
作答老师:广东省清远市源潭中学  李淑新《洪亮英语》审核整理友情链接:如感兴趣请您速扫描群主武老师个人微信码并附说明您是新或旧高考区!以便武老师邀您加入15、16(已满人)、17(湖南湖北)、18(东北)、19对应的亮哥新或旧高考群,免费享受海量资源(已经加入亮哥群的不要重复扫码,因为人数有限)也欢迎点击关注《洪亮英语》公众号,且标记星级,可每天获得最新的海量资源和回看错过内容!广东省汕尾市2022届高三诊断考试英语试卷(一)英语试题注意事项:1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。因不考听力,试卷从第二部分的“阅读理解”开始,试题序号从“21”开始。第二部分阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题25分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。AWhenit comes to giving back to the community, any action big or small can make areal difference. Whether you’re volunteering at a senior center or donatingmoney to someone in need, you can have a positive impact on your hometown. Findout how to make where you live a happier, more loving place with these localvolunteer opportunities.Set Up a Collection JarEverycent counts! Set up a collection jar at your local business or office wherepeople can drop their change to give back to someone in need. Many organizations have created collection boxes that youcan display on a counter or create your own to give back to a local charitythat you want to support.Volunteer at Your Local Senior CenterSeniorcenters sometimes need volunteers to help out with programming. Often all theyare looking for is someone to drop by to say hello, read stories, play music,or join in on a game of chess to help their aging residents feel connected totheir community.Tutor a StudentHelpa student at your local high school prepare for an upcoming exam. Or, enroll ina program that aims to help students from low-income families succeedacademically. If just one suggestion must be made for someone from a college oruniversity, it would be this.Organize a Community Clean-UpOneof the most common spaces for a community to gather is the local park. Organizea community clean-up to gather litter, pull weeds, paint park benches, and moreto make the area more welcoming. Your neighbors and the environment will thankyou!Become an Organ DonorIn just a few minutes, you can registeronline to become an organ donor with medical organizations of the country. Oneday, you could save the life of someone in need of an organ transplant.21.What is the author’s purpose of writing the text?A. To seek help from the community.B. To advise how to do something good.C. To arouse attention to our living place.D. To recommend jobs for young people.22.Which is the best volunteer activity for a university student?A. Setup a collection jar.         B. Work at asenior center.C.Tutor a high school student.    D. Join acommunity clean-up.23.What makes organ donation different from other activities?A. Its economic value.        B. Its lasting influence.C.Its social necessity.        D. Itsconvenient operation.体裁主题语境关键词学科素养难度短文词数阅读时间实际用时正确率错因应用文人与社会之志愿服务volunteer思维品质★3086 mins/3A[语篇导读]本文主要讲述了如何通过参与志愿者活动,让你所在的地方变成一个更快乐、更有爱的地方。21.B。写作目的题。本文第一段讲述了志愿服务的意义,第二段到第六段讲述了如何参与一些让你生活更快乐更有意义的好事情。故答案选B项(如何做一些好事)22. C。直接信息题。根据题干定位到第四段内容,尤其是最后一句If just one suggestion must be made for someone from a college oruniversity, it would be this(如果只有一个建议要向学院或大学的学生提出来,那就是这个)可知,答案选C项。23. D。间接信息题。根据题干定位最后一段第一句In just a few minutes, you can register online to become an organdonor with medical organizations of the country(只需几分钟,你就可以在国内的医疗机构网上注册成为器官捐献者)。可知器官捐赠只需要几分钟且只需在网上登记即可,方便快捷。故选D项。◎读后知识积累:1. 词汇积累:⑴make a real difference 有很大区别;⑵have a positive impact on 对…….有积极的影响;⑶display [dɪˈspleɪ] n. & v.显示,炫耀;⑷community [kəˈmjuːnəti]  n. 社区,共同体。2. 长难句分析:Many organizations have created collection boxes that you candisplay on a counter or create your own to give back to a local charity thatyou want to support.结构剖析:句中第一个that引导定语从句修饰先行词是boxes,充当从句中or并列的两个谓语can display和createyour own to give的宾语,第二个that也是引导定语从句修饰先行词charity。汉语意思:许多组织已经创建了收集箱,你可以在柜台上展示,或者,创建你自己的,以回馈你想支持的当地慈善机构。BA former UPS driver and his wife have madehistory by donating $20 million to Morgan State University — the largest giftany historically black college or university (HBCU) has ever received from aformer student. The money, pledged by Calvin Tyler Jr and his wife Tina, willfund scholarships that were established under the Tylers’ name in 2002.Tyler grew up in a low-income family and wasforced to drop out of Morgan State University in 1963 because he could nolonger afford to study. The following year, Tyler saw a job advertisement in aBaltimore newspaper from United Parcel Service and got a job with the companyas a diver. He rose through the ranks during his 34-year career at the globalshipping company to become its senior vice president of US operations and amember of the board of directors before retiring in 1998.Tyler and his wife, also a Baltimore native,have lived all across the country but he said they have never forgotten theirhumble beginnings.Their latest pledge follows a $ 5 million commitment they made in 2016 for thefund, which to date has supported 222 students with full or partialscholarships.Marybeth Gasman, a professor at RutgersUniversity who studies HBCUs, said the gift is significant because public HBCU’slike Morgan State University tend to have a lower alumni giving rate comparedto private ones.“For a long time, they weren’t asking alumnito give,” she said. But that has changed in the past couple of decades, sheadded, and the schools have “started asking alumni to give and creating aculture of philanthropy(慈善)on campus.”David K. Wilson, the president of MorganState University, said the money will help students for years to come. “Morganis so proud to call this son and daughter of the great city of Baltimore ourown,” he said in a statement. “Through their historic giving, the doors ofhigher education will most certainly be kept open for generations of aspiringleaders whose financial shortfalls may have kept them from realizing theiracademic dreams.”“We are forever indebted to the Tylers”.24.Why is Tyler’s donation historic?A. He was a former UPS driver.B. Thedonation is large enough.C. Thedonation will fund his scholarships.D. Heused to be a student at the university.25.What is a driving force of Tyler’s donation?A. Hisworking experiences.         B. Hiscareer achievements.C. Hispromise to the university.      D. Hispast embarrassing situations.26.Which is true about HBCUs according to Gasman?A.They are mainly public universities.B.They are encouraging alumni to donate.C.They rarely accept help from the alumni.D.They have changed little over the decades.27.What can be inferred about Tyler from Wilson’s comments?A.He’s helped many city leaders.   B. He’sgrateful to his university.C.He’s made great contributions.   D. He’sproud of his son and daughter.体裁主题语境关键词学科素养难度短文词数阅读时间实际用时正确率错因记叙文人与社会之社会公益donate money道德情感★★3587mins/4B[语篇解读]本文讲述了Tyler和他的妻子为母校捐赠了巨额的奖学金,及其带来的影响。24.B。直接信息题。根据题干定位到第一段第一句formerUPS driver and his wife have made history by donating $20 million to MorganState University — the largest gift any historically black college oruniversity (HBCU) has ever received from a former student(前UPS司机和他的妻子向摩根州立大学捐赠了2000万美元,创造了历史上黑人学院或大学(HBCU)从前学生那里收到的最大一笔捐款),故答案选B项。25. D。间接信息题。文章第二段讲述了Tyler家庭的拮据以及他的成长经历。结合第三段hesaid they have never forgotten their humble beginnings(他说,他们从未忘记自己卑微的出身),故答案选D项。26. B。是非判断题。根据第六段最后一句theschools have “started asking alumni to give and creating a culture ofphilanthropy on campus(学校开始号召校友捐赠,并且在校园里创建一个慈善的文化),可知答案选B项。27. C。隐含意义推断题。根据题干定位到倒数第二段最后一句Throughtheir historic giving, the doors of higher education will most certainly bekept open for generations of aspiring leaders whose financial shortfalls mayhave kept them from realizing their academic dreams(通过他们历史性的捐赠,高等教育的大门肯定会为财务短缺可能会阻止实现自己的学术梦想的一代又一代有抱负的领导人敞开),可知Tyler作出了巨大的贡献,故答案选C项。◎读后知识积累:⑴rank [ræŋk]n.排名,等级;⑵humble[ˈhʌmbl] n. 谦虚的,卑微的;V.使谦恭;⑶compare to 与.....相比;⑷academic [ˌækəˈdemɪk] adj. 学术的,理论的,学院的。长难句分析:Themoney, pledged by Calvin Tyler Jr and his wife Tina, will fund scholarshipsthat were established under the Tylers’ name in 2002.结构剖析:过去分词短语pledged by Calvin Tyler Jr andhis wife Tina作定语,修饰money,that引导定语从句修饰先行词scholarships。汉语意思:小卡尔文·泰勒(Calvin Tyler Jr)和妻子蒂娜(Tina)承诺,这笔钱将用于资助2002年以泰勒的名义设立的奖学金。CPeoplesaved a 20-foot orca (虎鲸)that was stuck between rocks on an Alaskanshore by continuously pouring water over it and protecting it from birds whocircled above the defenseless whale.The whale was ultimately saved after asix-hour, labor-intensive life-saving operation. Someone spotted the largewhale on the Prince of Wales Island near the coast of British Columbia on the morningof July 29th. The Coast Guard was called around 9 a.m. local time, ChanceStrickland, the captain of a private yacht in Alaska, and his crew anchored andbegan life-saving action that were videoed by Aroon Melane and posted on theInternet.Strickland could hear the orca calling out tokiller whales swimming in the area. People on other boats stopped with waterand buckets to pour water over the animal. “There were tears coming out of itseyes,” Mr. Strickland told the local newspaper. “It was pretty sad.”The group of people formed a chain thatpassed buckets of seawater back and forth and poured the water on the orca,which seemed to liven it up. It made a noise and raised its tail when it gotwater.The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration(NOAA) was called in, which can be seen on the video using a machine to spray amist of seawater on the orca, which doubled as a way to keen the whale cool andscare the large group of birds that were hoping to feast on the beast.Melane said in her video that the orca wasstranded (搁浅)for about six hours until the tide came inand swept it back into the ocean. The group efforts of Strickland’s crew andthe NOAA saved the 13-year-old killer whale.28.Why did birds circle above the orca?A. They were eager to eat it.           B. They wished to protect it.C.They were attracted by the people.   D. They wanted to find a place to rest.29.What did Strickland do immediately after finding the whale?A. Posted pictures online.            B. Called friends for help.C.Took action to save it.            D.Videoed the trapped animal.30.Why did the whale make a noise and raise its tail?A. To express its eager for water.     B. To extend its thanks to people.C. To call out to its fellow whales.   D. To show its power and sadness.31.Which can be the best title for the text?A. Killer Whale Got Saved         B. The Orca Inspired KindnessC.Combined Efforts Wanted       D. Animals and Humans United体裁主题语境关键词学科素养难度短文词数阅读时间实际用时正确率错因说明文文人与自然之环境保护save orca道德情感★★2997mins/4C[语篇解读]文章主要讲述了一头虎鲸搁浅,然后被拯救的过程。28.A。直接信息题。根据题干定位到第五段最后一句 scare the large group of birds that were hoping to feast on thebeast(吓走了一大群想要饱餐一顿的鸟),故答案选A项。29. C。直接信息题。根据题干定位到第二段最后一句Chance Strickland, the captain of a private yacht in Alaska, and hiscrew anchored and began life-saving action(斯特里克兰德是阿拉斯加一艘私人游艇的船长,他和他的船员们抛锚并开始了救生行动),故答案选C项。30. A.直接信息题。根据第四段The group of people formed a chain that passed buckets of seawaterback and forth and poured the water on the orca, which seemed to liven it up.It made a noise and raised its tail when it got water(这群人形成了一条链,把一桶桶海水来回传递,然后把水倒在逆戟鲸身上,似乎让它变得活跃起来。当它得到水的时候,它发出声音并抬起尾巴)可知,答案选A项。31. A。标题判断题。文章主要讲述了一头虎鲸搁浅,然后被拯救的过程。故答案选A项。◎读后知识积累:⑴ stuck [stʌk] adj.卡住了,困住了;⑵spot [spɒt] v. 认出,弄脏;⑶defenseless[dɪˈfensləs]  adj. 毫无防备的;⑷spray [spreɪ] vt. 喷射。长难句分析:People saved a 20-foot orca that was stuck between rocks on anAlaskan shore by continuously pouring water over it and protecting it from birdswho circled above the defenseless whale.结构剖析:that引导定语从句修饰先行词orca。who引导定语从句修饰先行词birds。汉语意思:人们不停地往虎鲸身上泼水,驱逐盘旋在虎鲸的鸟儿,拯救了被卡住的20英尺虎鲸。DThe common use of Google Maps, a navigation(导航)app on smartphones, raises the age-old question we meetwith any technology: What skills are we losing? But also, crucially: Whatcapabilities are we gaining?People who are good at finding their wayaround or good at using paper maps usually experience lots of confusion withdigital maps. For example, they may mess up the direction of north and south,and you can see only a small section at a time. But consider what digitalnavigation aids have meant for someone like me. Despite being a frequenttraveler, I’m so terrible at finding my way that I still use Google Maps almostevery day the small town where I have live for many years. What seemsunnecessary to some has been a significant expansion of my own capabilities.Part of the problem is that reading papermaps requires a specific skill set. There is nothing natural about them. Inmany developed nations, street names and house numbers are meaningful, andinstructions such as “go north for three blocks and then west” usually makesense. In Istanbul, in contrast, where I grew up, none of those hold true. Forone thing, the locals rarely use street names, and house numbers often aren’t sequential either because afterbuildings 1, 2 and 3 were built, someone squeezed in another house between and2, and now that’s 4. But then 5 will maybe get built after 3, and 6 will bebetween 2 and 3. Besides, the city is full of winding and ancient streets thatmeet with newer ones. Therefore, instructions as simple as “go north” wouldrequire a helicopter. I got lost all the time.But since I used Google Maps, I travel with alot more confidence, and my world has opened up. And because I go to moreplaces more confidently, I believe my native navigation skills have somewhatimproved, too.That brings me back to my original question:while we often lose some skills after seeking convenience from technology, thisnew setup may also allow us to expand our capabilities and do something moreconfidently. Maybe when technology closes a door, we should also look for thedoors it opens.32.How does the author feel about Google Maps?A.Confusing.  B. Unnecessary.   C. Complicated.   D.Helpful.33.Which contributes to the difficulty of finding ways in Istanbul?A.Strange street names.          B. Ordinary paper maps.C.Complex road arrangements.    D. Lack of roadinstructions.34.What does the underlined word “sequential” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?A. Ina fixed order.              B. In goodcondition.C. Ofgreat importance.          D. Of the samekind.35.What column of a newspaper may this passage belong to?A.Fashion.    B. Opinion.    C. Society.   D. Geography.体裁主题语境关键词学科素养难度短文词数阅读时间实际用时正确率错因说明文人与社会之科学与技术save orca思维品质★★★3848mins/4D[语篇解读]文章主要通过作者亲身经历阐述了谷歌地图对作者的生活带来的便利。32.D。观点态度题。根据题干定位到第二段最后两句 I’m so terrible at finding my way that I still use Google Maps almostevery day the small town where I have live for many years. What seemsunnecessary to some has been a significant expansion of my own capabilities(在我居住了多年的小镇上,我仍然几乎每天使用谷歌地图。对一些人来说似乎没有必要的却是对我自己能力的提升)可知,答案选D项。33. C。归纳概括题。根据题干定位到第三段。从第三句开始通过例子讲述了杂乱无章的街道编排,故答案选C项。34. A。词义猜测题。根据第三段划线词后面内容because after buildings 1, 2 and 3 were built, someone squeezed inanother house between and 2, and now that’s 4可知,因为在1、2和3号楼建成后,有人挤在2号楼之间的另一间房子里,结果现在变成4号楼,房屋编号也往往不是连续的,故答案选A项。35. B。文章出处题。文章开头通过设问的形式引起读者的注意,引导读者思考谷歌地图的使用是让我们失去了什么技能,但是又获得了哪些能力呢?接着作者通过自身的经历阐述科学技术对自己帮助的观点,故此文章极有可能出现在观点栏目中,答案选B项。◎读后知识积累:⑴expansion[ɪkˈspænʃn] n.膨胀,扩张;⑵spot[spɒt] v. 认出,弄脏;⑶specific [spəˈsɪfɪk] adj. 特殊的,特定的;⑷original[əˈrɪdʒənl] adj. 原来的,原始的。长难句分析:What seems unnecessary to some has been a significant expansion ofmy own capabilities.结构剖析:what引导主语从句。汉语意思:对一些人来说似乎没有必要的却是对我自己能力的提升。第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。On May 7, 2008, three men robbed a bank in acity called Waldorf of Maryland in the USA. They drove away in a van with a bagof money. They thought they had escaped. But the bank had put a pack ofchemicals in the money bag, and the pack exploded.   36   Soonafterward the police arrested one of the robbers. How did the police find himso quickly? DNA from the robbers’ blood was found on the bag of money.DNA consists of genetic material that isfound everywhere in our body, such as in our blood, skin, and saliva. It is ourgenetic fingerprint. All people have similar DNA, but no two people have theexact same DNA.37   Thetesting works like this: After a crime occurs, the police collect evidencefrom a crime scene. Some of this evidence maybe DNA samples, such as hairs or blood.   38   The database is computerized, and it has millions of DNAsamples in it. These DNA fingerprints are taken from people all over thecountry who have been arrested or convicted of crimes. If the DNA in the evidence matches someone’s DNA fingerprint, that person is probablyguilty of the crime. But if the evidence does not match, the person is probablyinnocent.39   If DNA evidence is not collected or stored properly, forexample, the tests may give wrong results. But it is still more reliable than othertypes of evidence. Witnesses may identify the wrong person. Lawyers, jurors,judges, and the police can make mistakes. DNA testing is usually accurate.   40A. DNA testing is not perfect.B. The police then set up a DNA database in thecountry.C.The robbers dropped the bag, got out of the van, and ran away.D. The robbers didn’t think the chemicals were anythingdangerous.E. How is DNA used to identify a criminal whena crime has been committed?F.The police then compare this DNA to DNA samples from an official database.G.It is the best way we have to prove that someone is guilty or innocent of acrime.体裁主题语境关键词学科素养难度短文词数阅读时间实际用时正确率错因说明文人与自我之完善自我DNA test思维品质★★2687 mins/5[语篇导读]本文讲述了DNA协助警察破案的例子,以及DNA检测的过程和作用。36. C。考查细节句。根据前提示But the bank had put a pack of chemicals in the money bag, and thepack exploded(但是银行在钱袋里放了一包化学药品,然后那包炸药爆炸了),袋子爆炸,肯定扔下逃跑。故选C项。37. E。考查主题句。根据第二句The testing works like this......,可知本段讲述的是DNA的测试的过程。可知答案选E项。38. F。考查过渡句。根据后提示The database is computerized,与F项中database相呼应,故答案选F项。39. A。考查主题句。根据第二句If DNA evidence is not collected or stored properly,与A项中的notperfect相呼应,故选A项。40. G。考查细节句。根据前提示 it is still more reliable than other types of evidence(它仍然比其他类型的证据更可靠),故答案选G项(这是我们证明某人有罪或无罪的最好方法)。◎读后知识积累:⑴chemical [ˈkemɪkl]n.膨胀,扩张;⑵consist of 包括,包含;⑶arrest [əˈrest ]v.逮捕,禁止;⑷convict [kənˈvɪkt] v. 宣告.....有罪,证明有罪。第三部分语言运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空格处的最佳选项。Ever had a nightmare in which you wake up atnight, alone, fastened in a seat in a completely dark place with no means tocontact anyone? That’s the   41   AirCanada passenger Tiffani Adams told about what was supposed to be a(n)   42   90-minute flight from Quebec City to Torontolast month.Adams   43   in arow of seats on an almost empty flight. By the time she woke up, the plane hadarrived at its destination and had been   44   awayfrom the nearest building.Her cellphone battery had run out, therefore   45  , and there was no power on the plane torecharge it. Adams searched everywhere and found aflashlight. The light helped her   46   how toopen the main exit door. But it was a 40-to 50-foot drop to the ground, hardlya(n)   47   means ofescape. She focused the   48   on theplane’s outside, hoping that the reflection might catch someone’s attention.   49  , the driver of a luggage cart came to herrescue.Air Canada representatives offered her a ridehome and then called her twice to   50   andsay they’ve launched an investigation into how she was   51   by theplane’s crew when everyone else got off the flight in Toronto.Adams, who has since been experiencing   52   and insomnia (失眠), says she’s still   53  . After all, the general emotion of feeling so  54   inwhat one would consider a   55   environmentis probably the biggest issue in life.41.A. travel         B. plane         C. story        D. dream42. A. simple        B. cheap         C. international   D.adventurous43.A. looked around  B. enjoyed herself  C. fell asleep lost in thought44. A. crashed      B. drawn         C. repaired       D. parked45.A chargeable     B. broken         C. different       D. useless46.A. figure out     B. think about      C. dream of     D. look through47.A. dangerous     B.attractive       C. necessary      D. violent48.A. attention      B. flashlight       C. effort         D. strategy49.A. Interestingly   B. Hopefully      C. Unexpectedly   D. Eventual50.A. apologize     B. greet          C. congratulate    D. question51.A. treated       B. missed        C. criticized      D. driven52.A. anger        B. difficulty       C. anxiety        D. loneliness53.A. recovering    B. complaining     C. dreaming     D.expecting54.A. embarrassed   B. special        C. helpless      D. foolish55.A. new         B. clean         C. healthy       D. safe体裁主题语境关键词学科素养难度短文词数阅读时间实际用时正确率错因记叙文人与自我之公益事业help others生活态度★★19012 mins/15[语篇导读] 本文主要讲述了Tiffani Adams在飞机上睡着了,被遗忘在飞机上。后求助被路过的行李车司机,发现并救了下来。41.C。语义衔接的考查。根据后提示Tiffani Adams told about,根据搭配tell story,故答案选C项。42. A。语义衔接的考查。根据后提示90-minute flight,原以为是简单的90分钟的航行,故答案选A项。43. C。语义结构的考查。反义词复现。根据后提示By the time she woke up可知,答案选C项。44. D。语境衔接结构的考查。根据前提示the plane had arrived at its destination(飞机到达了目的地),与D项park(停在....)相呼应,故答案选D项。45. D。语义衔接的考查。根据前提示Her cellphone battery had run out(手机电池没电了),与D项useless(不起作用)相对应,故答案选D项。46. A。语境衔接结构的考查。根据前提示Adams searched everywhere and found a flashlight(亚当斯到处找,找到了一个手电筒),接着灯光他弄清楚了怎样打开出去的门。figure out 搞清楚,弄明白;think about 思考,考虑;dream of 梦想;lookthrough 浏览,看穿。47. B。语境衔接结构的考查。根据上下文,可知答案选B项。意为但距离地面有40到50英尺,很难逃生。48. B。语境衔接结构的考查。根据后暗示hoping that the reflection might catch someone’s attention,可知答案选B项。句意:她把手电筒的焦点对准飞机的外面,希望反光能引起某人的注意。49. D。逻辑衔接结构的考查。句意:最后一个行李车的搬运司机来拯救了他。interestingly 有趣地;hopefully充满希望地;unexpectedly 出乎意料地;eventually 最后地。50. A。语境衔接结构的考查。根据后暗示say they’ve launched an investigation into how she was   51   by the plane’s crew when everyone else got offthe flight in Toronto,排除法可知答案选A项。句意:加拿大航空公司的代表提出送她回家,然后给她打了两次电话道歉,并表示他们已经开始调查,为什么其他人都在多伦多下了飞机,而机组人员却遗忘了她。51. B。语境衔接结构的考查。根据上下文可知,Adams被遗忘在机上了。故答案选B项。criticize批评。52.C。语义衔接结构的考查。近义词复现。根据后暗示insomnia (失眠),可知他处于一种焦虑的状态。故答案选C项。53. A。语境衔接结构的考查。根据前提示Adams, who has since been experiencing   52   and insomnia (失眠),Adams经历着焦虑与失眠,她也正在康复中。故答案选A项。54. C。语境衔接结构的考查。根据前提示Adams发现自己被遗忘在飞机上,可知她当时是觉得很无助。故答案选C项。55. D。语境衔接结构的考查。根据上文,可知经过被遗忘在飞机,Adams的安全感受到了影响,故答案选D项。句意:毕竟,在一个安全的环境中感到如此无助的一般情绪可能是生活中最大的问题。◎读后知识积累:(1)be supposed to 被认为是;(2)recharge[ˌriːˈtʃɑːdʒ]v.重新充电;(3)adventurous[ədˈventʃərəs] adj. 爱冒险的,大胆的;(4)embarrassed[ɪmˈbærəst] adj. 尴尬的,窘迫的。第二节(共10小题;每小题15分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。William N. Brown was a young airman in theU.S. Air Force when he first became interested in China. Driven by   56   (curious),William moved with his family to Xiamen in 1988,   57   hasgreatly impressed him with the changes in the past three decades. It is becauseof his unique experiences that this book, OFFTHE WALL—HOW WE FELL FOR CHINA,   58   (publish).Our editorial team selected   59   (near)50 of his original letters to family and close friends   60   (write)between 1988 and 2017 for this book. The first time in print, this book servedas a unique window   61   (display) the past 40 years’ change   62   notonly Xiamen but the whole of China.In the beginning, William’s father stronglyobjected his move to China,   63   overtime he came to support William’s choice as he read his son’s letters about the sweeping changes in thiscountry. This book by William,   64   (consist)of 3 decades of personal letters, reveals to overseas   65   (reader) both China’s changes and the author’s strong fondness tofor China and its people.体裁主题语境关键词学科素养难度短文词数阅读时间实际用时正确率错因说明文人与自然之文化遗产digital technology topreserve遗产保护★★1646 mins/10[语篇导读]WilliamN. Brown把自己在中国的经历出版成书,让海外读者更好地了解了中国。56. curiosity。考查名词。空格处缺名词作by的宾语。57. which。考查关系代词。空格引导定语从句,在句中作主语。58. was published。考查谓语动词。根据下文可知已出版,且应用被动语态。59. nearly。考查副词。空格处意为差不多,几乎。60. written。考查非谓语。句中谓语是selected,空格中应填非谓语,过去分词表被动。 display。考查非谓语动词。句中谓语动词served,此处不定式表目的。 句意:这本书第一次出版,成为了一个展示过去40年厦门乃至整个中国的变化独特的窗口。62. of。考查介词。意为......的63. but。考查连词。空格处并列两个句子表转折。句意:起初,威廉的父亲强烈反对他移居中国,随着时间的推移,但是当他读到儿子关于这个国家巨变的信件时,他开始支持威廉的选择。64. consisting。考查非谓语动词。句中谓语是reveals,空格处应该填表示主动现在分词。65. readers。考查名词复数。根据前提示overseas 海外读者,空格应用复数。◎读后知识积累:⑴impress[/ɪmˈpres]v.使.....印象深刻;⑵sweeping[ˈswiːpɪŋ] adj. 笼统的,影响广泛的;⑶fondness[ˈfɒndnəs] n.喜爱,爱好。第一节(满分15分)上周你校的英国友好学校 Rugby School代表团到访你校。请你为学校的微信公众号写一篇本次活动的英文报道,内容包括:1.参加人员;2.活动安排;3.活动反响。注意:1.写作词数应为80左右;2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。【分析】本篇书面表达属于应用文,上周你校的英国友好学校 Rugby School代表团到访你校。请你为学校的微信公众号写一篇本次活动的英文报道。【详解】第一步:慎审题,开好局审文体:应用文;审格式:报道;审话题:活动报道;审要点:1.参加人员;2.活动安排;3.活动反响。审人称:第三人称为主;审时态:一般过去时。第二步:巧谋篇,拟提纲(重点词汇)delegation; pay avisit;consist of;attend class;paper-cutting;after-class;guest ;learn about;exchangeidea;show around;benefit.第三步:提笔写,巧成句1.The delegation of Rugby School, our sister-school, paid us a visitduring last Tuesday and Saturday.2. The delegation consist of 20 students and two teachers3. They attended classes of Chinese calligraphy painting,paper-cutting and many others, and took part in after-class activities.4.All the guests stayed in Chinese host families.5.They spent the five days with Chinese students, learned aboutChinese lifestyle, tasting Chinese food and exchanging ideas with the families.6.They were also showed around several places of interests in thecity7.they learned more about Chinese culture.8.tudents from both schools said that they benefited a lot andlearned much from each other.9.They are looking forward to more exchanges later on..第四步:巧升级、连成篇(添加过渡词、短语以达到上下文连贯,注意主谓一致和时态问题。Sister-school Paid aVisitThe delegation of RugbySchool, our sister-school, paid us a visit during last Tuesday and Saturday.The delegation, consisting of 20 students and two teachers, attendedclasses of Chinese calligraphy painting, paper-cutting and many others, andtook part in after-class activities.All the guests stayed inChinese host families, where they spent the five days with Chinese students,learned about Chinese lifestyle, tasting Chinese food and exchanging ideas withthe families. They were also showed around several places of interests in thecity, where they learned more about Chinese culture.Students from bothschools said that they benefited a lot and learned much from each other. They are looking forward to more exchanges later on.Sister-school Paid a Visit第二节(满分25分阅读下面材料、根据其内容和段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。Mania knew her neighbor’sroutine. Every day, Mrs. Hernandez walked her dog Marisol pastMania’shouse, usually just as Maria was hurrying for school in the morning and againwhen Maria was returning in the afternoon. Mrs. Hernandez, always smiling, alwaysstopped to chat. Maria enjoyed their small talks. Then one day Mrs. Hernandezdiscovered that Maria like homemade cookies. From then on, she gave Mania a boxof her specially-made cookies with a note that read, “To Maria—my good friend!”Onecold November morning when Maria left for school, she didn’t see Mrs.Hernandez and Marisol. Mania didn’t know why. That afternoon her neighboragain failed to appear at the regular time. Maria became a little worried. Asshe walked by Mrs. Hernandez’s house, she looked at the house carefullyand saw nothing unusual. “Mrs. Hernandez just isn’t home today, Iguess,”she spoke to herself.Laterthat night, Maria told her parents and her brother Ramon about not seeing Mrs. Hernandez. She asked themif they knew where their neighbor had gone. While Maria was worried. Ramon thoughtthat nothing was wrong. Maria’smother also tried to make Maria feel better.“She probably went to see a doctor. Or maybe she he’s in anothercity visiting her daughter. “Still, Maria was not satisfied. She asked herparents if perhaps she should knock on Mrs. Hernandez’s door.Mania’s father was notworried either. He thought that they shouldn’t bother Mrs. Hernandez. “Maria, honey,I’mcertain she’sjust fine. We needn’tspend time worrying about her.”Thenext morning, Maria still didn’t see Mrs. Hernandez. Maria became evenmore worried.Instead of waiting for the school bus, she rushed back home. Maria’s mother waswashing the breakfast dishes. “I didn’t see Mrs. Hernandezagain this morning, and now I’m terribly worried about her,” Maria said.She didn’ttalk about going away, so I want to check on her before going to school. I hopeyou’llcome with me.”注意:1.写词数应为150左右;2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。Mania’s mother agreedto go with her worried daughter to their neighbor’s house.Then,Maria and her mother waited there anxiously.参考答案(借用参考范文,原创容明天公布)Paragraph 1:Maria’s mother agreed to gowith her worried daughter to their neighbor’s house. As theyapproached Mrs. Hernandez’s house, Maria felt uneasy. She rang thedoorbell several times. Maria’s motherrepeatedly called out to Mrs. Hernandez. Inside, Marisol began to bark. Nowextremely fearful, Maria pushed aside the bushes by the front window and peeredinside. The first thing she saw was Marisol, jumping excitedly and barkingdesperately. Then she saw Mrs. Hernandez’s motionlessbody sprawled on the floor. Maria felt helpless. “Mom,” she screamed, “gethelp!” Maria’s mother rushed to a neighbor’s house and telephoned the hospital.Paragraph 2:Then,Maria and her mother waited there anxiously. Momentslater, some doctors arrived in an ambulance. Theydiscovered that Mrs. Hernandez had slipped and broken her hip, and they tookher to hospital at once. That afternoon, Maria and her mother dropped by thehospital. A nurse said Mania’s concern for her neighbor’s safety had saved Mrs. Hernandez’s life. Shesaid Mrs. Hernandez would recover completely. Since Mrs. Hernandez was asleep,Maria left her some cookies with a note that read: “To my good friend Mrs. Hernandez:Feel better, I’l1 look after Marisol, and I miss you —Maria.”

