双语病例 | Porcelain gallbladder 瓷胆囊
病例选自《Mayo Clinic Body MRI Case Review》
65-year-oldwoman with rectal cancer and indeterminate hepatic lesions on CT
Fig 3.3.1:

Fig 3.3.2:

Fig 3.3.3:

Coronal SSFSE (Figure 3.3.1) and axial FSE T2-weighted(Figure 3.3.2) images demonstrate low signal intensity in the gallbladder fundus, with a markedly hypointense rim. Coronal reformatted image from contrast-enhanced CT (Figure 3.3.3) shows diffuse calcification of the gallbladder fundus corresponding to the hypointense rim on MRI.
冠状位SSFSE序列及横断位FSE T2WI序列示胆囊底部低信号,周边见明显低信号环。
Porcelain gallbladder

Porcelain gallbladder is used to describe diffuse calcification of the gallbladder wall and has long been thought to constitute a significant risk factor for gallbladder carcinoma. For that reason, prophylactichas been advocated for patients with porcelain gallbladder, whether or not they have symptoms.This thinking was based largely on papers published in the 1960s, one of which reported a 61% incidence of gallbladder carcinoma in patients with porcelain gallbladder. This association has been called into question more recently; 2 larger studies published in 2001 showed much lower incidences of 0% and 5%, respectively. The explanation for the large discrepancies is not clear but likely has to do with the rapid proliferation of US and CT and the subsequent detection of gallbladder calcification as an incidental finding leading to cholecystectomy. It also is possible that the epidemiology of gallbladder carcinoma is changing.
Whatever the case,the finding of porcelain gallbladder should still be reported, but without the dire prognostic implications once ascribed to it. MRI is well known as the test of choice if you don’t want to see calcification, but calcification can sometimes be appreciated by the careful observer, generally as a nonenhancing, hypointense structure onboth T1- and T2-weightedimages. This case illustrates this principle: The gallbladder wall is hypointense in the fundus, corresponding to the calcification on CT. It should be noted that this is not universally true but probably is the more common presentation.
Porcelain gallbladder is strongly associated with chronic inflammation and the presence of gallstones(60%-100%), and the ongoing inflammatory process is thought to be responsible for mucosal dysplasia and eventual calcification.