


一、一周的星期数 (Days of the week)

weekdays    工作日:

Monday  [ˈmʌndeɪ]    星期一

It's Monday today, isn't it?今天是星期一,对吧?

Tuesday [ˈtjuːzdeɪ]    星期二

Today is Tuesday, so tomorrow is Wednesday. 今天是星期二,那么明天就是星期三。

Wednesday [ˈwenzdeɪ]    星期三

Next Wednesday is my birthday.下周三是我的生日。

Thursday [ˈθɜːzdeɪ]    星期四

Thursday is market day. 星期四是赶集日。

Friday [ˈfraɪdeɪ]    星期五

We only work from Monday to Friday. 我们仅从星期一工作到星期五。

weekend    周末:

Saturday [ˈsætədeɪ]    星期六

Let's go out on Saturday night. 我们星期六晚上出去吧。

Sunday [ˈsʌndeɪ]    星期日

Sunday is a normal working day for me. 星期日是我的正常工作日。




spring [sprɪŋ]    春天,春季

He was born in the spring of 1944.他生于1944年春。

summer [ˈsʌmə(r)]    夏天,夏季

It's very hot here in summer.这里夏天很热。

fall/autumn [fɔːl]/[ˈɔːtəm]    秋天,秋季

It's been a very mild fall/autumn this year.今年秋天一直很暖和。

winter [ˈwɪntə(r)]   冬天,冬季

It tends to get very cold here in the winter. 这里冬天往往会很冷。


January [ˈdʒænjuəri]    一月

January is my least favourite month. 一月是我最不喜欢的月份。

February [ˈfebruəri]    二月

How many days are there in the month of February? 二月份有几天?

March [mɑːtʃ]    三月

He made an official visit to Tokyo in March. 在三月他对东京进行了一次正式访问。

April [ˈeɪprəl]   四月

She was born in April.她是四月出生的。

May [meɪ]    五月

The last time I saw him was in May. 我上次见到他是在五月份。

June [dʒuːn]    六月

The movie will be released on video in June. 这部电影的录像带将于六月份发行。

July [dʒuˈlaɪ]    七月

The new model will be launched in July. 新型号产品将在七月推出。

August [ˈɔːɡəst]    八月

You need to enrol before the end of August. 你必须在八月底前注册。

September [sepˈtembə(r)]    九月

The rains come in September. 雨季九月份开始。

October [ɒkˈtəʊbə(r)]    十月

The film festival takes place in October. 电影节将于十月举行。

November [nəʊˈvembə(r)]    十一月

Retail sales fell in November by 10%. 十一月份零售额下降10%。

December [dɪˈsembə(r)]    十二月

Her baby was born on 4th December.她的孩子是12月4号出生的。




day [deɪ]    天

I saw Tom three days ago.我三天前见过汤姆。

week [wiːk]   周

What day of the week is it?今天星期几?

weekday [ˈwiːkdeɪ]    周工作日(星期一至星期五的任何一天)

The centre is open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on weekdays.本中心星期一至星期五上午9点至下午6点开放。

weekend [ˌwiːkˈend]    周末

Are you doing anything over the weekend?你在周末有什么安排吗?

month [mʌnθ]    月

We're moving house next month.我们下个月搬家。

year [jɪə(r)]    年

I'll see you in the new year. 新的一年里再见。

decade [ˈdekeɪd]    十年

The 1980s were the hottest decade on record. 20世纪80年代是有史以来最热的十年。

century [ˈsentʃəri]    世纪

The name has come down from the last century. 这名称是从上个世纪流传下来的。

millennium [mɪˈleniəm]    一千年

How did you celebrate the millennium? 你们是如何欢庆千禧年的?

era [ˈɪərə]    时代

It's the end of an era. 这是一个时代的终结。


1、on 用在天(星期)和具体的日期之前,例如:

on Monday    在星期一

on Wednesday    在星期三

on Thursday    在星期四

on Friday    在星期五

on Sunday    在星期天

on March 25, 2015    2015年3月25日

on June 2, 2019    2019年6月2日

2、in 用在月份和四季之前,例如:

in January    一月

in May    五月

in July    七月

in August    八月

in December    十二月

in spring    在春天

in summer    在夏天

in autumn    在秋天

in winter    在冬天


in the morning    在早上

in the afternoon    在下午

in the evening    在晚上

at noon    在中午

at night    在晚上

at midnight    在午夜时分



What day is it today?今天是星期几?

Can you spell the days of the week?你能拼写一周中的每一天吗?

What day was it the day before yesterday/yesterday/tomorrow/the day after tomorrow?前天/昨天/明天/后天是星期几?

Which days of the week do you have an English class?你每周有几天英语课?

What is your first/last working day of the week?一周的第一个工作日/最后一个工作日是什么?

On which day do you start work again?你哪天再开始工作?

What day of the week is the hardest for you to spell?一周中哪一天对你来说最难拼写?

What days of the week are the weekend?一周中哪几天是周末?

What is the date today?今天几号?

What was the date yesterday?昨天是几号?

What will the date be tomorrow?明天几号?


What month is it now?现在是几月?

What month is it next month?下个月是几月?

What month is last month?上个月是几月?

Which/What month is your birthday?你的生日是哪个月?

What month is Christmas/Easter?圣诞节/复活节是几月?

What month do you go on a holiday?你几月去度假?

Which month is the hardest for you to spell?哪个月对你来说最难拼写?

Which month is the hottest/coldest?哪个月最热/冷?

Which month does summer/winter begin?夏天/冬天从哪个月开始?

Which month does your school begin/end?你们学校几月开学/放假?

What month do you like the least/best?你最不喜欢/喜欢哪个月?

What months are cold/hot in your country?你们国家冷/热的月份是哪几个月?

How do you say the months of the year in your native language?用母语怎么说一年中的几个月?


How many seasons are there in a year?一年有几个季节?

Which do you prefer, spring or autumn?你喜欢春天还是秋天?

What's your favorite season and why?你最喜欢的季节是什么?为什么?

What crops are produced in which seasons in your country?你们国家哪个季节生产什么作物?

What's the average temperature in your country in the summer time? How about in the winter?你们国家夏天平均气温是多少?冬天呢?

Do you think that in recent years we are losing our four distinct seasons?近年来,你认为四季的区分越来越不明显吗?

What is the best season to get married?结婚的最佳季节是什么?

What is the hottest/coldest season?最热/冷的季节是哪个?

In your opinion, which season is the most beautiful?在你看来,哪个季节最美?

Which season is the most comfortable for you?哪个季节对你来说最舒服?

Why do you think spring/summer/fall/winter is the most beautiful season?你为什么认为春天/夏天/秋天/冬天是最美丽的季节?

What is the weather like in your country for each season?你们国家每一个季节的天气怎么样?

What do you enjoy doing in summer?夏天你喜欢做什么?

What is your favorite winter activity?你最喜欢的冬季活动是什么?

