
根据该部于上午 8 点更新的数据,该国活跃的冠状病毒病例数连续第四天增加。
昨天,印度记录了 41,649 例新增病例。7 月 30 日,该国记录了 44,230 例病例。7 月 27 日,印度在 132 天后记录了不到 30,000 例新增病例(29,689 例)。此后,每日冠状病毒病例继续增加。
此外,周六进行了 17,89,472 次新冠检测,使该国迄今为止进行的此类测试总数达到 4.682亿,而每日阳性率为 2.34%。据该部称,每周阳性率为 2.42%。
迄今为止,该国累计接种的新冠疫苗剂量已达到 4.702亿。
印度的新冠病例总数在去年 8 月 7 日超过 200 万大关,8 月 23 日超过 300 万大关,9 月 5 日超过 400 万大关,9 月 16 日超过 500 万大关。
该国于今年 5 月 4 日跨越了2000万新冠病例的严峻里程碑,并于 6 月 23 日跨越了3000万例大关。


海得拉巴:印度前驻联合国特使赛义德·阿克巴鲁丁 (Syed Akbaruddin) 周日表示,印度总理纳伦德拉·莫迪 (Narendra Modi) 将成为首位在印度担任联合国安理会 (UNSC) 主席期间主持会议的印度总理。
阿克巴鲁丁说,这是 75 年来,印度政治领导层首次投资主持由 15 个成员组成的联合国机构的活动,这表明该国领导层希望从前线发挥领导作用。
HYDERABAD: Prime Minister Narendra Modi to be the first Indian PM to preside over a meeting during India's presidency of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), said Syed Akbaruddin, India's former envoy to UN, on Sunday.
This is the first time in over 75 years, that Indian political leadership has invested in presiding over an event of the 15-member UN body and this depicts that the country's leadership wants to lead from the front, Akkbarudin said. TOI
日立印度董事总经理巴拉特·考沙尔(Bharat Kaushal)表示,该公司已经通过在印度的协调方式增强了自己的能力,现在正着眼于将印度作为许多新领域的中心,包括技术、人工智能、能源存储和快速充电或环保解决方案。
Japanese conglomerate Hitachi is "reimagining" India as a global hub in terms of new age technologies and solutions which will drive its businesses in the country as well as global markets, a top company official has said.
The company, which has augmented its capacities through a concerted approach in India, is now looking at the country to be a hub in many new segments, including technology, artificial intelligence, energy storage and fast charging or environmentally friendly solutions, according to Hitachi India Managing Director Bharat Kaushal. business-standard
新德里:数据分析公司 PropEquity 周六报告说,由于第二波新冠疫情,4 月至 6 月七个主要城市的房屋销售比上一季度下降了 58%。
数据显示,2021 年 4 月至 6 月,住宅物业的销量从上一季度的 1,08,420 套下降至 45,208 套。
NEW DELHI: Data analytic firm PropEquity on Saturday reported that housing sales across seven major cities fell 58 per cent during April-June over the previous quarter due to the second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic.
According to data, sales of residential properties declined to 45,208 units in April-June 2021 from 1,08,420 units in the preceding quarter.
Stringent lockdown across major cities in India impacted housing sales as home registrations were also suspended and home loan disbursals were slow, it added. TOI
新德里:消息人士称,印度政府对国际仲裁庭的裁决提出上诉,该裁决推翻了其对沃达丰集团 (Vodafone Group Plc) 22,100 千万卢比的欠税要求,已移交给新加坡的高级法院,听证会定于 9 月举行。
NEW DELHI: Indian government's appeal against a verdict of an international arbitration tribunal that overturned its demand for Rs 22,100 crore in back taxes from Vodafone Group Plc has been transferred to a senior court in Singapore and hearings are scheduled in September, sources said. TOI
New Delhi: A 'neutral’ probe by a central agency into the July 26 Assam-Mizoram border clash is unlikely with the Centre unwilling to escalate the issue any further and chief ministers of either state have made no such request, according to sources in the government. TOI
周六,马哈拉施特拉邦正式确认了首例蚊媒寨卡病毒感染病例。周五晚些时候,浦那的印度医学研究委员会-国家病毒学研究所(icmro - niv)对浦那Belsar村(Purandar taluka) 50岁居民的血液样本进行了寨卡-基孔肯雅联合感染检测。
Maharashtra officially confirmed its first case of Zika virus a mosquito-borne viral infection on Saturday. A blood sample of the 50-year-old resident of Belsar village (Purandar taluka) in Pune district tested positive for Zika-chikungunya co-infection at ICMR-NIV in Pune late on Friday. TOI
WASHINGTON: The war against Covid-19 has changed because of the highly contagious Delta variant, the US Centers for Disease Control said, proposing a clearer message, mandatory vaccines for health workers and a return to universal masking. TOI
NEW DELHI: As the cumulative monsoon rainfall over the country touches almost 'normal’ level with the deficit reduced to less than 1% on Saturday, the overall acreage of Kharif (summer-sown) crops in India crossed the 'normal’ sown area threshold by over 8 lakh hectares.
Though the acreage is still less than the sown area of last year’s corresponding period, the higher than 'normal’ acreage is always considered good for the crop year as it shows the possibility of farm output in sync with the average of the last five years,
specifically when India has consistently been reporting higher foodgrain production year after year since 2016-17. TOI
北京:周六数据显示,由于制造业受到需求放缓、出口疲软和极端天气的影响,7 月份中国工厂活动减弱至大流行开始以来的最低水平。
国家统计局表示,采购经理人指数 (PMI) 是衡量世界第二大经济体制造业活动的关键指标,从 6 月份的 50.9 降至 7 月份的 50.4。
BEIJING: Chinese factory activity weakened in July to its lowest level since the start of the pandemic, data showed Saturday, as manufacturing was impacted by slowing demand, weak exports and extreme weather.
The Purchasing Managers' Index (PMI), a key gauge of manufacturing activity in the world's second-largest economy, dropped to 50.4 in July from June's 50.9, the National Bureau of Statistics said. TOI
新德里:周六持续了 9 个小时的第 12 轮军团指挥官级会谈的结果没有官方消息,但有迹象表明,双方至少分阶段在温泉-戈格拉-孔卡拉地区的15、17和17 a巡逻点完成停滞的部队脱离接触。
There was no official word on the outcome of the 12th round of corps commander-level talks, which lasted for nine hours on Saturday, but there are indications the two sides could be close to at least completing the stalled troop disengagement at patrolling points (PPs) 15, 17 and 17A in the Hot Springs-Gogra-Kongka La area in a phased manner.
“Nothing definite, however, can be said until the two delegations get back and are properly debriefed by their respective politico-military hierarchies, with a possible joint statement being issued in a day or two,” said a source. TOI