研究 | ESG政策法规研究之俄罗斯篇
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图片来源:Emerald Waterways, https://www.emeraldwaterways.com/river-cruises/russia
图 1– 1 2004 — 2018年俄罗斯GDP与原油价格
为实现经济发展以及能源转型等目标,俄罗斯近年来出台了一系列重要国家战略及相关政策(图2 – 1)。
图2 - 1 俄罗斯近年来重要ESG政策法规时间线
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Glebova, Irina, et al. "Evaluation of corporate social responsibility of Russian companies based on nonfinancial reporting." Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 13 (2013): 143-148.
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Huterski, Robert, and Evgeniya Kaz. "Corporate Social Responsibility indices for shares listed on the Warsaw and Moscow stock exchanges: design limitations of information value for socially responsible investors." Ekonomia i Prawo. Economics and Law 19.2 (2020): 261-273.
Kostyleva, Valentina, and Hector J. Lehuede. "Board Formation: Nomination and Election in OECD Countries and Russia." Available at SSRN 2393954 (2012).
“Listing Rules.” Moscow Exchange. 2019. www.moex.com
Mau, Vladimir and Vladimir, Alexey. “Global crisis and challenges for Russian economic development.” Russian Journal of Economics 1-1. 2015. Pages 4-29.
McGee, Robert W. "Corporate governance and the timeliness of financial reporting: A case study of the Russian energy sector." Available at SSRN 978114 (2007).
“Measuring Sustainability Disclosure”. Corporate Knights & Aviva (2019)
Mitrova, Tatiana, and Yuriy Melnikov. "Energy transition in Russia." Energy Transitions 3.1-2 (2019): 73-80.
“Moscow Exchange.” Sustainable Stock Exchanges. 2020. sseinitiative.org/stock-exchange/moex/.
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"Russian Oil & Gas Outlook Survey". Deloitte. 2018. https://www2.deloitte.com/ru/en/pages/energy-and-resources/articles/russian-oil-gas-outlook-survey.html
“RSPP and MOEX Sustainability Indices.” Moscow Exchange and RSPP. 2019.
“Sustainability Report.” Moscow Exchange. 2019. www.moex.com
Vladimir Mau and Alexey Ulyukaev.Global crisis and challenges for Russian economic development. Russian Journal of Economics: Volume 1, Issue 1. 2015. Pages 4-29.
关雪凌:《俄罗斯经济的现状 、问题与发展趋势》载《 俄罗斯中亚东欧研究 》2008 年 第 4 期