TE||The largest blip
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The largest blip
本文英文部分选自经济学人Finance and economics版块
Emerging markets
Do credit booms foretell crises?
ON THE morning of December 7th 1941, George Elliott Junior noticed “the largest blip” he had ever seen on a radar near America’s naval base at Pearl Harbour. His discovery was dismissed by his superiors, who were thus unprepared for the Japanese bombers that arrived shortly after. The mistake prompted urgent research into“receiver operating characteristics”, the ability of radar operators to distinguish between true and false alarms.
1941年12月7日的早上,三等兵乔治·埃利奥特(George Elliott )在珍珠港美国海军基地附近的雷达上看到一个很大的光点(这是他曾经看到过的最大的光点)。他的发现被他的上级驳回了,也因此他们对于之后突如其来的日本轰炸机毫无戒备之心。这一失误引起了对无线电接收机操作原理以及雷达操作员区分真假警报信号能力的迫切研究。
A similar concern motivates research at the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in Basel, Switzerland. Its equivalent to the radar is a set of economic indicators that can potentially detect the approach of financial crises. A prominent example is the “credit gap”, which measures the divergence between the level of credit to households and non-financial firms, expressed as a percentage of GDP, and its long-term trend. A big gap may reflect the kind of unsustainable credit boom that often precedes a crisis. Anything above 9% of GDP is reason to worry, according to Iñaki Aldasoro, Claudio Borio and Mathias Drehmann of the BIS.
类似的问题引起了总部位于瑞士的巴塞尔国际清算银行(BIS)的研究兴趣。一系列的经济指标体系等同于雷达,用于探测潜在的金融危机的走向。信贷缺口就是一个突出的例子,它衡量的是家庭及非金融企业信贷水平(家庭及非金融企业信贷规模在GDP中的占比)与其长期的发展趋势之间的差距。巨大的信贷缺口可能反映出一种不可持续的信贷繁荣,而这种繁荣泡沫往往发生在金融危机之前(暴风雨前的平静)。根据国际清算银行的Iñaki Aldasoro、Claudio Borio和Mathias Drehmann的说法,信贷缺口高于9%都是值得担忧的。
The biggest blips on the oscilloscope include Canada (9.6%), Singapore (11.1%) and Switzerland (16.3%), according to the latest readings, released on March 11th. But the one that has kept everyone’s eyes peeled is China, with a gap of 16.7% in the third quarter of2017 (the latest BIS figure available).
根据3月11日国际清算银行(BIS))发布的最新数据,电子示波器上最大的信号光点包括加拿大(9.6%)、新加坡(11.1%)和瑞士(16.3%)。 但值得警惕观察的是中国,2017年第三季度的信贷缺口为16.7%.(新的国际清算银行可用数据显示)
As a crisis-detector, the credit gap has some appealing operating characteristics. It can be estimated quarterly across many economies. And, according to Mr Aldasoro and his co-authors, it would have predicted 80% of the crises since 1980 in the countries and periods for which data are available.
The problem is that it has also predicted many crises that never arrived. When such early-warning indicators flash red, the chance of a crises in the next three year is “around 50%”, says Mr Drehmann. The BIS provides over 5200 credit-gap readings for the period since 1980.In over 850 instances, the gap exceeded 9% but skies remained clear.
The problems seem worse in emerging markets. Their data are patchier, covering just 13 crises. Of this unfortunate number, only eight were preceded by a big credit gap. (Another three struck within three years of the start of the data, which may be too early to provide a fair test of the indicator.) There have been many false alarms. The credit gap flashed red almost continuously in Chile in 1993-2002, reaching over 24%, but no crisis followed. It was also persistently large in the Czech Republic in 2007-14 and in Hungary in 2000-10 without any great trauma ensuring. The indicator successfully predicted the “Asian flu” in Indonesia, Malaysia and South Korea in the late 1990s, but only after sounding a false alarm in all three countries in the 1980s.
What about China? Paul Samuelson, a Nobel-prize winning economist, once joked that the stockmarket had predicted nine out of America’s last five recessions. Similarly, the credit gap predicted at least three out of China’s last zero crises. It rose above 9% in mid-2003, mid-2009 and mid-2012, where it has stayed since. China’s comeuppance may still arrive. But the gap is now closing rapidly. It has decreased from almost 29% in the first quarter of 2016 to less than 13% at the end of last year, according to The Economist’s calculations.
那么中国的情况如何呢?诺贝尔经济学奖的获得者保罗·萨缪尔森(Paul Samuelson)曾开玩笑地说,在美国过去的五次经济大萧条里,证券市场砖家们成功地预测到了9次(讽刺专 家预测的不靠谱)。同样,据预测中国信贷缺口危机至少要发生三次,结果根本没发生(坑爹)。在2003年中期、2009年中期和2012年中期,信贷缺口一直保持在9%以上。中国信贷缺口或许尚存危机隐患,然而现在这个缺口迅速下降。《经济学人》数据统计结果显示,2016年第一个季度中国信贷缺口几乎高达29%,而在2017年年末,信贷缺口已下降到不足13%。
One obvious explanation for China’s resilience is that its credit is mostly home-grown, extended by domestic banks and other Chinese lenders. By contrast the crisis-struck emerging economies mostly relied on inflows of foreign capital to finance their current-account deficits with the rest of the world. Looking at both current-account gaps and credit gaps may provide better predictions, says Michael Spencer of Deutsche Bank. He calculates that China’s risk of a financial crisis this year is less than 8% (assuming a credit gap of under 13%) partly because it runs a current-account surplus of about 1.4% of GDP. If China’s government keeps credit stable as a share of GDP this year, this crisis-risk could fall to about 5%.
中国经济迅速复苏的一个主要原因是,中国的信贷主要是由国内银行和其它中资银行提供的。相比而言,深陷危机影响的新兴经济体则主要依靠外国资本流入,来填补与其它国家的经常账户赤字。德意志银行的迈克尔斯宾塞(Michael Spencer)指出,把经常账户缺口和信贷缺口结合起来分析可提高预测的准确度。他计算出,2018年中国发生金融危机的风险低于8%(假设信贷缺口低于13%),部分原因是中国经常账户盈余约占GDP的1.4%;如果中国政府保持今年GDP份额中的信贷平稳增长,金融危机风险则会降到5%左右。
On that day of infamy in 1941, Mr Elliott took the radar blip far more seriously than his fellow operator did, despite being less experienced. Perhaps this should not be surprising. After less than three months of radar-watching, Mr Elliott was not yet jaded by routine. If a financial crisis eventually strikes China, many people will be caught out—not because of a lack of warnings, but because of too many.
Lucia ,女,翻译学硕士三年制,经济学人粉丝
Fiona, 女 ,教雅思的民工, 经济学人粉丝
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关于BIS所设计的指标体系,信贷比率缺口(Credit-to-GDP gap)即“家庭与非金融企业信贷规模在GDP中的占比”与其长期趋势之间的差距(名字是真有点长)。其实究其本质,或者你可以简单地理解为,就是信贷增速与GDP增速的差异(因为这两者之间的差异大,则与其长期趋势形成的平滑曲线之间的差异越大)。
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