日课|英文故事:The Farmer's Corn​



The Farmer's Corn

Farmer Fran liked to share the corn that she grew on her farm. She gave her neighbors corn on the cob. She also gave them kernels so that they could plant their own corn.

“You grow the best corn in the whole world,” Farmer Fred said to her. “Why do you give away kernels? You should keep them all for yourself.”

Farmer Fran laughed. Then she said, “Corn has a powder called pollen. It needs pollen from other corn stalks in order to grow well. Pollen travels on the wind.”

“So?” Farmer Fred said.

“So,” Farmer Fran continued. “If my neighbors grow good corn, their pollen will travel on the wind to my corn. It will make my corn better. Then we can all grow the best corn in the world!”







  1. corn 玉米

  2. cob 玉米棒

  3. kernel 谷粒;玉米粒

  4. pollen 花粉

  5. stalk 茎;秆

Why does Farmer Fran give away corn kernels?
a. because she is mean
b. because she is silly
c. because they are bad
d. because they make her corn better
Now it's your time to open your mouth and follow me! 张开嘴巴跟着录音练起来!


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