
3分钟学雅思· 第5季 ·第46期
新一轮的换题季出了这样一道describe a good law in your country,看到这个话题你是不是会想到了我们国家的司法考试呢?它考察的内容很庞杂,涉及科目很多,巨大的知识量足以让刚接触它的考生们心生畏惧本期的三分钟学雅思,就让我们一起结合这道最新的雅思口语话题:“Describe a good law in your country.”来一起学习如何描述我们
∨《3分钟学雅思》第五季 第46期 点击观看

Describe a good law in your country.
You should say:
What it is
How you knew it
Who it affects
And why you think it is good.
Well, I’m no pro about this, but I read it on a micro-blog the other day that China has banned foreign waste from 2 years ago, for like plastic, paper and textile. Many developed countries now need to find other places for their waste to go and the recycling rate has decreased as well. China used to own lots of recycling companies to dispose that waste and make it profitable. But a lot of the plastic we received in recent years was poor quality, and it became difficult to turn to profit, and it will cost more to clean up the environment. China is also producing more plastic waste domestically, so we don’t have to rely on other nations for it. It is a contradiction between economic growth and the environment .
Chinese president Xi Jinping recently announced his goals for China to become a leader in pursuing “ecological civilization”. As china continues to modernize its industrial processes and combat its vast environmental problems, and more stringent regulation of polluters.

1. textile n. 纺织品,织物
2. dispose v. 处理,处置
3. contradiction n. 矛盾
4. modernize 使现代化
5. stringent regulation严格管制