Daily Inspiration④①⑤

悦读阅美约未来Read and read the future of the United States


If I was waiting for someone to come back, I would hope that when she saw me, I was a person worthy of her appreciation. Every experience you have, whether it's good or bad, will increase the thickness of your life. The world is small, please run with your dreams; the world is big, please grow with perseverance.

你不用向任何人打听我过得好不好。不好你也帮助不了,好也不是你的功劳。最难过的是想念你的时候喝一大杯冰水然后慢慢流成热泪。生离让我眷恋 死别却抢走你的思念

You don't have to ask anyone if I'm doing well. No, you can't help. No, it's not your credit. The saddest thing is to drink a glass of ice water when you miss you and then slowly flow into tears. Life and death let me miss you, but take away your thoughts


People must strive for strength and strength, so that they will not be bullied; they must also be humble and compassionate, so that they will not bully others. Communicate with smart people, fall in love with reliable people, work with positive people, and go with humorous people. If this is the case in life, it will be enough.


There is a difficult person in everyone's heart. No matter how much you love, you should know that there are only two endings in your life, one is the end, the other is the passer-by, and there is no choice. That is to say, when a person cannot be your destination, he will become a passer-by, which has nothing to do with love.


Some people can leave only when they can't wait for them to come; some people can give up only if they want to. Clocks and watches can go back to the starting point, but not to yesterday; feelings can go back to the origin, but not as before.


There is always a happiness after success, only know it is comfortable; there is a happiness always has, only feel it is true love. I know someone in the world is waiting for me, although I don't know who I am waiting for. But because of this, I am happy every day.


If you love someone deeply, how can you leave him? Although this once deep love has become flat as water, but the waves are no longer, maybe they will still cling to each other. After all, he was your best age, your unswerving youth and perseverance.


Life is changeable, and peace of mind is where you go. Life is not only a smooth road, but also a lot of rough, even some difficult to cross the ditch. At such a critical juncture, we have only one choice: to take another step forward! Although it may be difficult, please believe that as long as you persevere, your life will be brilliant!


A hug, a helpless smile, how much lost, how much understanding, a person's shoulders, invisible scenery, love a person, lose a heart, how much love, just can not erase the final beauty.


Not everyone you meet will always exist; not every mood, you can be white hair. Singing can only stay in my heart, leaving people can only gather in memory.


One person, be kind to oneself; two people, treat each other. Be kind to yourself when you are alone and to each other when you are together. Sometimes, it's better not to promise, because you give them no fulfillment, not you don't give them.


Every detour you take is actually the only one. You must remember that you can never fly into your own sky on the wings of others.



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