a sense of accomplishment 成就感
If you don't try,you will fail by default.
In ancient times,people didn't have calculators,they used abacuses.
Don't walk on the grass. Grass needs care and love.
The scenery is gorgeous.
1.Wow,colorful flowers .Let's learn to stop and take notice of beautiful things.Flowers have feelings ,be nice to them.Don't pick them.
Let's play in the sand. All work and no play is not a good thing,and vice versa.
It's not uncommon to see willow trees and beautiful flowers in our community.
Almost every community has exercise equipment.
You have a strong inclination towards study.
Your mummy has a strong inclination towards study.
If I buy toys this way,our home will become a toy shop.
These toys are irresistable ,but time and money are limited . We should use them wisely.
Fish are abundant in the fishtanks.
If you want to be really good at something ,you need to practice. Practice makes perfect.
2. 儿子非常喜欢他的圣伯纳犬玩具,睡觉也抱着这只狗。对此,我输入了:
You have an obsession with this dog. The moment you saw it, you fell in love with it. You told me : don't hesitate to buy this dog!
Julian is in the kitchen preparing special dishes for his adorable doggie. These dishes are inviting, captivating ,or tempting. Time went by quickly .It occurs to me that it's already dinner time. The food you are eating now is nutritious and scrumptious.
Facial expressions and body language help you understand how a character is feeling.
Staying at home is so boring. Let’s go outside. Inactive people are rarely healthy. You should spend more time taking part in sports. A sedentary lifestyle will be detrimental to your well being.
Your Mommy's forgetful. It suddenly occurred to me that I had left your water bottle at home.
Urgent and important things should be done first.I hope you can organize your time well. Brushing your teeth twice a day to get rid of bacteria. You should develop a good habit of going to bed early. Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy ,wealthy and wise.
1. 中午儿子吃完饭,又自己做“实验”了,把油、蜡笔、洗洁精,还有粉笔混一起。
Every act of creation is first of all an act of destruction.Don't blame your child if he damages something.
Instinct tells me that you will be a great artist. You have a strong inclination towards drawing. You are a prolific artist.
The world is big .It's filled with exciting places to visit. I want to travel abroad. I want to taste exotic food .In india,people use their hands ,not chopsticks to eat rice. We should respect their traditions and customs.
Learning English fosters his confidence.
Learning new things takes patience and persistence.