Data analysis anddiscussion时会用到的一些句子。部分小站君做了注释,大部分没有注释。更多内容敬请关注我们即将推出的SSCI系列课程。#1 basic445. This studyused qualitative/quantitative techniques to analyze446. We analyzedthe relationship between ____ and ____447. We conductedall analyses using ____448. The analysiswas based on ____449. The data wereanalyzed using [N] different approaches.450. Contentanalysis was undertaken to determine ____注释:undertake重要学术语言451. The data weresubmitted to content analysis.452. The data from____ were weighted to make them ____ 注释:weight重要学术语言,为权重453. The resultsanalysis consists of [N] stages.454. The datasetsfor ____ span the period from ____ to ____455. Before weanalyze the data, it would be wise to ____456. Outsidevariables were excluded from ____457. Extraneousvariables were controlled by ____458. ____ wasconsidered a dependent/an independent variable.459. Additionalvariables were derived from ____460. Data onseveral variables were used to ____461. The data werenormalized by ____ to [N].462. Thecorrelation between ____ was calculated to evaluate ____463. Table [N]presents ____464. Table [N] and[N] highlight ____465. Thepercentages in the table represent ____466. Not includedin table [N] is/are ____467. It can beinferred from table [N] that ____ 注释:重要学术语言,infer表有根据的推测468. A cursoryglance at table [N] reveals that ____469. Figure [N] isa graphic summary of ____470. Thehorizontal axis describes ____, while the vertical axis highlights ____471. The mean/medianvalues of ____ are shown in figure/table [N].472. Figure [N]shows the mean values for ____473. Table [N]shows the median values for ____474. There was asignificant difference in mean values across ____475. There was aslight difference in median values across ____476. As shown infigure/table [N], a significant difference in mean/median levels was observed.477. Table [N]shows the mean/median values (ranging from [N] to [N]) of____#2 Means andstandard deviations…478. were [N] and[N].479. weredetermined through ____480. were obtainedfrom ____481. were computedusing ____482. werecalculated for each ____483. are presentedin table [N].484. are reportedin table [N].485. for ____ areshown in table [N].486. Results wereconsidered significant if p</=/>[N].487. There was nostatistical difference between ____ and ____#3 Statisticalsignificance was…488. accepted atthe [N] level.489. set at P =[N].490. determined by____491. assessed by____492. reached inall cases.493. not achieveddue to ____494. A positivecorrelation was obtained between ____ and ____495. Correlationsbetween ____ and ____ were negative and statistically significant.496. Correlationsbetween ____ and ____ were positive but statistically insignificant.497. Significantcorrelations were obtained between ____ and ____498. Nosignificant correlations were obtained between ____ and ____499. _____ waspositively correlated with _____500. _____ correlatednegatively with _____#4 Our findings…501. fall into [N]broad categories: ____502. can bedivided into [N] categories: ____503. can becompared to results of earlier studies that ____504. providestrong evidence (that) ____505. reveal a highrate of#5 The risk of bias…506. was rated aslow/high for each ____507. was low in____, high in ____ and unclear in ____508. was evaluatedaccording to ____509. in ____ wasassessed by#6 The resultsyielded…510. someinteresting findings.511. no signs of____512. no proof of____513. nosignificant correlation between ____ and ____514. nostatistically significant relationships between ____ and ____515. additionalevidence of ____#7 The dataprovide preliminary evidence…516. andtheoretical support for ____517. that ____ maybe related to518. that ____could be useful in ____519. for thetheory described in section ____520. to suggestthat ____ 521. of the extent to which____#8 The dataprovide convincing evidence…522. in favor of____523. against____524. that ____525. showing that____526. demonstratingthat ____527. that ____ isa key component of ____528. of a linkbetween ____ and ____529. of a strongassociation between ____ and ____530. against thehypothesis that ____531. for the claimthat ____532. These figuressuggest that ____ regardless of ____ 注释:x不受y影响的更正式表达为Irrespectiveof533. Thesefindings would suggest that ____534. ____ show(s)particularly interesting patterns.535. [N]additional findings support these conclusions.536. The presentdata are consistent with ____537. Our findingsare consistent with previous results showing ____538. Resultsobtained by ____ are consistent with our findings.539. As inprevious studies, the results of this analysis confirm that540. Aninteresting side finding was that ____541. The generalpicture emerging from the analysis is that ____542. Overall,these studies provide support for the validity of ____543. Takenaltogether, the data presented here provide evidence that544. Contrary toour expectations, ____545. It might seemcounterintuitive that ____, but ____546. Thesefindings are less surprising if we consider ____547. A possiblereason for this discrepancy might be that ____548. A possibleinterpretation of this finding is that ____549. A relatedidea which might explain ____ is ____550. There isstill some doubt as to whether ____ 注释表达about更正式的用法为asto…跟wh开头的从句551. Thehypothesis that ____ needs further support.552. A furthercomplication for the present hypothesis is that ____553. Severalfindings of this study warrant further discussion, such as ____554. We wouldencourage researches to examine ____555. At present weare not in a position to determine ____556. In light of____, few conclusions can be drawn from ____557. Given ____,our findings should not be over-interpreted.558. Our findingssuggest a need for greater ____#9 Our findingsare not generalizable…559. beyond thestudy sample.560. beyond thepopulation studied.561. beyond theparticipants interviewed.562. beyond thesubset examined.563. beyond thisstudy.564. beyond thiscase study.565. beyond thispopulation.566. to othersettings.567. to a largerpopulation.568. to the entire569. to ____ as awhole.570. to every____571. to all ____572. Our dataset____ was limited to ____. Therefore, these findings are not generalizable beyond/to____ 注释Therefore前后符号的变化可以表达三种不同的因果关系。例如1.Our findings may be biased. Therefore, further research is necessary. 2. Ourfindings may be biased; therefore, further research is necessary. 3. Ourfindings may be biased. Further research is, therefore, necessary.#10 Futureresearch will have to…573. clarify(whether) ____574. confirm(whether) ____575. determine(whether) ____576. look into____577. assess theextent to which ____578. shed light on____579. address ____in more detail.580. ascertain theveracity of ____581. investigateto what extent ____582. meet thechallenge of ____#11 Future studieswill have to…583. explore____584. continue toexplore ____585. focus on____586. concentrateon ____587. look at waysto ____588. consider how____589. evaluate ____against ____590. furtherinvestigate ____591. further ourunderstanding of ____592. investigatethe role of ____593. isolate theeffects of ____594. differentiatebetween ____ and ____595. address theissue of ____596. take ____into account.597. account for____ 598. examine the circumstances under which599. identifymechanisms through which ____600. clarify therelationship between ____ and ____