

1认为,断言:I am convinced that , I hold that, advocate, personally,I deem that2许多的+可数名词复数:a large number of, a considerable  number of, a host of许多的+不可数名词:a large amount ofa majority of 大部分的+可数名词复数,a minority of小部分的+可数名词复数3如今、目前:in contemporary society, in recent decades, at present, currently4越来越:an increasing/growing number of +可数名词复数=越来越多的increasingly+形容词或副词原形=越来越……5重要,必要,关键,根本, 意义重大的:essential, vital, influential, fundamental, significant, indispensable6提升、提高、增强:enhance, strengthen, promote, boost7明显的,突出的:apparent, remarkable, evident,  prominent8很大地,非常地(表示程度):exceedingly, significantly, considerably9可能:be likely to, it is very likely that…, it is predicted that…预测10常常:frequently, more often than not11教育、倡导、鼓励:educate, advocate, encourage12足够的:adequate, ample, sufficient, enough13归因于:ascribe to, attribute to源自于:result from, derive from, originate from (in)14因为,由于:due to, thanks to, owing to, because of, in light of15导致、造成:contribute to, lead to, bring about, give rise to, induce16往往,表趋势:tend to, be prone to, be inclined to, have a tendency to17塑造、培养:cultivate, develop, foster, mould, shape18发生,出现,产生:take place, occur, arise, bring about, emerge19能给,能使,能让:enable sb. to do sth., render, ensure, liberate/ free/ release sb. from…20有益的,有助于……的:be beneficial/ instrumental/ conducive/ favorable/ optimal to sth.21偶尔:occasionally, sometimes, once in a while, on some occasions22有…影响:exert …effects on, have an effect/  impact/ influence on23不管,尽管:no matter…, regardless of, despite, in spite of24呈现,展现,描述:display, illustrate, exhibit, depict, demonstrate25反对:oppose, protest, object to, go against, opponent 反对者26接触到:expose…to, have/ get access to27赞成、支持:applaud, favor, advocate, vote, go for赞成、支持:in favor of, be side with, in agreement with, proponent支持者28优点、优势:pro, merit, strength, advantage, benefit, positive29缺点、弱势:con, flaw, weakness, disadvantage, negative30如果、假设:imagine that, provided that, suppose that, on condition that31破坏、损害、有害:destroy, damage, spoil, ruin, jeopardize, impairdo harm to , be detrimental to, be hazardous to32阻碍,妨碍:hinder, block, keep…from, obstacle to, barrier to33构成潜在威胁/危害:pose potential threat/ danger/ risk to34忽视、低估、次要:downplay, overlook, ignore, neglect, underestimate35伴随:along with, together with, be accompanied by36关于:in terms of, with regards to, as to, concerning37关注:pay attention to, raise/ arouse…concern强调、重视:attach importance to, lay emphasis/stress on优先考虑、把…放首要位置:give priority to38不可否认:there is no denying that…, it is an undeniable fact that…39毫无疑问: admittedly, it is no doubt that…40普遍,流行,受欢迎:prevalent, prevail, enjoy/ gain popularity41当谈到,谈及某事时:when it comes to sth.42让我/我们想到:it occurs to me/ us that…43目睹、见证:时间/ 地点+witnessed/ saw that…The past years witnessed the speedy development of our society. 过去的几年见证了社会的飞速发展。44一致意见:consensus, it is universally acknowledged that…, it is generally  accepted that ...45有争议的问题:a controversial issue, a subject of fierce debate热点问题:a heated topic, a burning problem棘手的问题:a thorny issue令人关注的问题:a matter of concern推荐更多的阅读:"强调句式"精讲世界上最遥远的距离(双语朗读)四六级考研备考三点建议“三步”搞定长难句---拆分+切块翻译+组合四六级翻译必考:数字的翻译知道什么是同位语从句吗?从句套从句如何理解翻译?

