【新刊速递】第63期 | European Journal of International Relations,Vol.26


European Journal of International Relations,《欧洲国际关系杂志》(EJIR)是欧洲政治研究联盟国际关系常设小组(the Standing Group on International Relations of the European Consortium for Political Research, SGIR)的同行评审旗舰期刊, 由SGIR和欧洲国际研究协会组成的联合委员会共同管理。根据Journal Citation Reports显示,2019年该期刊的影响因子为3.474。






1、目标转移:维和对战后暴力的影响Shifting targets: the effect of peacekeeping on postwar violence


Rebel governance in de facto states


Bringing Morgenthau’s ethics in: pluralism, incommensurability and the turn from fragmentation to dialogue in IR


Loyalty in world politics


Rethinking leadership: understanding the roles of the US and China in the negotiation of the Paris Agreement


Realist avenues to global International Relations


Revisiting the expansion thesis: international society and the role of the Dutch East India company as a merchant empire


Company-states and the creation of the global international system



【题目】Shifting targets: the effect of

peacekeeping on postwar violence

【作者】Corinne Bara,瑞典乌普萨拉大学战争与和平研究助理教授。主要研究方向为内战期间和之后武装行为者的暴力行为和战略。


Existing research shows that peace after civil wars is more stable with peacekeepers present. Yet, violence persists in many postwar contexts, and although postwar violence is often strategic and closely linked to the faultlines of the preceding war, we know little about the impact of peacekeepers on such violence. What we know, moreover, focuses on the former combatants, while this study shows that the majority of deaths in postwar violence are inflicted by other armed actors. This is a challenge for peacekeepers who—for mandate or capacity reasons—usually focus on the warring parties. I argue that the impact of peacekeepers on postwar violence hinges on the extent to which they fill a public security gap after war, since responsibility for violence not covered by a mission’s mandate lies with the often dysfunctional security agencies of the state. To test this I use a novel spatial approach to generate data that captures the manifold manifestations of violence across different postwar contexts. I find that only UN police—with their broader effect on public security—mitigate postwar violence generally. UN troops have some impact on civilian targeting by former combatants but no such effect could be identified for violence by other armed actors. The findings highlight the importance of peacekeeping police at a time when the modus operandi and capacity of UN police have been questioned, but also the importance of accounting for a multitude of violent actors when analysing the impact of international interventions more generally.





【题目】Rebel governance in de facto


【作者】Adrian Florea, 英国格拉斯哥大学社会与政治学学院高级讲师,研究兴趣为内战与族群冲突、分离主义与叛乱武装统治等;参见:https://www.gla.ac.uk/schools/social


【摘要】所谓“事实存在的政权”(de facto states,下称“事实政权”,例如索马里境内的“索马里兰”)指的是在一国之内的具有国家政权特征,但缺乏国际法地位的(主权国统治所不及的)“内飞地”。这些政权往往通过广泛的治理实践来获取其内外正当性:例如成立军队与警察等武装力量;建立行政、立法与司法机关;以及建立医院、学校、银行或社会保障体系等基础设施。然而,尽管通过以上一套复杂的治理架构建设能确保“事实政权”获得一些实在利益,这些事实政权在其所建立的具体制度上展现出巨大的差异:一些政权仅是成立较为简陋的治理结构(例如乌克兰境内的“卢甘斯克人民共和国”),而另一些则试图建立成熟的治理体系(例如摩尔多瓦境内的“德涅斯特河沿岸共和国”)。何种情况解释了这些“飞地”在治理实践上的差异呢?本文通过使用自1945-2016年所有事实政权的内部制度安排等原始数据,对促使分离主义者采用不同治理模式的关键要素提供了实证检验。通过数据分析发现,这些“事实政权”在能获取到易被掠夺的矿产资源时,则其投入治理实践的可能性下降;而当:(1)获得外部军事援助或境内有维和部队存在、(2)获取相对不动资产、(3)“采用‘马克思主义’意识形态”、(4)对领土进行长期控制,则政权投入治理实践的可能性则上升。这些发现有助于更好理解作为“非国家行为体”的反叛武装得以作为“事实政权”以“取代”主权国家,以及成功使其统治得以制度化的条件。

De facto states, such as Somaliland (Somalia), are unrecognized separatist enclaves that display characteristics of statehood but lack an international legal status. To acquire domestic and external legitimacy, these actors engage in a wide range of governance practices: they set up military and police forces; executive, legislative, and judicial branches; hospitals; schools; banks; or social security networks. In spite of the obvious gains that can be accrued through the establishment of a complex governance architecture, de facto states exhibit great variation in the range of state-like institutions that they build: some, like Luhansk People’s Republic (Ukraine), put together a rudimentary governance apparatus, while others, like Transnistria (Moldova), manage to construct a complex system of rule. What explains the variation in governance practices across these separatist enclaves? Using original data on governance institutions across all de facto states (1945–2016), this study offers an empirical examination of the key factors that shape separatists’ incentives to supply governance. The findings reveal that de facto state separatists are less likely to provide governance when they have access to lootable mineral resources but are more likely to do so when they receive external military support, when peacekeepers are present, when they have access to relatively immobile assets, when they adopt a Marxist ideology, and when they control the territory for a long time. The findings help us better understand the conditions under which armed non-state actors supplant sovereign states as de facto authorities and successfully institutionalize their rule.





【题目】Bringing Morgenthau’s ethics

in: pluralism, incommensurability and the turn from fragmentation to dialogue in IR

【作者】Haro L. Karkour,伯明翰大学政治学与国际研究系讲师;Dominik Giese, 汉堡大学博士生。


Why did IR pluralism end with so many incommensurable camps? (How) can IR be demarcated as a discipline where these camps can find common ground for dialogue without glossing over theoretical pluralism? To answer the first question, the paper argues that Morgenthau’s critique of IR as social science can explain the proliferation of camps in IR pluralism that are incommensurable and cannot engage in dialogue. By transcending the dilemma of politics as highlighted in Morgenthau’s critique of social science, theories today are ideological camps that bestow on morality an ideological function that justifies their powers-that-be that serve particular means/ends hierarchies. This leads to the proliferation of empirical causal analyses that cannot be debated, since they rely on political interests that theory ideologically justifies and offers internal validation. To avoid this problem, the paper answers the second question by proposing to demarcate the discipline through Morgenthau’s concept of ‘interest defined as power’. It argues that demarcating the discipline on the basis of this concept opens room for engaging in dialogue in IR through leaving open the normative debate of means and ends, and thus acts as a bulwark against the proliferation of ideological camps, while promoting theoretical pluralism.





【题目】Loyalty in world politics

【作者】Lauge N Skovgaard Poulsen,伦敦大学学院(University College London)政治学系国际政治经济学方向副教授,研究生项目主任。主要研究领域为经济外交,尤其是对外投资、争端解决和国际经济法律等方面。作者信息参考:https://www.ucl.ac.uk/global-



Loyalty is part of the glue that holds relationships together in times of difficulty. Surprisingly, however, hardly any literature exists on the role of loyalty in International Relations. The concept is routinely invoked —not least the notion of the ‘loyal ally’—but typically only in passing and often based on questionable assumptions about the nature and effect of loyalty. Building on literature in moral philosophy on the ethics of loyalty, this paper presents loyalty as persistently partial behaviour driven by affective attachments. Such attachments are, in turn, driven mainly by a sense of shared social identity but also the interaction between subjects and objects of loyalty. I show how this understanding of loyalty differs from how most political scientists use the concept and illustrate why it matters for the study of world politics.





【题目】Rethinking leadership: understan

-ding the roles of the US and China in the negotiation of the Paris Agreement

【作者】Robyn Eckersley,墨尔本大学社会



The study of leadership in International Relations has followed two different paths: work on hegemony and work on different leadership types in international negotiations. Yet there is little overlap between them and no agreement on the distinctive features of leadership and what connects leaders and followers in a collective pursuit. This article critically engages with both literatures and offers a reconceptualization of leadership as a form of legitimated asymmetrical influence that is marked off from domination and performs an important social function in facilitating collective agency towards common goals in a given community. This account is then operationalised in relation to multilateral negotiations to examine and clarify the roles of the United States and China in the negotiation of the mitigation provisions of the Paris Agreement. It is shown that the US under the Obama administration performed a sustained but largely transactional leadership role in bringing the parties to an agreement while China’s role was predominantly that of a defensive cooperator but with significant moments of shared leadership with the US towards the endgame. The analysis shows that, despite growing international expectations, China, unlike the United States, did not see its role as leading the world.






【题目】Realist avenues to global Interna-tional Relations

【作者】Michiel Foulon, 苏黎世联邦理工学院安全研究中心(CSS)中美关系和美国对华大战略高级研究员。Gustav Meibauer, 伦敦政治经济学院国际关系研究员。


Realism has long been criticized by global IR, but the former can contribute to the latter and thereby improve explanations of international relations. Global IR criticizes that realism supposedly applies universally, sidelines non-Western perspectives, and misunderstands much of foreign policy, grand strategy, and international affairs. Reviewing global IR’s case against realism, however, exposes avenues for realism to complement global IR. Realism can contribute to a more global understanding of international relations through its most recent variant: neoclassical realism (NCR). This newest realism allows for contextualization and historicization of drivers of state behavior. It can embrace and has already been engaging global questions and cases; global thought and concepts; and global perspectives and scholarship. Mapping 149 NCR publications produced by 96 scholars reveals a slow shift in knowledge production away from North America toward Europe and to a lesser extent Asia and Africa. Creative research designs and scholarly collaboration can put realism in fruitful conversation with global IR. This has implications for theory building and inclusive knowledge production in realism, global IR, and the wider discipline. Only when we discover new avenues for realists to travel can they contribute to a more global IR. In turn, when global IR scholars engage realism, they may be better able to address the Western versus non-Western dichotomies they challenge.





【题目】Revisiting the expansion thesis:

international society and the role of the Dutch East India company as a merchant empires

【作者】Kevin Blachford,爱沙尼亚波罗的海防务学院讲师。作者信息请参考:https://www.etis.ee/CV/Kevin_Blachford/eng?lang=ENG。


This paper breaks new ground by looking at the role played by merchant empires, such as the Dutch East India Company (VOC), in shaping European interactions with the non-Western world. It offers a critique of the English School’s state-centric narrative of the expansion of international society by looking to how the VOC and its expansion in Asia influenced developments within Europe. As a non-state actor, the VOC developed networks of trade and power, which were intertwined with the Dutch struggle against Iberian hegemony. As this paper shows, the development of international law, sovereign equality and European international society needs to be understood as being constituted through these colonial encounters. Looking to the VOC as a merchant empire presents a more nuanced approach to the expansion narrative that recognises that states, empires and early modern companies developed in a co-evolutionary manner. This critical approach calls for the recognition of international society as an ongoing process formed by the contestation of hybrid cultures.






【题目】Company-states and the creation

of the global international system

【作者】Andrew Philips, 澳大利亚昆士兰大学政治学副教授,研究方向为国际关系;参见:https://polsis.uq.edu.au/profile/1348/

andrew-phillips。J.C. Sharman, 剑桥大学政治学教授,研究方向为早期现代世界的国际体系与国际腐败问题。参见:https://www.po




We investigate the nature and significance of the vital but neglected “company-states” in helping to facilitate the move from contained regional international systems to the first genuinely global international system. Historically, actors like the Dutch and English East India Companies were crucial in spearheading the first wave of European expansion in Asia, Africa, and the Americas. Conceptually, company-states broaden our understanding of international actors. At a time when intra-European politics favored gradual institutional convergence on the sovereign state, the demands of extra-European expansion meanwhile gave rise to diverse competing institutions. Company-states succeeded in an era of weak sovereign states because of their relative efficiency in managing the transaction costs and principal-agent challenges of intercontinental trade and rule. Conversely, company-states later declined as they succumbed to the effects of sharpening worldwide geopolitical competition, and were displaced by increasingly powerful new European empire-building projects. This argument advances earlier work on the creation of the international system by eschewing Euro-centrism and state-centrism, and foregrounding diversity and hybridization.







