




Write an essay of 160---200 words based on the following drawing. In youressay, you should

1)describe the drawing briefly,

2)explain it’s intended meaning, and

3)give your comments.

Your should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points)


(首句:引入图画)This is a simplebut thought-provoking cartoon: (图画细节:人/物+动作+环境+文字) in/ inside acomputer stands a young guy, throwing two bombs towards a couple; the couple are scared and try to run away, with great horror on their faces. (文字信息) Finally, we can also notice that beside the bombs, there are four Chinese characters, which say“Internet Rumors”. (首段尾句:如果真不会写了,没办法,写句废话吧)This scene seems to be funny at the first sight but enlightening on the second thought.


(首句:图画联系主旨)Obviously, such ascenario can be naturally associated with the significance of rejecting/refusing Internet rumors in real life (the negative impacts of Internetrumors). (二句背景:群体特征) Internet is best characterized by its abundant information.(三句现象:图画所反映的客观事实)Today, a host of individuals surf theInternet to gain/ get/obtain/ acquire various information, but they are often confused/ scared/ misled by some rumors. (四句:关注) This trend is particularly worth concern. (万能强调句:好事肯定/坏事肯定) It is these rumors that do not enable us to build up a safe, comfortable and enjoyableInternet life.


(设问)Then, how shouldwe understand rumors? To my understanding, rumors can be likened to bombs,which threaten our life. (举例)Cases in point are false news, advertisements and so on. (危害) As a matter offact, these rumors have constituted an obstacle that hinders not only Internet,but also our life.

(尾段首句:观点)Accordingly,/Thus,/ Therefore, it is of great necessity to reverse this trend. (建议1)For one thing, the society as a whole should forge a wholesome atmosphere to reject, criticize and restrain making and spreading rumors on the Internet. (建议2)For another, it is advisable for youngsters to be cautious/ alert/ careful when surfing theInternet.






