
Rubato, 中文翻译的话,可以称之为“自由🆓速度”、“弹性速度”,亦或是“伸缩速度”。



So what’s the “Rubato” means actually? You know, I have asked one of my female friend who studied piano coaching at Hamburg🇩🇪

She said she don’t know how to explain😷 Emmm...🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️

Daniel Barenboim answered my question, he said “Rubato”, no matter for the piano🎹 playing or for the Orchestra playing, it has to be in a 范畴之内♻️

Daniel Barenboim强吻Anna Netrebko

For example, as a pianist or a conductor, you faster your playing or 让棒下的乐队在一段音乐的推进当中突然加速⏩,then you need to slower another paragraph of this music piece naturally and please notice that this another paragraph of the music piece should in this 范畴之内♻️ as well. And this is the “Rubato” indeed. The most important is that the 范畴之内♻️ you could do the Rubato you have to obey the logic and the concept I mean the notes that written by the composer on the score and in this way the Rubato makes sense. Otherwise, it’s bullshit ahha.


THE Crescendo and Diminuendo, 真的不是乱来的🧏🏻‍♂️💁🏻‍♂️


相较Rubato来说呢,还有一个音乐🎵术语叫作“Legato”(连奏,或圆滑奏),在我个人👤的认识以及理解上,Legato就是在让乐队在遵照作曲家作品总谱谱面标记的前提条件之下,相对自由🆓地、顺畅地齐奏开来,Leonard Bernstein非常善于这一点,大家不妨可以看看他晚年执棒Wiener Philharmoniker演绎的Gustav Mahler等作曲家的相关作品演出视频,可谓相当之精彩。

他可是烟不离手的by sexual~可谓相当之有魅力🪄✨

Leonard Bernstein&Wiener Philharmoniker’s Gustav Mahler 6


