





Introductory Lectures on Lacan

Editor : Astrid Gessert


The Lacan Tradition

Editor : Lionel Bailly, Editor : David Lichtenstein, Editor : Sharmini Bailly


Faces of the Freudian 'I': The Structure of the Ego in Psychoanalysis

Author(s) : Mikkel Reher-Langberg


Key Concepts of Lacanian Psychoanalysis

Editor : Dany Nobus


Lacanian Affects: The Function of Affect in Lacan's Work

Author(s) : Colette Soler


Lacanian Coordinates: From the Logic of the Signifier to the Paradoxes of Guilt and Desire

Author(s) : Bogdan Wolf



Drawing the Soul: Schemas and Models in Psychoanalysis

Author(s) : Bernard Burgoyne

The Graph of Desire: Using the Work of Jacques Lacan

Author(s) : Alfredo Eidelsztein

The Topological Transformation of Freud's Theory

Author(s) : Jean-Gerard Bursztein



Lalangue, Sinthome, Jouissance, and Nomination: A Reading Companion and Commentary on Lacan's Seminar XXIII on the Sinthome (阅读难度:极难)

Author(s) : Raul Moncayo、、

The Real Jouissance of Uncountable Numbers: The Philosophy of Science within Lacanian Psychoanalysis


Author(s) : Raul Moncayo, Author(s) : Magdalena Romanowicz


The New Klein-Lacan Dialogues

Editor : Julia Borossa, Editor : Catalina Bronstein, Editor : Claire Pajaczkowska



The Subject of Psychosis: a Lacanian Perspective

Author(s) : Stijn Vanheule


Sexual Ambiguities

Author(s) : Genevieve Morel 巴黎八大博士 、ECF督导分析家


Lacan - The Unconscious Reinvented

Author(s) : Colette Soler 原巴黎八大教授


Above the Ground and Beneath the Clouds: Schizophrenia in Lacanian Psychoanalysis

Author(s) : Yannis Grammatopoulos

Incandescent Alphabets: Psychosis and the Enigma of Language

Author(s) : Annie G. Rogers


Treating People with Psychosis in Institutions: A Psychoanalytic Perspective

Author(s) : Belinda S. Mackie


Hysteria Today

Editor : Anouchka Grose

Obsessional Neurosis: Lacanian Perspectives

Editor : Astrid Gessert


Love in a Time of Loneliness

Author(s) : Paul Verhaeghe



On Being Normal and Other Disorders: A Manual for Clinical Psychodiagnostics

Author(s) : Paul Verhaeghe



Lacanian Psychotherapy with Children: The broken piano

Author(s) : Catherine Mathelin


Premature Birth: The Baby, the Doctor and the Psychoanalyst

Author(s) : Catherine Vanier

Lacanian Psychoanalysis with Babies, Children, and Adolescents: Further Notes on the Child

Editor : Carol Owens, Editor : Stephanie Farrelly Quinn

The Birth of the Other【儿童精神病】

Author(s) : Rosine Lefort, Author(s) : Robert Lefort



Psychoanalysis and Severe Handicap: The Hand in the Cap

Author(s) : Angelo Villa

Lacan and Addiction: An Anthology

Editor : Yael Goldman Baldwin, Editor : Kareen R. Malone, Editor : Thomas Svolos

Transgender Psychoanalysis: A Lacanian Perspective on Sexual Difference

Author(s) : Patricia Gherovici

Please Select Your Gender: From the Invention of Hysteria to the Democratizing of Transgenderism

Author(s) : Patricia Gherovici


Twenty-First Century Psychoanalysis

Author(s) : Thomas Svolos

Lacan's Clinical Technique: Lack(a)nian Analysis

Author(s) : Antonio Quinet


Lacanian Treatment: Psychoanalysis for Clinicians

Author(s) : Yehuda Israely

A Clinical Introduction to Lacanian Psychoanalysis: Theory and Technique

Author(s) : Bruce Fink


Using Lacanian Clinical Technique: An Introduction

Author(s) : Philip Hill




The Marks of a Psychoanalysis

Author(s) : Luis Izcovich

Freud and the Desire of the Psychoanalyst

Author(s) : Serge Cottet, Translator : Beatrice Khiara, Translator : John Holland, Translator : Kate Gilbert


The Trainings of the Psychoanalyst

Author(s) : Annie Tardits, Translator : Marc du Ry

The Constitution of the Psychoanalytic Clinic: A History of its Structure and Power

Author(s) : Christian Dunker, Translator : Terence Hill


The Dialogues in and of the Group: Lacanian Perspectives on the Psychoanalytic Group

Author(s) : Macario Giraldo

Sex and Nothing: Bridges from Psychoanalysis to Philosophy

Editor : Alejandro Cerda-Rueda

Let's Keep Talking: Lacanian Tales of Love, Sex, and Other Catastrophes

Author(s) : Yael Goldman Baldwin

Transsexuality and the Art of Transitioning: A Lacanian Approach

Author(s) : Oren Gozlan

Pink Herrings: Fantasy, Object Choice, and Sexuation

Author(s) : Damien W. Riggs

There's No Such Thing as a Sexual Relationship: Two Lessons on Lacan

Author(s) : Alain Badiou, Author(s) : Barbara Cassin, Translator : Kenneth Reinhard, Translator : Susan Spitzer, Author(s) : Kenneth Reinhard

From the Conscious Interior to an Exterior Unconscious: Lacan, Discourse Analysis and Social Psychology

Author(s) : David Pavon Cuellar, Editor : Danielle Carlo, Editor : Ian Parker

The Anti-Oedipus Complex: Lacan, Critical Theory and Postmodernism

Author(s) : Rob J. Weatherill

Lacan and Science

Editor : Jason Glynos, Editor : Yannis Stavrakakis




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