
# 发布脚本

# vim

#!/bin/bash# 脚本中最后一个管道命令返回非0 就退出set -e # 脚本中管道命令返回非0 也退出set -o pipefail# 脚本中变量存在空 就退出set -u##############jenkins拉取git代码同步到 publish02 上,然后触发 publish02 上的该脚本进行 ws/eus/eop 三个机房同步########################## rsync data ######################################passwd="/data/www/.rsync/rsyncd.pcsrv"exclude_list="--exclude=.svn --exclude=.git --exclude=.gitignore --exclude='*.log' --exclude=.gitattributes --exclude=apollocache/"# eus eus-cart-core-srv01 eus-cart-core-srv02eus_ip_list=""# eop eop-cart-core-srv01 eop-cart-core-srv02eop_ip_list=""# src directorysrc_directory="services/pcsrv"# dst directorydst_directory="services/pcsrv"## 时间变量Date=$(date  '%Y%m%d%H%M%S')DATE_Y=$(date  '%Y')DATE_M=$(date  '%m')DATE_D=$(date  '%d')## 日志目录pubMsgDir=/data/www/logs/rsync_log/$DATE_Y/$DATE_M/$DATE_D/pubMsgFile=${pubMsgDir}/${Date}.logmkdir -p ${pubMsgDir}############################################################## 非apache用户运行脚本,则退出if [ `whoami` != "apache" ];then    echo " only apache user can run me" | tee -a ${pubMsgFile}    exit 1fifunction func_rsync_status(){    if [[ $? == 0 || $? == 23 ]];then        rsync_edit=1    else        rsync_edit=0        echo "`date` 同步到目标失败! " | tee -a ${pubMsgFile}        exit 1    fi}src_path="/data/www/vhosts/${src_directory}"config_script=${src_path}/ cp multiconfig to eusfunction cp_config_eus(){    ${config_script} ${src_path} eus}# cp multiconfig to eopfunction cp_config_eop(){    ${config_script} ${src_path} eop}# 只同步美西机房function rsync_eus(){# cp eus multiconfig to euscp_config_eus# rsync eusfor eus_ip in $eus_ip_listdo        echo "####################rsync eus_ip start################################" | tee -a ${pubMsgFile}        echo $eus_ip | tee -a ${pubMsgFile}    rsync -zavP --delete $exclude_list --password-file=$passwd /data/www/vhosts/${src_directory}/ apache@$eus_ip::apache/data/www/vhosts/${dst_directory}/ | tee -a ${pubMsgFile}    func_rsync_status    echo "################### rsync eus_ip end #######################" | tee -a ${pubMsgFile}done}# 只同步欧洲德国机房function rsync_eop(){# cp multiconfig to eopcp_config_eop# rsync eopfor eop_ip in $eop_ip_listdo        echo "####################rsync eop_ip start################################" | tee -a ${pubMsgFile}        echo $eop_ip | tee -a ${pubMsgFile}    rsync -zavP --delete $exclude_list --timeout=600 --password-file=$passwd /data/www/vhosts/${src_directory}/ apache@$eop_ip::apache/data/www/vhosts/${dst_directory}/ | tee -a ${pubMsgFile}    func_rsync_status    echo "################### rsync eop_ip end #######################" | tee -a ${pubMsgFile}done}# 同步所有机房function rsync_all(){    # rsync eus    rsync_eus    # rsync eop    rsync_eop}#####################  MAIN  ###############################usage () {        echo ""        echo "  Please Input server infomation!"        echo ""        echo "  USAGE: `basename $0` [all|eus|eop]"        echo ""}    if [ $# != 1 ]then        usage >&2        exit 1fiOPT=$1case $OPT inall)        echo "start rsync `basename $0` to all servers"        rsync_all        ;;eus)        echo "start rsync `basename $0` to eus servers"    rsync_eus        ;;eop)        echo "start rsync `basename $0` to eop servers"        rsync_eop        ;;*)        echo "Usage:`basename $0` [all|eus|eop]"        ;;esac

# 代码脚本

[root@publish02:/data/www/vhosts/services/pcsrv]# tree

.├──├── conf│   ├── logconf.xml│   ├── service.yml│   └── settings.yml├──├── index.html├── mutienv│   ├── alisz│   │   └──│   ├── eop│   │   └──│   └── eus│       └──└── pcsrv


[/data/www/vhosts/services/pcsrv]# more

#!/bin/shif [  $# -ne 2 ]then    echo "Cpconfig fail! The reason for the failure is a missing parameter!"    exit 1fiRootpath=$1Env=$2sourceDir=${Rootpath}/mutienv/$EnvtargetDir=${Rootpath}echo "========= start apply confg ============"echo "yes | cp -fa ${sourceDir}/. ${targetDir}/"yes | cp -fa ${sourceDir}/. ${targetDir}/if [ $? -ne 0 ]then     echo "Cpconfig fail! The reason for the failure is copy config error!"    exit 1ficd ${sourceDir}configfiles=$(find  ./ -type f  -print)for configfile in $configfilesdo     currentMd5=$(md5sum ${sourceDir}/$configfile | cut -d ' ' -f1)    targetMd5=$(md5sum ${targetDir}/$configfile | cut -d ' ' -f1)    echo $configfile    echo $currentMd5    echo $targetMd5    if [ "$currentMd5" != "$targetMd5" ]    then        echo "Cpconfig fail! The reason for the failure is $configfile md5sum errro"        exit 1    fidoneecho "Config copy success!"echo "========== end apply config ================"


# cp env.production to .envfunction cp_config_env(){    srcfile="/data/www/vhosts/"    dstfile="/data/www/vhosts/"    yes | cp -fa /data/www/vhosts/ /data/www/vhosts/    if [ $? -ne 0 ]    then         echo "Cpconfig fail! The reason for the failure is copy config error!"        exit 1    fi    currentMd5=$(md5sum $srcfile | cut -d ' ' -f1)    targetMd5=$(md5sum  $dstfile | cut -d ' ' -f1)    echo $dstfile    echo $currentMd5    echo $targetMd5    if [ "$currentMd5" != "$targetMd5" ]    then        echo "Cpconfig fail! The reason for the failure is $configfile md5sum errro"        exit 1    fi    echo "Config copy success!"    echo "========== end apply config ================"}cp_config_env


