edinburgh College of Art
College: Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences
Entry requirements
A UK 2:1 honours degree in architecture prescribed by the Architects Registration Board (ARB) at Part 1 or equivalent standard demonstrated in your portfolio.
You must submit a portfolio as part of your application:
On the first page of the portfolio incorporate your name and UUN (if applicable)
Include a brief CV and your personal statement after the first page
Include examples of your work (see below) after your personal statement
If you do not hold an ARB Part 1 qualification, you will need to obtain qualifications at Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3 level before being eligible for registration. For further details, please contact the ARB
Programme: Architectural Conservation
Awards: MSc
School: Edinburgh College of Art
College: Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences
Entry requirements
Normally a UK 2:1 honours degree or its international equivalent.
We may also consider your application if you have relevant professional experience; please contact us to check before you apply.
Programme structure
The programme is assessed through individual written papers, group projects, presentations, and report writing. An intensive overseas field trip (optional; normally to Germany) will give you the chance to explore conservation issues in another setting. Following the taught courses, you will research and write a dissertation of around 14,000–15,000 words on an aspect of architectural conservation.
Programme: Architectural History & Theory
Awards: MSc
School: Edinburgh College of Art
College: Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences
Programme structure
This programme comprises two compulsory courses focused on methodology and four option courses, which draw on staff research expertise, followed by a 12,000–15,000 word supervised dissertation.
Additionally, you may enrol in courses offered by allied disciplines such as history of art, archaeology, architectural conservation, history, literature and others.
The flexible profile of the programme reflects the diversity of positions within the fields of architectural history and theory, making it suitable for students from a broad range of backgrounds and with a variety of interests and career objectives.
Programme: Advanced Sustainable Design
Awards: MSc
School: Edinburgh College of Art
College: Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences
Entry requirements
Normally a UK 2:1 honours degree, or its international equivalent, in a relevant subject.
You must submit a portfolio as part of your application. Your portfolio should be a PDF no larger than 2MB in size. It should demonstrate a clear interest in sustainable discourses and strong evidence of engagement or interest in design culture, practice and visual communication.
If you do not meet the academic entry requirements, we may still consider your application on the basis of your portfolio and/or relevant professional experience.
Programme structure
The first semester is a combination of seminars and workshops on the theoretical underpinnings of sustainable design. Alongside this are a series of design projects at the scales of both settlements and building systems. We set many of the projects in a variety of global contexts that reflects the international nature of our students.
The second semester offers an immersive design project that allows you to form your own building programmes and test them in real contexts. You conclude your studies with a comprehensive dissertation research project that can advance your own interests and can be shaped to your preferred career path.
Programme: Urban Strategies & Design
Awards: MSc
School: Edinburgh College of Art
College: Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences
Entry requirements
Normally a UK 2:1 honours degree or its international equivalent.
We don't require an architecture or urban design qualification, but expect you to demonstrate a broad interest in issues of urban design strategy planning and its relationship to issues at local, national and global level.
Programme structure
You will study four compulsory courses at Heriot-Watt University in semester one, then study one compulsory course and one option course at the University of Edinburgh in semester two.
Should you wish to write an Africa or Latin America focused dissertation, you will choose African Cities or Latin American Cities options within the USD programme. Otherwise you can select any option course being offered at Edinburgh University which fits with your second semester timetable.
Once all coursework is completed, you will go on to write your USD dissertation, over a ten-week period, on an urban theme topic of your choice. Defined dissertation support will be provided, and submission formats discussed.
Programme: Landscape Architecture
Awards: MLA
School: Edinburgh College of Art
College: Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences
Entry requirements
You must submit a portfolio of recent work as part of your application. Your portfolio should contain 6-10 images in a variety of media that:
collectively demonstrates your potential ability to visualise your design ideas demonstrate any IT skills you possess are sourced from work you produced at school or from a relevant first degree such as landscape architecture, architecture, art or other design programme.
If you do not meet the academic entry requirements, we may still consider your application on the basis of your portfolio and/or relevant professional experience.
Programme structure
The programme focuses on four landscape portfolio courses, which contain a variety of design options you can choose from based on factors such as previous experience or personal interest. These are set on real sites with real issues, with differing scales and complexity, and with stakeholders actively informing the process.
The courses become increasingly complex and self-directed as the programme progresses and they are supported via aligned contextual and technological courses. The programme culminates in a major design project you select and develop with support from staff.
Programme: Landscape & Wellbeing
Awards: MSc
School: Edinburgh College of Art
College: Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences
Entry requirements
Normally a UK 2:1 honours degree, or its international equivalent, in a relevant subject.
We may also consider your application if you have equivalent experience; please contact us to check before you apply.
Programme structure
The programme combines lectures, seminars and project work with student-led oral and graphic presentations, essays and a supervised dissertation. Guest lecturers within OPENspace’s network of professional contacts will further augment the programme.
It is structured around four compulsory courses and three option courses, drawn from architecture, landscape architecture, and from other Schools within the University of Edinburgh.
Programme: Art, Space & Nature
Duration:21 or 12-months
Awards: MFA Art/MA (eca)
School: Edinburgh College of Art
College: Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences
Entry requirements
A UK 2:1 honours degree or its international equivalent.
You must submit a portfolio of recent work and a study proposal as part of your application.
If you do not meet the academic entry requirements, we may still consider your application on the basis of your portfolio and/or relevant professional experience.
Programme structure
The programme is primarily studio based, with students benefiting from one-to-one teaching and small group critiques. Inter-related project and reflective courses provide a correlation between practice and theory, while encouraging you to professionally integrate research, creative practice and contemporary cultural theory as a pathway for individual development.
Through regular group seminars each student is compelled to position their personal approach in respect of the broad multidisciplinary expertise of the group, reinforcing individual, disciplinary perspectives through enriched understanding.
Programme tutors are practising artists, architects and landscape architects, complemented by a wide range of disciplinary input from across the humanities and social and physical sciences. We have excellent relationships with a wide range of institutions such as the Edinburgh Centre for Carbon Innovation, An Lanntair Gallery in the Western Isles and the RSPB 'Flows to the Future’ project. We also link with scientific centres across the University through the Biological Architecture Lab and the Queen’s Medical Research Institute.
Programme: Interior Design
Awards: MA (eca)
School: Edinburgh College of Art
College: Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences
Entry requirements
Normally a UK 2:1 honours degree or its international equivalent, in a relevant subject such as interior design, interior architecture, architecture, landscape architecture, product design or 3D design. A
You must submit a portfolio as part of your application.
Your portfolio can include:
interiors, architectural, landscape or product projects, as well as other artworks
a range of media and arenas of enquiry
unfinished development work as well as finished projects
Selection will be made on four key criteria:
research and conceptual ambition: what are the big ideas driving your work?
development: how have you developed those ideas in your project work?
resolution: how have projects been resolved and communicated?
awareness: what do you consider interior design to be, and where does your work sit within the discipline?
We may also consider your application on the basis of your portfolio and/or relevant professional experience.
Programme structure
This programme integrates practical studio work with theoretical and written studies, including professional practice elements to prepare you for employment in the industry, and a lecture/seminar series to examine the wider context of your studies. The aim is to encourage and support postgraduate students who wish to explore interior design as a means of expressing ideas and opinions.
Projects are based within existing historic buildings in Edinburgh, usually in need of regeneration and often significant to communities or the wider city. There is also an element of exhibition design to the programme, whereby in the last semester you will be responsible for the design and construction of the ECA Interiors show at the Free Range Exhibition in London.
For assessment, you will produce a body of practical and written work on an agreed, self-initiated topic. This may include set projects within the programme curriculum.