
2006-06-01 铸铜雕塑【母与子】《厚土》 350x450x300cm

厚土No.32  乌木320x300x620mm

厚土No.35   乌木 520×360×260mm

厚土No.2   花岗石520×280x260mm

厚土No.4  乌木530×260×360mm

厚土No.5  乌木雕   高43X宽57X厚39cm

厚土No.6  乌木700x280x250mm

厚土No.8   乌木700×400×200mm

厚土No.10   铸铜630×260×230mm

厚土No.12  乌木630×250×200mm

厚土No.13  乌木680×370×300mm

厚土No.15  楠木330x310x390mm


厚土No.17   乌木660×260×250mm

厚土No.24   乌木410×280x280mm

厚土No.25   乌木380×250×350mm

厚土No.38   乌木620×380×200mm

《厚土No.34》  孙闯锻铜600×300×400mm

厚土No.27   乌木730×350×300mm

厚土No.40  乌木400×350×250mm

孙闯 1952年生于沈阳,1982年毕业于四川美院雕塑系,同年留校任教。中国美术家协会会员、中国雕塑学会会员、中国工艺美术学会雕塑委员会会员,教授,研究生导师,重庆市重点课程——《泥塑》建设组课题负责人,重庆市精品课程建设——《泥塑》课程负责人,中国工艺美术大师评委。




































Sun Chuang was born in Shenyang in 1952. He graduated from the Sculpture Department of Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts in 1982 and stayed in the school to teach in the same year. He is a member of China Artists Association, a member of China Sculpture Society, a member of Sculpture Committee of China Arts and Crafts Association, professor and graduate supervisor, project leader of Chongqing key course clay sculpture construction group, director of Chongqing excellent course clay sculpture course, and judge of Chinese arts and crafts masters.

He was a member of the academic committee of Sichuan Academy of fine arts. Sculpture works have been selected in the 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th and 12th national art exhibitions and national art works exhibitions for more than 30 times. They have won 5 excellent works awards, 2 nominations, and several provincial excellent works awards. More than 10 papers have been published in journals above the provincial level. In 1999, China Artists Association, China general publishing house of fine arts and the people's fine arts publishing house jointly published "selected works of sun Chuang's sculptures by members of the cross century China Artists Association". In 2009, the textbook "clay sculpture · sculpture" was published (approved by the Department of physical education, health and art education of the Ministry of education, and the teaching material of art major in Colleges and universities nationwide)

Sculpture works:

In 1984, the work "shake" was selected into the 6th National Fine Arts Exhibition, China Art Museum

In 1984, his works "Manzi, general Ba of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty" and "martyr Xu Jianye" were selected into the National Exhibition of urban sculpture design scheme

In 1985, his work grassland was selected into the first teachers' day Chinese art exhibition

In 1985, the work "morning" was selected into China Sports Art Exhibition

In 1987, the work "shake" was selected into the first China Art Festival, part of the collection exhibition of China Art Museum

In 1987, his work "development" was selected into the first national exhibition of outstanding urban sculpture works

In 1987, for tomorrow was selected into the national art exhibition of the 60th anniversary of the founding of the PLA

In 1987, his work Fengpeng zhengju was selected into the 7th National Art Exhibition

In 1987, his work "Bo" was selected into the second China Sports Art Exhibition

In 1990, the work "shake" was selected into the exhibition of Chinese modern sculpture art

"Sister in law" was selected to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the publication of Yanshuo in 1992

In 1993, his work "reserve" was selected into the third China Sports Art Exhibition

In 1994, the first bloom was selected into the 8th National Art Exhibition

In 1997, the work "future national players" was collected by the Chinese Olympic Committee

In 1997, the work "holy fire" was selected into the fourth China Sports Art Exhibition

In 1999, his work "thick soil" was selected into the Ninth National Art Exhibition

In 2002, his work "thick soil No.5" was selected to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the publication of the National Fine Arts Exhibition

In 2003, his work "thick soil No.17" was selected into the tour exhibition of wind sculpture in Western China

In 2003, his work "tomorrow's star" was selected into "3003 first China Beijing International Art Biennale, China Sculpture Exhibition"

In 2004, his work Houtu no24 was selected into the 10th National Art Exhibition

In 2004, his work "thick soil No13" participated in the "international art exchange exhibition" in Toulouse, France

In 2004, the work "thick soil" was selected in Guangzhou city sculpture invitation exhibition

In 2004, the work "thick soil" was selected into Shanghai urban sculpture exhibition

In 2004, his works "monument of China wartime child care association", "Tao Xingzhi", "shake", "chiyulan" and "Dong Biwu statue" were selected into the third National Exhibition of achievements in urban sculpture construction

In 2005, his work "Houtu No.34" was selected into the "Huang Tian Hou Tu sculpture exhibition"

In 2006, his work "thick soil No.8" was selected into the 2007 Shanghai International Sculpture exhibition to welcome the World Expo

In 2008, his work "thick soil. Wake up" was selected into "China posture: the first Chinese Sculpture Exhibition"

In 2009, the work "shake" was selected into the joint exhibition of "100 Chinese sculpture masters"

In 2010, the work "resistance" won the nomination Award for urban sculpture construction in New China

In 2010, his work development (cooperation) won the nomination Award for sculpture construction in New China

In 2011, his work "a million soldiers in the chest" participated in "commemorating the 90th anniversary of the founding of the CPC and the 100th anniversary of the revolution of 1911 - Invitation Exhibition of famous sculptors"

In 2014, he participated in the 12th National Art Exhibition

In 2014, the work "Wizard of Lingshan" won the excellent award of "2013 national excellent urban sculpture construction project"

In 2014, his work "boundless love" was selected into the 12th National Art Exhibition

In 2016, Mr. Song Qingling was selected into the national excellent art works exhibition of the 11th China Art Festival

