雅思口语 animal (带音频)
1 make a fuss [fʌs]over 过分关心,体贴,对...小题大做
People always make a fuss over their pets. 人们常常过分关心他们的宠物。
2 domesticated [də'mestɪkeɪtɪd]animal 驯养的动物
Much like our domesticated pets, these felines ['fiːlaɪn] prefer a well-shoveled ['ʃʌv(ə)l]walkway. 与我们的家养宠物很相像,这些猫科动物也比较喜欢铲平了的道路。

3 mammal ['mæm(ə)l]哺乳动物
Elephants have a longer pregnancy than any other mammal—almost 22 months. 象比其他哺乳动物的妊娠期更长——将近22个月。
There are 90 species of bats in Australia, making up one-quarter of all mammal species. 澳大利亚的蝙蝠有90种,占所有哺乳动物种类的四分之一。
4 reptile ['reptaɪl]爬行动物
This small reptile, which measures just 10 centimeters long, can swim through the sand dunes [djuːn] at up to 15 centimeters per second. 这种身长只有10厘米小型爬行动物,可以在沙子中以最快每秒15厘米的速度游动。
5 patter ['pætə] about in the bushes 在矮树丛里急促而又轻轻地跑
I'm sure I can hear a small animal pattering about in the bushes. 我敢肯定我能听到矮树丛里有只小动物在轻轻地跑来跑去。