乔姆斯基最新访谈:Mind Your Language
会议对话:Mind Your Language
Evelina Fedorenko,麻省理工学院神经科学副教授,研究人类如何产出理解语言。研究领域包括认知神经科学、神经科学、心理语言学、认知科学和神经语言学。
Evelina Fedorenko is an associate professor of Neuroscience at MIT. She investigates how people understand and produce language. Her research interests include cognitive neuroscience, neuroscience, psycholinguistics, cognitive science and neurolinguistics.
Daniel Dor,以色列特拉维夫大学传播学院教授。以色列语言学家、媒体研究员和政治活动家。撰写多部关于语言和语言演变的文章,研究领域包括语言学、信息传播和人类进化。
Daniel Dor is a professor in the Dan Department of Communication in Israel Tel Aviv University. He is an Israeli linguist, media researcher and political activist. He has written extensively on language and its evolution. His research areas include linguistics, communication and human evolution.
Brian Greene,哥伦比亚大学物理学教授。其因超弦理论领域的两项突破性发现—镜像对称性和时空拓扑变化—闻名世界。
Brian Greene is a professor of physics and mathematics at Columbia University. Professor Greene is world-renowned for his groundbreaking discoveries in the field of superstring theory, including the co-discovery of mirror symmetry and the discovery of spatial topology change.