平常大家要养成习惯积累一些替代词哦,这样你就不会常常说be good at, many 等简单词了。
1 have a knack for 有诀窍 (替代be good at)
He had a knack for spotting things other people didn't.
他在搜寻飞行目标方面有着过人的技巧。(have a knack for )
Some people seem to have a knack for learning a language.
Some bats seem to have a knack for finding unusual places to sleep.

2 a kaleidoscope of=many=a series of=a range of 很多,各种各样的
People are quite into a kaleidoscope of colours. Some people enjoy earth tones like brown and tan, whereas others are fond of light shades like crimson and mauve. 人们喜欢各种各样的颜色。有些人喜欢大地色系,像是棕色和棕褐色;但有些人喜欢浅色,像是深红色和淡紫色。

3 spring chicken 年轻人,童子鸡(用于否定)
At 85, he is no spring chicken, but he is busier than ever. 85岁的他已不再年轻,但他比以往都要忙碌。
Mrs. Gray may not be a granny, but she’s certainly no spring chicken. 格雷夫人也许还不算老太太,但是她的年纪肯定不小啦。
Even though John is no spring chicken, he still plays tennies twice a week. 虽然约翰不再年轻,但仍然每周打两次网球。
You look like a spring chicken. 你看起来真年轻。
Grandma can't run and play the ball the way she used to . She's no spring chicken. 奶奶不能像以前那样跑步和打球了。她老了。
4 keep your nose to the grindstone 埋头苦干,很努力=work hard
If you want to pass the exam with flying colours, you have to keep your nose to the grindstone. 如果你想高分通过考试,就得埋头苦干。

5 at the bare minimum =at least 至少
Doctors recommend 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise three times a week at the bare minimum. 医生建议每周至少进行三次最少30分钟的心血管锻炼。