
Prefabricated Bathroom Units (PBU)  Frequently Asked Questions 


Last updated on 4 August 2015

1. Why should PBU suppliers get the In-Principle Acceptance (IPA) from the Building InnovationPanel (BIP) for their PBU systems?

为什么PBU供应商要从建筑创新小组(BIP)获得其PBU系统的原则上验收(IPA) ?

PBUs granted IPA from the BIP, which the production facilities are accredited under the PBUManufacturer Accreditation Scheme (PBU MAS) as stated in the Code of Practice are listed onBCA’s website to facilitate industry users to source for PBUs which have been accredited. PBUsgranted IPA from the BIP usually also get processed faster for approval under the BuildingControl Act. However, suppliers/users are to note that they still have to ensure that the PBUsystems are safe for public use and comply with all regulatory requirements.As a condition for developments on land sold under the Government Land Sales (GLS)Programme from 1 November 2014, all residential (non-landed) developments includingExecutive Condominiums and residential non-landed component of mixed-use developments areto adopt PBUs for at least 65% of the total number of bathroom units. The PBU system must beaccredited by a body specified in the Code of Practice. This requirement is stated in the BuildingControl (Buildability and Productivity) Regulations 2011.With effect from 9 December 2014, residential non-landed developments that wish to tap on theBalcony Bonus Gross Floor Area (GFA) Scheme are required to adopt at least 80% PBUs. The PBUsystems adopted for such developments must also be granted with IPA by the BIP and have theproduction facilities accredited.Should other development types or residential projects not under the GLS Programme or whichdid not apply for the Balcony Bonus GFA scheme adopt the PBU systems that obtained IPA fromBIP, they will be accorded with higher Buildable Design Scores.


2. Can the PBU suppliers provide different PBU systems from the ones submitted to BuildingInnovation Panel (BIP)?


In-Principle Acceptances (IPAs) are issued to the PBU suppliers for their PBU systems that havemet the requirements for use in residential non-landed projects in Singapore. This means thatthe BIP has no objection to the use of the specific PBU systems.Hence, the PBU suppliers should provide the same PBU systems as their submission to BIP.


3. Is it still necessary for the PBU systems that have been granted In-Principle Acceptances (IPAs)from Building Innovation Panel (BIP) to obtain the necessary permits or approval of plans fromthe relevant regulatory agencies?


Yes, it is still necessary.

4. Is it necessary to apply to Building Innovation Panel (BIP) under the PBU AcceptanceFramework again for different projects?


It is not necessary for the PBU supplier to go through BIP process again for different projects ifthe PBU system adopted has already been granted with In-Principle Acceptance (IPA) and thePBU supplier engaged is the one issued with the IPA.While BIP has no objection, the project Qualified Persons (QPs) need to ensure the PBU systemsare suitable for use in each specific project.


5. How long is the process of obtaining In-Principle Acceptance (IPA) for PBU system under theBuilding Innovation Panel (BIP)?


Upon application to the PBU Screening Panel (Stage 1) under the BIP, the secretariat will contactthe applicant within three (3) working days to arrange a suitable timeslot for the aforesaidpresentation. The waiting time for the presentation is subject to the available timeslots and thenumber of applicants in the queue. Subsequently, if the BIP has no major concerns with thedesign of the proposed PBU system, the time required for BIP to evaluate the proposed PBUsystem and issue letter of IPA is usually three (3) months from the presentation to the PBUScreening Panel .As the production facilities need to be accredited under the PBU Manufacturer AccreditationScheme (MAS) before they can begin production of the PBUs for use at the mandatedGovernment Land Sales (GLS) sites , it is advisable for industry stakeholders to understand therequirements of the PBU MAS upfront and check that the PBU production facilities have beenaccredited.The mandated GLS sites refer to all residential (non-landed) developments including Executive Condominiums andresidential non-landed component of mixed-use developments that are sold under the GLS Programme from 1 November2014.


6. When can PBU manufacturer start applying for PBU Manufacturer Accreditation Scheme(MAS)?


The PBU manufacturer can apply for the accreditation under the PBU MAS after it has obtainedthe IPA from BIP.

PBU制造商在获得BIP颁发的IPA证书后,可根据PBU MAS申请认证。

7. Is it acceptable for PBUs to be produced at fabrication yard on Temporary Occupation Licence(TOL) land?


It is acceptable for fabrication yard on TOL land to produce PBUs for use at GLS site, as long asthe PBU system has been accredited under the PBU Manufacturer Accreditation Scheme (PBUMAS). For the accreditation criteria and other requirements under MAS, please refer toSingapore Concrete Institute (SCI) website via URL:

只要PBU系统已通过PBU制造商认可计划(PBU MAS)的认可,在TOL陆地上的制造场就可以生产供GLS工厂使用的PBUs。有关MAS的认证标准和其他要求,请参阅新加坡混凝土学会(SCI)网站,网址:。

8. Must all PBUs be fully-finished and fitted out at the production facilities before delivery to theconstruction site?


In accordance with Building Control (Buildability and Productivity) Regulations, for non-landedresidential developments on land sold under the Government Land Sales (GLS) programme from1 November 2014, PBU systems adopted need to be preassembled off-site complete withfinishes, sanitary wares, concealed pipes, conduits, ceiling, bathroom cabinets, shower screenand fittings before installing in position in order to meet the PBU performance requirements.


9. Will mock-up of proposed PBU system be required by the Building Innovation Panel (BIP)?


Mock-up of the proposed PBU system might be requested by the PBU Screening Panel in Stage 1of BIP.


10. Do I need to notify BCA that my project will be using PBUs?


Since 1 September 2013, QPs are required to submit a Buildability Detailed Design andImplementation Plan to BCA during building plan submission together with the Buildable DesignScore (B-score) computation form. The Buildability Detailed Design and Implementation Plan(BDIP) shows the basis on how the B-score is computed. Both the BDIP and the B-score wouldshow that PBUs are being used.


11. Do consultant and owner/developer need to notify BCA on PBU supplier engaged?

顾问和业主/开发商是否需要就PBU供应商的聘用通知BCA ?

If yes, atwhich stage and who to notify? As you are required to indicate the accepted PBU system (i.e. the PBU system has been grantedIPA by the BIP) in the B-score form when you submit building plan, it would not be necessary foryou to notify BCA separately on the PBU system/PBU supplier to be used/engaged for a project.BCA will also carry out checks including site inspections to verify the PBU system used.

如有,应在哪个阶段通知谁?当你需要表明接受试译系统(即试系统已经被授予IPA) b分数的形式提交建筑计划时,就没有必要为你单独通知BCA试系统/试供应商使用/从事一个项目。BCA亦会进行检查,包括实地视察,以核实使用的PBU系统。

12. Do we need to include full details of the PBUs used in our building plan submission before weappoint the PBU supplier? What information is BCA looking for in the building plan submission on PBU?


In the event that the PBU supplier is not confirmed at the time of structural or building plansubmission to BCA, please indicate an accepted PBU system that best suits the project as apreliminary system in the B-score form. Should the PBU system being considered is still pendingin-principle acceptance (IPA) and/or provisional certificate, please indicate this PBU system inthe form. The Buildability Detailed Design and Implementation Plan should also reflect thispreliminary PBU system. However, please note that when the PBU supplier has been confirmedand the PBU system has been accepted by the BIP, you are required to resubmit the B-scoreform and the Buildability Detailed Design and Implementation Plan to BCA. Please also take note that until the PBU has been accepted by BIP and the production facilitieshave been accredited under the PBU Manufacturer Accreditation Scheme (PBU MAS), you arenot allowed to install the PBUs at site.

如果在向BCA提交结构或建筑方案时,PBU供应商未得到确认,请在b分表格中注明一个已被接受的最适合该项目的PBU系统作为初步系统。如果正在考虑的PBU系统仍在等待原则上接受(IPA)和/或临时证书,请在表格中注明该PBU系统。可建性的详细设计和实施计划也应反映这一初步的PBU系统。但是,请注意,当PBU供应商被确认,PBU系统被BIP接受后,您需要重新向BCA提交b分表以及可建造性详细设计和实施计划。请注意,在PBU被BIP接受和生产设施通过PBU制造商认可计划(PBU MAS)认证之前,你不能在现场安装PBUs。

13. How will BCA enforce that the developers/main contractors are using the PBU systems thathave been granted IPA by the BIP, and the production facilities have been accredited underthe PBU MAS for the projects mentioned in above-mentioned item 1? Also, what is the penalty for non-compliance?

BCA将如何确保发展商/主要承建商使用已获国际建筑工程协会授权的PBU系统,以及生产设施已获PBU MAS认可,用于上述第1项所述的项目?另外,不遵守规定的惩罚是什么?



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