Richard Young is a contemporary British artist who developed a talent of oil paintings in his early ages and now runs his own studio in Barnstaple, Devon, UK. His figurative artwork, including figures of ballerinas and flamenco, belly, tango dancers are passionate, moody and emotional.

His modern artwork is fused with classical style and influenced and inspired by the

realism and romanticism of famous post renaissance artists, capturing the emotions and self belief of the subject, rather than characteristic individual representation.

理查德·杨 (Richard Young) 是一位当代英国艺术家,早年就培养了油画天赋,现在在英国德文郡巴恩斯特普 (Barnstaple) 经营自己的工作室。他的具象艺术作品,包括芭蕾舞演员和弗拉门戈、肚皮、探戈舞者的形象,充满激情、喜怒无常和情绪化。
