
与此同时,在印度,纳伦德拉·莫迪政府在正在进行的季风议会会议期间发表的“无人因缺氧而死亡”的声明发生了技术性转变。现在健康专家说,如何记录死亡人数纯粹是一个技术观点。但是,每个人都同意,如果按时获得氧气供应,在第二波中死亡的新冠患者中几乎可以有 20% 得救。在季风会议期间的答复中,印度政府表示,过去两个月各邦报告了大约 45,000 例黑木耳感染。
根据联合卫生部的数据,印度在过去 24 小时内报告了 35,342 例新增病例、38,740 例康复和 483 例死亡


新德里:根据商务部临时数据,由于宝石和珠宝、石油和工程等行业的健康增长,该国的出口在 7 月 1 日至 21 日期间增长了 45.13%,达到 224.8 亿美元。
在上述期间,进口也增长了 64.82% 至 317.7 亿美元,贸易逆差为 92.9 亿美元。
NEW DELHI: The country's exports grew 45.13 per cent to $22.48 billion during July 1-21 on account of healthy growth in sectors such as gems and jewellery, petroleum and engineering, according to the provisional commerce ministry data.
Imports also rose 64.82 per cent to $31.77 billion in the said period, leaving a trade deficit of $9.29 billion. TOI
官员们表示,他们正在调查电视频道 Bharat Samachar 和报纸 Dainik Bhaskar 的逃税行为。
Indian tax authorities have raided the offices of two prominent media outlets that have been critical of the government's response to coronavirus.
Officials said they are investigating tax evasion at TV channel Bharat Samachar and newspaper Dainik Bhaskar.
The homes of some employees have also been raided, and many have had their mobile phones seized. BBC
India broke into the top 10 list of agricultural produce exporters in 2019 with a sizeable share in the export of rice, cotton, soya beans and meat, according to a World Trade Organization (WTO) report on the trends in world agricultural trade in the past 25 years.
In 2019, Mexico and India, with 3.4% and 3.1% share in global agri exports, respectively, replaced Malaysia (7th) and New Zealand (9th) as the largest exporters, while the US, which topped the list in 1995 (22.2%), was overtaken by the European Union in 2019 (16.1%).
The US’s share fell to 13.8% in 2019. Brazil maintained its ranking as the third largest exporter, increasing its share from 4.8% in 1995 to 7.8% in 2019. China climbed from the sixth spot in 1995 (4%) to fourth in 2019 (5.4%). Livemint
蒂鲁帕蒂:蒂鲁马拉蒂鲁帕蒂天神殿 (TTD) 将成为该国第一个部署国防研究与发展组织 (DRDO) 反无人机技术的寺庙管理机构,以保护蒂鲁马拉标志性的文卡特斯瓦拉勋爵寺庙。
TIRUPATI: Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams (TTD) will become the first temple administration in the country to deploy the Defence Research and Development Organisation's (DRDO) anti-drone technology to safeguard the iconic Lord Venkateswara temple at Tirumala. TOI
新德里:官方消息人士周四表示,印度电信部 (DoT) 正在等待 Vodafone Idea 投资者的详细信息,以批准该电信公司 15,000 千万卢比的外国直接投资提案。
负债累累的 Vodafone Idea (Vi) 已寻求政府批准筹集 15,000 千万卢比,为其在该国的业务提供资金。
NEW DELHI: The department of telecom (DoT) is awaiting the details of investors from Vodafone Idea for clearing the telco's Rs 15,000 crore foreign direct investment proposal, an official source said on Thursday.
Debt-ridden Vodafone Idea (Vi) has sought government approval to raise Rs 15,000 crore to fund its operations in the country. TOI
新德里:人民院周五获悉,印度医学研究委员会 (ICMR) 于 6 月 14 日至 7 月 6 日进行的第四次全国血清调查发现,在印度 6 岁以上的人口中,67.6% 的人已经产生了针对新冠病毒的抗体.
此外,85.2% 的接受调查的医护人员有针对新冠病毒的抗体。
NEW DELHI: Of India's population above the age of six, 67.6 percent have developed antibodies against Covid-19, found the Indian Council of Medical Research's (ICMR) fourth national serosurvey done between June 14 and July 6, the Lok Sabha was informed on Friday.
Also, 85.2 percent of the surveyed healthcare workers had antibodies against Covid-19. TOI
新德里:两名知情消息人士称,特斯拉公司已致函印度各部门,寻求大幅降低电动汽车 (EV) 的进口关税,称此举将提振需求并为政府创造收入。
NEW DELHI: Tesla Inc has written to Indian ministries seeking a big reduction in import duties on electric vehicles (EVs), a move it says will boost demand and generate revenue for the government, two sources with knowledge of the matter said.
Its pitch, however, is likely to face resistance from Prime Minister Narendra Modi's administration which has championed high import taxes for many industries in a bid to boost local manufacturing. TOI
HYDERABAD: After bagging ecommerce giant Amazon’s $2.77 billion data centre last year, Telangana is all set to net one of Microsoft’s largest data centre projects entailing an investment of over $2 billion. The proposed investment is slated to be one of the largest by Microsoft outside the United States.
TOI has learnt that Microsoft has been in parleys with the Telangana government since the beginning of the year and the proposal is in the advanced stages of finalisation with an announcement expected shortly. TOI
悉尼:新西兰总理杰辛达·阿德恩 (Jacinda Ardern) 表示,从周五晚上开始,新西兰将暂停与澳大利亚的免隔离旅行安排至少八周。
SYDNEY: New Zealand will pause its quarantine-free travel arrangement with Australia for at least eight weeks from Friday night, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said. TOI
NEW DELHI: With the Olympics officially opening in Tokyo on Friday, Google launched an interactive series of Olympics-themed minigames, based on events there over the next two weeks.
The game will feature on the 'Doodles' on the main page of the search engine.