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 Long-term Impact of Crystalloid versus Colloid Solutions on Renal Function and Disability-free Survival after Major Abdominal Surgery



方  法


结 果  

共获得纳入研究的160例患者中129例(81%)的长期肾功能随访数据,114例患者(71%)完整的WHODAS评分数据。。两组患者血清肌酐、尿素氮和肾小球滤过率在术后1年无显著差异。通过WHODAS评分评估残疾率,胶体组显著低于晶体组(分别为2.7 [0-12%]和7.6 [1.3-18%]; P = 0.015)。胶体组(79%)1年无残疾生存率显著高于晶体组(60%)(P = 0.024; 95%CI,2%-39%)。

结 论



Joosten A, Delaporte A, Mortier J, et al. Long-term Impact of Crystalloid versus Colloid Solutions on Renal Function and Disability-free Survival after Major Abdominal Surgery. Anesthesiology. 2018 Nov 9. doi: 10.1097/ALN.0000000000002501

BACKGROUND:The authors recently demonstrated that administration of balanced hydroxyethyl starch solution as part of intraoperative goal-directed fluid therapy was associated with better short-term outcomes than administration of a balanced crystalloid solution in patients having major open abdominal surgery. In the present study, a 1-yr follow-up of renal and disability outcomes in these patients was performed.

METHODS:All patients enrolled in the earlier study were followed up 1 yr after surgery for renal function and disability using the World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0 (WHODAS). The main outcome measure was the estimated glomerular filtration rate. Other outcomes were serum creatinine, urea, pruritus, and WHODAS score. Groups were compared on a complete-case analysis basis, and modern imputation methods were then used in mixed-model regressions to assess the stability of the findings taking into account the missing data.

RESULTS: Of the 160 patients enrolled in the original study, follow-up data were obtained for renal function in 129 and for WHODAS score in 114. There were no statistically significant differences in estimated glomerular filtration rate at 1 yr (ml min 1.73 m): 80 [65 to 92] for crystalloids versus 74 [64 to 94] for colloids; 95% CI [-10 to 7], P = 0.624. However, the WHODAS score (%) was statistically significantly lower in the colloid than in the crystalloid group (2.7 [0 to 12] vs. 7.6 [1.3 to 18]; P = 0.015), and disability-free survival was higher (79% vs. 60%; 95% CI [2 to 39]; P = 0.024).

CONCLUSIONS: In patients undergoing major open abdominal surgery, there was no evidence of a statistically significant difference in long-term renal function between a balanced hydroxyethyl starch and a balanced crystalloid solution used as part of intraoperative goal-directed fluid therapy, although there was only limited power to rule out a clinically significant difference. However, disability-free survival was significantly higher in the colloid than in the crystalloid group.




编辑:王贵龙  审校:李华宇

