雅思口语 Part3 difference 类型题考官范文分析
1 What are the differences in the music that young and old people listen to?
I suppose there are a handful of differences, one of which would be that young poeple, on the whole, mainly like listening to pop music, whereas the older generation tend to prefer listening to more traditional music, like folk music, Chinese opera,and even old revolutionary songs. So that's one difference,and I guess another would be that young people often listen to Western music as well as Chinese music, whereas in contrast, I think it's fair to say that most elderly people just tend to listen to Chinese music.
So that's one difference,and I guess another would be that
on the whole 整体来说
elderly people 老年人=old people
2 What are the differences between living in cities and living in the countryside?
Well to begin with, one difference would be that living in rural areas is generally a lot more relaxing than living in urban areas, basically because the pace of life is relatively slower and more laid-back. So that's one thing, and as well as this, I guess another difference would be that in the countryside, there are generally not as many things to do as there are living in cities.
the pace of life is relatively slower and more laid-back 生活的节奏更慢,更休闲
3 What are the differences between a city centre and the suburbs?
Well, firstly I think it's fair to say that the city centre tends to be the most built-up area of the city, and is where most of the main commercial buildings are situated, like shopping malls and office blocks, whereas the suburbs are generally much more residential, and everything's usually a lot more spread out. So this is one aspect, and I suppose another thing to mention would be the traffic, because in most cities, the downtown areas, on the whole, tend to get horrendously/hɔ'rendəsli/congested, whereas in the outskirts, the traffic's normally not too bad, which is why I guess more and more people nowadays prefer living a little bit further out from the city centre---at least this seems to be the case here in Hangzhou anyway.
高分表达:horrendously =very=terribly
built-up area 建筑物多的区域
in the outskirts 在郊区
连接词:So this is one aspect, and I suppose another thing to mention would be...