陕西省MedAccred —AC8121电子电缆和线束组件的审核标准 (16)

36.2 Securing Using Tie Wraps [ ]

37.0 Electrical Shielding [ ]

37.1 Braided [ ]

37.2 Shield Terminations – Solder Sleeve Devices [ ]

37.3 Shield Termination – Splicing [ ]

37.4 Tapes – Barrier and Conductive, Adhesive and Nonadhesive [ ]

37.5 Conduit (Shielding) [ ]

37.6 Shrink Tubing – Conductive Lined [ ]

38.0 Protective Coverings [ ]

38.1 General [ ]

38.2 Braid – Direct Applied [ ]

38.3 Braid – Prewoven [ ]

38.4 Sleeving / Shrink Tubing [ ]

38.5 Spiral Plastic Wrap Sleeving [ ]

38.6 Conduit [ ]

38.7 Tapes, Adhesive and Nonadhesive [ ]

39.0 Finished Assembly [ ]

40.1 Testing [ ]

40.2 General Mandatory if 40.0 General is Checked

40.3 Electrical Testing [ ]

40.4 Mechanical Testing [ ]

41.0 Storage, Handling and Packaging of Finished Product[ ]

