摄影史笔记丨5.1 纪实的滥觞
摄影史笔记系列第五章 纪实的眼光第一节 纪实的滥觞一、多萝西亚·兰格(Dorothea Lange)对纪实摄影的认识:1.纪实摄影记录我们时代的社会场景。2.它映照现在,为将来保持文献。3.它的焦点是人与人的关系。4.纪实摄影能够通过全方位地记录人类一切活动来达到让人类理解自己与自己的社会与文化的目的。二、纪实摄影(摄影家以此作出个人的社会判断并展开与社会历史互动层面)1.时间:诞生于19世纪末,成长于20世纪上半叶的美国苏珊·桑塔格指出,对美国人来说,“拍摄照片不仅是为了表明什么东西值得尊崇,还在于揭示什么东西需要正视、令人痛惜,以及需要治理。”2.雅各布·里斯Jacob Riis身份:丹麦移民,1870年到美国;记者,为《纽约论坛报》采访警事新闻地位:最早运用摄影来展开现实改造运动的纪实摄影家。拍摄主题:贫民窟作品:1889年专题作品《另一半人是怎样生活的?》圣诞节18个版面发表于《斯库里布纳氏》杂志;1890年出版了同名单行本;作品《另一半人是怎样生活的?》的影响:1.这是第一本以照相铜板技术出版的图文书,开拓了摄影与文字结合扩大传播效果的新途径。2.他的照片引起了纽约市当局对于贫困问题的重视,为解决问题起到了积极的推动作用。3.里斯用自己的行动证明,纪实摄影可以是一种推动社会改良、唤起社会良知的重要手段。

How the Other Half Lives, Special Illustrated Edition

·Jacob Riis,A young girl, holding a baby, sits in a doorway next to a garbage can. Circa 1890.

·Jacob Riis,An Italian immigrant man smokes a pipe in his makeshift home under the Rivington Street Dump. Circa 1890.

·Jacob Riis,Men stand in an alley known as 'Bandit's Roost.' Circa 1887-1890.

·Jacob Riis,A boy and several men pause from their work inside a sweatshop. 1889.

·Jacob Riis,Two poor child laborers sleep inside the building belonging to the Sun newspaper, for which they worked as newsboys. 1892.3.刘易斯·海因Lweis Hine身份:美国社会学家拍摄主题、对象:童工(被资本主义残酷剥削的儿童)影响:以自己拍摄的照片作为一种社会学调查的证据,呼吁立法禁止雇佣童工。海因的影像打动人心,促使美国国会通过立法禁止雇佣童工。

·Lewis Wickes Hine,Little spinner in Globe Cotton Mill, Augusta, Georgia. Overseer said she was regularly employed. Location: Augusta, Georgia. January 1909.

·Lewis Wickes Hine,In addition to artificial flower making and garment work, women and children shelled nuts in their at-home workspaces, picking up the slack when the male breadwinner in the family was out of work.

·Lewis Wickes Hine,In the late 1800s, as many as 10,000 homeless boyslived in the streets of New York City, sleeping beneath the stairways of newspaper offices. Once they got their hands on the day's papers, they harassed pedestrians for money, still usually only making 30 cents per day.

·Lewis Wickes Hine,In the South, children worked shifts as oyster shuckers in canneries before and after attending school. Employees at the canneries usually worked 14-hour days, and lived in special camps set up to house the factory's entire work force.4.E·J·贝洛克E.J.Belloeq身份:美国的商业摄影师拍摄对象:1910年拍摄美国新奥尔良的妓女肖像拍摄目的:个人观看。一个男子对于异性影像占有的目的而拍摄。意义:看到了作为社会存在的“被侮辱与被损害者”的生存状态。

·E. J. Bellocq,in Storyville, c. 1912.

·E. J. Bellocq

·E. J. Bellocq

·E. J. Bellocq参考资料:1.顾铮.世界摄影史[M].杭州:浙江摄影出版社,2006.7:61-64.2.照片致谢艺术家。