奥斯卡颁奖闹乌龙 最佳影片尴尬反转


Oscars 2017: 'Moonlight' wins Best Picture after some confusion

"La La Land" didn't sweep Sunday's 89th Academy Awards as expected, but it did take home the major awards -- at least for a minute.

The New York Times/纽约时报:

Oscars 2017: And the Winner Is ... ‘Moonlight’ — Not ‘La La Land’

“Moonlight” is best picture. In a bewildering end to the show, “La La Land” was first announced as the winner before its jubilant cast and crew were interrupted with a scarcely believable correction.



Best Picture 最佳影片

sweep 横扫(奖项)

bewildering 使人困惑的

jubilant 兴高采烈的

cast and crew 演职人员

scarcely believable 几乎不能相信的

viral hits 病毒式点击

compensate for 弥补

plot twist 剧情反转

hack 黑客攻击

publicity 公开宣传;曝光度

