🌍地理1⃣️3⃣️ G2新学期第十三课的云端材料 ☁️ Tuesday supplementary

©️ Hermione MIAO

Captured in Cambridge(2015)

2017.03.14 -2017.5.02

(0460 Geography)

⏳Before the G2 Paper1 exam, you have 49 days to go.

今天距离地理G2第一场考试还有:49 天

2017.03.14 -2017.5.10

(0460 Geography)

⏳Before the G2 Paper2 exam, you have 57 days to go.

今天距离地理G2 第二场考试还有:57 天

Dear G2 kids,

You guys did a great job in class, presenting with your ad to sell King William renewable energy.

And that is how I know for sure sometimes you are pretending to be slow. That is too childish because we only have 49 days to go.

Since you all understood everything we covered in class, if not, book a personal tutorial with me.

There is no more after-school classes, just wonderful supplementary materials. Today we will enjoy some fantastic posters.

Because the world water day is approaching. And it is quite good to learn what persuasive and creative posters look like.

All pictures are searched by BING Images, with keywords on water water day.



Tomorrow William will give you a past paper(Paper1 in May 2016) for fun. To do or not to do, it is a choice.

But once you finish it, you can ask for a personal tutorial with me.



p.s. just in case you may want to take a quick look:


