

Migraines and White Matter Lesions - What We Should Know


We all have questionsand concerns about Migraine disease and it's impact. We want and need to understand both the immediate and long-term impact. Some of the most frequently asked questions that arise are related to white matter lesions on the brain, also known as white matter intensities.


We do know that Migraines can cause white matter lesions, also called white matter hyperintensities (WMH), to form on the brain. White matter is the whitish part of the brain that is made up of cells called axons. Axons facilitate nerve communication. White matter hyperintensities are sections of the white matter that appear as brighter white patches on the white matter on MRIs. They're small infarcts (areas of tissue that undergoes tissue death due to cessation of the blood supply) and indicate damage to the axons.


There have now been several studies on Migraine and WMHs, and they're produced some interesting information:


"White matter lesions and posterior circulation strokes were more likely to occur in persons with migraine, particularly migraine with aura and in individuals with high attack frequency."


Analysis of data from 186 patients with Migraine showed significant associations between the presence of WMHs and longer disease duration and higher Migraine frequency.


One study used MRI to evaluate changes in the WMHs in participants with Migraine with aura. The participants were followed over a period of nearly three years and evaluated for cerebrovascular risk factors.


White matter lesions were present in 63.4% of the patients on scans performed at the beginning of the study.


At follow up, 19.5% of the participants exhibited new lesions.


Researchers found a significant correlation between aura duration and the number of new white matter lesions and between the number of migraine attacks with aura and new white matter lesions. This indicated that in Migraine with aura, the number of abnormalities in white matter may progress over time and suggests an association between aura features and the progression of WMHs.


WMHs can be the consequence of a microvascular ischemic (related to interruption of blood flow) disturbance in Migraine.


At this point, it seems that the impact of WMHs for Migraineurs isn't as serious a matter as the definition of WMH sounds. So far, studies are finding WMHs to be subclincial, meaning that they don't cause any symptoms.


Summary and Comments:


Let's distill this information into some simpler points about Migraine and WMHs:


  • ·  People with Migraine, particularly Migraine with aura, are more likely to develop WMHs.

  • ·    偏头痛患者,尤其是伴先兆偏头痛的患者更可能产生WMH

  • ·    WMHs are more likely when we have Migraine disease for a longer period of time and when our Migraines are more frequent.

  • ·    WMH更容易发生在偏头痛持续时间长和发作频率高的患者中。

  • ·    There is also a correlation between WMHs and the length of the Migraine aura.

  • ·    WMH与偏头痛先兆的时间也是相关的。

  • ·    There seems to be a connection between aura and the progression of WMHs.

  • ·    偏头痛先兆似乎与WMH的进展有关。

  • ·    WMHs can occur as a result of disturbances in the blood flow in the areas of the brain where they occur.

  • ·    WMH可能是相应脑区血流紊乱的结果。

  • ·    To date, research has not found that WMHs cause any symptoms. They're considered "subclinical.

  • ·    至今,研究还没有发现WMH导致任何症状,他们被认为是亚临床的

Although WMHs haven't been shown to cause any symptoms, it stands to reason that these small areas of dead tissue aren't healthy, and we should these small areas of dead tissue aren't healthy, and we should take any steps we can to minimize their occurrence. Given their tie to the frequency of Migraines and the length of Migraine aura, it's logical to work with our doctors to prevent as many Migraines as possible and to stop our Migraines as early in the attacks as possible.




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