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背景音乐:Mishon - Victoria's Secret

Known as the sexiest night of the year, the annual Victoria's Secrets (VS) Fashion Show is set to take place in Shanghai and will air on 29 November. The star-studded night will feature VS angels (models) donning elaborate lingerie and walking down the runway while top musical icons perform.
Asian models on the rise
This year, expect to also see more Asian faces on the runway, double from last year in fact. From popular names like Liu Wen and Sui He to new additions like Estelle Chen, here's all you need to know about these gorgeous VS angels.
Liu Wen
The 29 year-old has become known for being China's first supermodel and being the first Asian model on the cover of American Vogue. In 2009, she also proved that Asian models could be part of the VS Fashion Show. To date, she has walked for five shows, with this year being her sixth.
While most of the world prepares for a lazy, sweatpant-wearing Thanksgiving week filled with football, family, and turkey, the Victoria’s Secret models are in crunch mode. After all, the lingerie company’s annual fashion show only happens once a year, and this Monday, the Angels will glide down the runway in the glamorous city of Shanghai.

star-studded 众星云集的
don 穿着
elaborate 精心制作的
lingerie 女性内衣
runway T台
icon 偶像
glide 滑翔;轻松自如地走
glamorous 富有魅力的

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