文章发表在 Breast Cancer Res. 2017; 19: 30.
Published online 2017 Mar 16. doi: 10.1186/s13058-017-0825-6
样本量并不少: case-control study of breast cancer diagnosed before age 40 years (200 cases, 293 controls)
可惜使用的芯片及技术手段比较旧了: Genome-wide scanning for CNVs was performed using the Human610-Quad BeadChip and fine-mapping was conducted using PennCNV.
既然是illumina的芯片,那么直接使用官网提供的 GenomeStudio 软件就可以分析得到:
genomic location
ignal intensity (Norm R)
allele frequency (Norm theta)
log R ratios (LRRs)
B allele frequencies (BAF)
有了每个样本的芯片数据的分析结果,就可以使用 PennCNV 做下游分析,质量控制步骤必不可少,最后的分析结果在; CNV data used in the study are shown in Additional file 2: Table S1.
Additional file 2: Table S1.(819K, xlsx)
CNV data for cases and controls. Chromosome coordinates given according to Hg18. (XLSX 819 kb)Additional file 3: Table S2.(19K, docx)